Opportunities are everywhere

2022-08-09  本文已影响0人  robertzhai

So there's no reason for living in the 20th century, waiting for somebody to tell you what to learn, when to take your exams, what to do, and where to live! It's up to you. Opportunities to change your life are everywhere.

Let's finish with an old joke:

Once upon a time, there was a terrible flood. Everybody was trying to escape, except for a pious old man who stayed at home and prayed.

People in a truck driving by shouted to him,

"Jump in, save yourself!"

"I've been praying and keeping God's commandments all my life. God will save me," said the stranded man.

When the water went up to his windows, a rowboat came by. Same offer, same response.

Then the water reached the roof. The man kept praying on the rooftop.

A helicopter came by. Again, same offer, same answer. Finally, the man drowned and went to Heaven, where he reproached God:

"I've prayed and been good all my life. Why did You let me drown?"

"I sent you a truck, a rowboat, and a helicopter. What more did you expect?"

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