在Xcode Server中使用fastlane和CocoaPo

2019-07-07  本文已影响0人  Jagtu

创建Xcode Bots的时候我们就知道了,可以添加prebuild scripts 和 postbuild scripts 两个脚本。

实际上,我们首先需要了解到一点,Xcode Server在运行的使用是使用了一个独立的用户来运行程序的,这个用户就是_xcsbuildd。


CocoaPods is a great dependency manager for Xcode projects. It allows you to integrate other people’s (or your own) code in your project easily.

  1. create a Podfile in your project,Then we just need to actually have CocoaPods install the dependencies and start using the workspace instead of the project.
  2. create Bot and see if it can rebuild our project with the new shiny Pod in it!

2、Prebuild script: run CocoaPods

现在编辑Bot,选择添加一个prebuild Script trigger

cd [Project1Name] pod install


...: line 3: pod: command not found

这是因为build是使用的用户_xcsbuildd找不到CocoaPods,你应该是安装在了/usr/local/bin (which is not included in the build user’s PATH variable)


1)指定工具的完整路径:/usr/local/bin/pod install

2)通过在脚本开头添加行export path=“/usr/local/bin:$path”,手动添加额外的搜索路径。


sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/pod /usr/bin/pod


I’ve heard that the symbolic link solution doesn’t seem to work with El Cap anymore


以“xcsbuild”用户身份登录,才可以配置Private CocoaPod所对应的使用仓库的SSH Keys,从而使pod install 能够成功。避免出现以下类似的错误

Cloning into 'XXXPodspecRepository'... Host key verification failed. fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.


$ sudo su - _xcsbuildd su: /bin/false: No such file or directory


$ sudo dscl localhost -change /Local/Default/Users/_xcsbuildd UserShell /bin/false /bin/bash

“Hey directory service, on this computer, please change the shell of the user _xcsbuildd from /bin/false to /bin/bash.”

sudo su - _xcsbuildd honza-dvorskys-mbpr-14:~ _xcsbuildd whoami _xcsbuildd pwd ~ /var/_xcsbuildd

完美. 我们现在登录了 _xcsbuildd 确定在主目录是 /var/_xcsbuildd!

Adding SSH keys


sudo -s mkdir /var/_xcsbuildd/.ssh cp /Users/honzadvorsky/.ssh/id_rsa /var/_xcsbuildd/.ssh/ cp /Users/honzadvorsky/.ssh/id_rsa.pub /var/_xcsbuildd/.ssh/ cp /Users/honzadvorsky/.ssh/known_hosts /var/_xcsbuildd/.ssh/ chown _xcsbuildd:_xcs /var/_xcsbuildd/.ssh/id_rsa chown _xcsbuildd:_xcs /var/_xcsbuildd/.ssh/id_rsa.pub chown _xcsbuildd:_xcs /var/_xcsbuildd/.ssh/known_hosts $ exit

要么创建新的SSH Keys

whoami # make sure we're _xcsbuildd cd ~/.ssh #make sure .ssh exist. mkdir .ssh # or create .ssh ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "your@email.com" ... Your identification has been saved in /var/_xcsbuildd/.ssh/id_rsa. Your public key has been saved in /var/_xcsbuildd/.ssh/id_rsa.pub. ... $ exit # switch back to your user ... sudo cat /var/_xcsbuildd/.ssh/id_rsa.pub | pbcopy #pbcopy is another preinstalled tool, which pipes its input into the clipboard. Super handy! ... Now we just need to add our new public key to e.g. GitHub in Settings -> SSK keys -> Add SSH key. ...


Confirming known_hosts


Cloning spec repo xxxFromework from git@github.com:xxxx/XXX.git [!] Unable to add a source with url git@github.com:xxxx/XXX.git named xxx.


sudo su - _xcsbuildd ssh -T git@github.com # substitute with your podspec git repo's server The authenticity of host 'github.com (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is 16:27:ac:a5:76:28:2d:36:63:1b:56:4d:eb:df:a6:48. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes Warning: Permanently added 'github.com,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. Hi xxx! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access. #Cool! Let’s run it again just to confirm… ssh -T git@github.com Hi czechboy0! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.


Postbuild script: run fastlane

FastLane是一个运行各种操作的强大工具,您可以向您的fastfile添加任何您想要的操作!(比如上传到crashlytics beta/hockeyapp/testfirght等)

假设您已经安装了fastlane,同样,如果您使用的是非系统Ruby,那么首先需要解决 command not found 的问题,更pod是医一样的。


cd [YourProjectName] fastlane postbuild


Environment variables in scripts

查看Xcode server提供的一些环境变量 Xcode Server Environment Variable Reference

你也可以在脚本中使用 set 来输出。

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