

2021-04-27  本文已影响0人  克里克的钟




用来自5个受感染个体(F1-11, F1-12, S2, S3, S4)和100个健康个体的LRS数据,测定了全血DNA中GIPC1中扩展GGC重复区甲基化状态;甲基化在opdm患者和对照组之间没有显著差异。【@Deng.2020】





Ref:Diez-Villanueva A, Mallona I, Peinado MA. Wanderer, an interactive viewer to explore DNA methylation and gene expression data in human cancer. Epigenet Chromatin (2015) 8:22. doi: 10.1186/s13072-015-0014-8



Figure 3. Differential DNA methylation uniquely associated to SLE or to pSS. (A) Box plots showing DNA methylation levels at unique DMCs in SLE compared to controls at FADD and HIF3A.



Ref: Shared and Unique Patterns of DNA Methylation in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and Primary Sjögren's Syndrome . Frontiers in Immunology, 2019.





Fig. 3 Detailed DNA methylation map of the CHRNE gene. a (i) Boxplot and dot-plot of DNA methylation for individual neonatal control and ART samples at the two probes within the CHRNE gene that showed a significant difference between groups (adjusted p-value <0.05 (Bayesian levene’s test)). n =207 biologically independent birth samples, n =233 biologically independent adult samples. (ii) Boxplot and dot-plot of the same two probes in individual adult control and ART samples. The change is no longer significant in adult samples after correction for multiple testing, but the direction of methylation change persists. Boxplot elements are: center line-median; box limits-upper (Q3) and lower (Q1) quartiles; whiskers–smallest and largest non-outlier; points-outliers. b. Map of the CHRNE gene in hg19, showing EPIC probe locations. c Mean DNA methylation level at CHRNE for neonatal and adult non-ART and ART groups. Error bars are 95% confidence intervals. DMR1 is split into two: DMR1a that shows both ART and age specific DNA methylation differences and DMR1b that only shows ART-specific DNA methylation change. In addition, an age-specific DMR (DMR2) and a DMP are highlighted

方法:MissMethyl and minfi packages;文章里面还有讲到DMR和DMP的分析。

Ref:NOVAKOVIC B, LEWIS S, HALLIDAY J, et al. Assisted reproductive technologies are associated with limited epigenetic variation at birth that largely resolves by adulthood[J]. Nature communications, 2019, 10(1):3922. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-019-11929-9.



Matched methylation and gene expression data from The Cancer Genome Atlas were plotted to illustrate the correlation for selected cancer testis antigens (CTAs): (A) MAGEA1, (B) PAGE2, (C) CT83, and (D) SMC1B. The x axes give the β value of the region of the CTA 200 bp upstream of the transcription start site (TSS200) as a degree of methylation. The y axes give the gene expression as log2 transformed 1+ reads per kilobase of transcript per million mapped reads values of RNAseq.

Ref: [1] DJUREINOVIC D, HALLSTRöM B M, HORIE M, et al. Profiling cancer testis antigens in non-small-cell lung cancer[J]. JCI Insight, 2016, 1(10):e86837. DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.86837.


Graphical representation of correlation of DNA methylation and gene expression of DMP-DEG pairs.

Graphical representation of correlation of DNA methylation and gene expression of DMP-DEG pairs. Red and blue dots represent SSc and HD individuals, respectively.


Ref:[1] LI T, ORTIZ-FERNáNDEZ L, ANDRéS-LEóN E, et al. Epigenomics and transcriptomics of systemic sclerosis CD4+ T cells reveal long-range dysregulation of key inflammatory pathways mediated by disease-associated susceptibility loci[J]. Genome medicine, 2020, 12(1):81. DOI: 10.1186/s13073-020-00779-6.


Figure 2. Negative correlation of *USP44* gene expression and DNA methylation across 12 cancer types.
Figure 2. Negative correlation of USP44 gene expression and DNA methylation across 12 cancer types.
X-axis from 0 to 1 represents the beta value of the USP44 CpG sites in each cancer type. Y-axis from 0 to 8 represents the USP44 gene expression value (log2(RSEM+1)) across 12 cancer types.


Ref:Wang XX, Xiao FH, Li QG, Liu J, He YH, Kong QP. Large-scale DNA methylation expression analysis across 12 solid cancers reveals hypermethylation in the calcium-signaling pathway. Oncotarget. 2017 Feb 14;8(7):11868-11876. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.14417


