Day 26-富士山下的“自杀森林”里,他用摇滚乐治愈人心
标题:Gatekeeper at Japan's 'Suicide Forest' hopes music can save lives
gatekeeper 守门人
Kyochi blasts John Lennon's "Imagine" into the night---hoping that music can lift people from their despair before it's too late.
blast 爆炸
造句:The blast of a truck horn is like an explosion of sound.
lift sb. from sth lift sb. from poverty使某人脱离贫困
造句:Success in the big city may lift an entire family from poverty.
The 60-year-old musician has been waging an eight-year battle to banish the vast forest's morbid reputation by reaching out to those who come to end their lives.
wage a battle 发动一场战争
banish 驱逐,驱散 banish thoughts / memories / fear
morbid 病态的,对死亡着迷的
reach out to sb 向某人伸出援手
The forest made global headlines last year when ...
make global headlines 成为国际头条
The footage sparked outrage and infuriated Watanabe, who was born nearby and has spent most of his life in and around the forest.
infuriate v. 激怒
He believes music is a way to reach people engulfed in inner turmoil
engulf v. 吞没;使陷入
turmoil (情绪的)迷乱,纷乱
social turmoil 社会动荡 emotional turmoil 情感波澜
It is a foreboding place, thickly planted with tall trees that block out the sun, and carpeted with moss and gnarled roots.
foreboding 预示不详的,有不详预感的
block out 挡住,遮蔽
carpet 布满,覆盖
gnarled 扭曲的
The association eventually became strong enough that suicidal people began travelling to the forest to die.
association 连接,联系 = connection
suicidal 有自杀倾向的
Watanabe knows he faces an uphill struggle, but says he is committed to his campaign.
uphill struggle 艰苦的斗争
be committed to sth 全力投入
campaign (有计划的)行动