
AudioToolbox框架详细解析 (一) —— 基本概览

2017-12-25  本文已影响436人  刀客传奇


版本号 时间
V1.0 2017.12.25






AudioToolbox框架提供录制,回放和流解析的接口。 在iOS中,框架为管理音频会话提供了额外的接口。




    @file       AudioToolbox.h
    @framework  AudioToolbox.framework
    @copyright  (c) 2002-2015 by Apple, Inc., all rights reserved.
    @abstract   Umbrella header for AudioToolbox framework.

#ifndef AudioToolbox_AudioToolbox_h
#define AudioToolbox_AudioToolbox_h


#include <Availability.h>
#include <TargetConditionals.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AUComponent.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AUGraph.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AudioComponent.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AudioConverter.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AudioFile.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AudioFileStream.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AudioFormat.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AudioOutputUnit.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AudioQueue.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AudioServices.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AudioUnitParameters.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/AudioUnitProperties.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/CAFFile.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/ExtendedAudioFile.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/MusicDevice.h>
    #include <AudioToolbox/MusicPlayer.h>

        // OS X only
        #include <AudioToolbox/AudioCodec.h>
        #include <AudioToolbox/AudioFileComponent.h>
        #include <AudioToolbox/AudioUnitUtilities.h>
        #include <AudioToolbox/AUMIDIController.h>
        #include <AudioToolbox/CoreAudioClock.h>

    #ifdef __OBJC2__
        // iOS (all architectures), OS X 64-bit only
        #import <AudioToolbox/AUAudioUnit.h>
        #import <AudioToolbox/AUAudioUnitImplementation.h>
        #import <AudioToolbox/AUParameters.h>

    #include <AUComponent.h>
    #include <AUGraph.h>
    #include <AudioComponent.h>
    #include <AudioConverter.h>
    #include <AudioFile.h>
    #include <AudioFileComponent.h>
    #include <AudioFileStream.h>
    #include <AudioFormat.h>
    #include <AudioOutputUnit.h>
    #include <AudioQueue.h>
    #include <AudioServices.h>
    #include <AudioUnitParameters.h>
    #include <AudioUnitProperties.h>
    #include <CAFFile.h>
    #include <ExtendedAudioFile.h>
    #include <MusicDevice.h>
    #include <MusicPlayer.h>

    #include <AudioCodec.h>
    #include <AudioUnitUtilities.h>
    #include <AUMIDIController.h>
    #include <CoreAudioClock.h>

/*! @mainpage

    @section section_intro          Introduction

    The AudioUnit framework contains a set of related API's dealing with:
    - Audio components, providing various types of plug-in functionality.
    - Audio Units, audio processing plug-ins.
    - Audio codecs, plug-ins which decode and encode compressed audio.
    @section section_component      Audio Components
    See AudioComponent.h for API's to find and use audio components, as well as information
    on how audio components are packaged and built.
    In addition, `<AVFoundation/AVAudioUnitComponent.h>` provides a higher-level interface for
    finding audio unit components.
    See @ref AUExtensionPackaging and AUAudioUnitImplementation.h for information on creating
    version 3 audio units.
    @section section_audiounit      Audio Units

#include <stdio.h>


#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C"

// prints out the internal state of an object to stdio
extern void CAShow (void* inObject) 

// prints out the internal state of an object to the supplied FILE
extern void CAShowFile (void* inObject, FILE* inFile) 
// this will return the name of a sound bank from a sound bank file
// the name should be released by the caller
struct FSRef;
extern OSStatus GetNameFromSoundBank (const struct FSRef *inSoundBankRef, CFStringRef __nullable * __nonnull outName)
                                            __OSX_AVAILABLE_BUT_DEPRECATED(__MAC_10_2,__MAC_10_5, __IPHONE_NA, __IPHONE_NA);

    @function       CopyNameFromSoundBank
    @discussion     This will return the name of a sound bank from a DLS or SF2 bank.
                    The name should be released by the caller.

    @param          inURL
                        The URL for the sound bank.
    @param          outName
                        A pointer to a CFStringRef to be created and returned by the function.
    @result         returns noErr if successful.

extern OSStatus
CopyNameFromSoundBank (CFURLRef inURL, CFStringRef __nullable * __nonnull outName)

    @function       CopyInstrumentInfoFromSoundBank
    @discussion     This will return a CFArray of CFDictionaries, one per instrument found in the DLS or SF2 bank.
                    Each dictionary will contain four items accessed via CFStringRef versions of the keys kInstrumentInfoKey_MSB,
                    kInstrumentInfoKey_LSB, kInstrumentInfoKey_Program, and kInstrumentInfoKey_Name.
                        MSB: An NSNumberRef for the most-significant byte of the bank number.  GM melodic banks will return 120 (0x78).
                             GM percussion banks will return 121 (0x79).  Custom banks will return their literal value.
                        LSB: An NSNumberRef for the least-significant byte of the bank number.  All GM banks will return
                             the bank variation number (0-127).
                        Program Number: An NSNumberRef for the program number (0-127) of an instrument within a particular bank.
                        Name: A CFStringRef containing the name of the instrument.
                    Using these MSB, LSB, and Program values will guarantee that the correct instrument is loaded by the DLS synth
                    or Sampler Audio Unit.
                    The CFArray should be released by the caller.

    @param          inURL
                        The URL for the sound bank.
    @param          outInstrumentInfo
                        A pointer to a CFArrayRef to be created and returned by the function.
    @result         returns noErr if successful.

extern OSStatus CopyInstrumentInfoFromSoundBank (CFURLRef inURL, CFArrayRef __nullable * __nonnull outInstrumentInfo)
#define kInstrumentInfoKey_Name     "name"
#define kInstrumentInfoKey_MSB      "MSB"
#define kInstrumentInfoKey_LSB      "LSB"
#define kInstrumentInfoKey_Program  "program"

#if defined(__cplusplus)


#endif // AudioToolbox_AudioToolbox_h



1. Classes

2. Protocols

3. Reference



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