

2020-01-19  本文已影响0人  David_zhou

在应用中使用和加载资源都是通过context对象的getResource方法,下面先以android 10的代码简单分析下资源加载的流程。

 static ContextImpl createAppContext(ActivityThread mainThread, LoadedApk packageInfo) {
        return createAppContext(mainThread, packageInfo, null);

  static ContextImpl createAppContext(ActivityThread mainThread, LoadedApk packageInfo,
        String opPackageName) {
    if (packageInfo == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("packageInfo");
    ContextImpl context = new ContextImpl(null, mainThread, packageInfo, null, null, null, 0,
            null, opPackageName);
    return context;


public Resources getResources() {
        if (mResources == null) {
            final String[] splitPaths;
            try {
                splitPaths = getSplitPaths(null);
            } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
                // This should never fail.
                throw new AssertionError("null split not found");

            mResources = ResourcesManager.getInstance().getResources(null, mResDir,
                    splitPaths, mOverlayDirs, mApplicationInfo.sharedLibraryFiles,
                    Display.DEFAULT_DISPLAY, null, getCompatibilityInfo(),
        return mResources;


public @Nullable Resources getResources(@Nullable IBinder activityToken,
            @Nullable String resDir,
            @Nullable String[] splitResDirs,
            @Nullable String[] overlayDirs,
            @Nullable String[] libDirs,
            int displayId,
            @Nullable Configuration overrideConfig,
            @NonNull CompatibilityInfo compatInfo,
            @Nullable ClassLoader classLoader) {
        try {
            Trace.traceBegin(Trace.TRACE_TAG_RESOURCES, "ResourcesManager#getResources");
            final ResourcesKey key = new ResourcesKey(
                    overrideConfig != null ? new Configuration(overrideConfig) : null, // Copy
            classLoader = classLoader != null ? classLoader : ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
            return getOrCreateResources(activityToken, key, classLoader);
        } finally {

为了确保每个apk的资源访问对应一个Resource对象,这里通过ResourcesKey来绑定唯一标志。而ResourcesKey则通过apk的路径,设备的配置和兼容信息等构造出来的。有个参数名字是spiltResDirs,结合google之前推出spilt apk。可以猜测一个spilt apk都有自己独立的资源。最终的资源是通过getOrCreateResources返回。这里应该就是资源的创建地方了吧,代码如下:

  private @Nullable Resources getOrCreateResources(@Nullable IBinder activityToken,
            @NonNull ResourcesKey key, @NonNull ClassLoader classLoader) {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (DEBUG) {
                Throwable here = new Throwable();
                Slog.w(TAG, "!! Get resources for activity=" + activityToken + " key=" + key, here);

            if (activityToken != null) {
                final ActivityResources activityResources =

                // Clean up any dead references so they don't pile up.

                // Rebase the key's override config on top of the Activity's base override.
                if (key.hasOverrideConfiguration()
                        && !activityResources.overrideConfig.equals(Configuration.EMPTY)) {
                    final Configuration temp = new Configuration(activityResources.overrideConfig);

                ResourcesImpl resourcesImpl = findResourcesImplForKeyLocked(key);
                if (resourcesImpl != null) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        Slog.d(TAG, "- using existing impl=" + resourcesImpl);
                    return getOrCreateResourcesForActivityLocked(activityToken, classLoader,
                            resourcesImpl, key.mCompatInfo);

                // We will create the ResourcesImpl object outside of holding this lock.

            } else {
                // Clean up any dead references so they don't pile up.
                ArrayUtils.unstableRemoveIf(mResourceReferences, sEmptyReferencePredicate);

                // Not tied to an Activity, find a shared Resources that has the right ResourcesImpl
                ResourcesImpl resourcesImpl = findResourcesImplForKeyLocked(key);
                if (resourcesImpl != null) {
                    if (DEBUG) {
                        Slog.d(TAG, "- using existing impl=" + resourcesImpl);
                    return getOrCreateResourcesLocked(classLoader, resourcesImpl, key.mCompatInfo);

                // We will create the ResourcesImpl object outside of holding this lock.

            // If we're here, we didn't find a suitable ResourcesImpl to use, so create one now.
            ResourcesImpl resourcesImpl = createResourcesImpl(key);
            if (resourcesImpl == null) {
                return null;

            // Add this ResourcesImpl to the cache.
            mResourceImpls.put(key, new WeakReference<>(resourcesImpl));

            final Resources resources;
            if (activityToken != null) {
                resources = getOrCreateResourcesForActivityLocked(activityToken, classLoader,
                        resourcesImpl, key.mCompatInfo);
            } else {
                resources = getOrCreateResourcesLocked(classLoader, resourcesImpl, key.mCompatInfo);
            return resources;


private @Nullable ResourcesImpl createResourcesImpl(@NonNull ResourcesKey key) {
        final DisplayAdjustments daj = new DisplayAdjustments(key.mOverrideConfiguration);
        final AssetManager assets = createAssetManager(key);
        if (assets == null) {
            return null;
        final DisplayMetrics dm = getDisplayMetrics(key.mDisplayId, daj);
        final Configuration config = generateConfig(key, dm);
        final ResourcesImpl impl = new ResourcesImpl(assets, dm, config, daj);
        return impl;


 protected @Nullable AssetManager createAssetManager(@NonNull final ResourcesKey key) {
        final AssetManager.Builder builder = new AssetManager.Builder();
        // resDir can be null if the 'android' package is creating a new Resources object.
        // This is fine, since each AssetManager automatically loads the 'android' package
        // already.
        if (key.mResDir != null) {
            try {
                builder.addApkAssets(loadApkAssets(key.mResDir, false /*sharedLib*/,
                        false /*overlay*/));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Log.e(TAG, "failed to add asset path " + key.mResDir);
                return null;
        // 省略部分代码
        return builder.build();


private @NonNull ApkAssets loadApkAssets(String path, boolean sharedLib, boolean overlay)
            throws IOException {
        final ApkKey newKey = new ApkKey(path, sharedLib, overlay);
        ApkAssets apkAssets = null;
        if (mLoadedApkAssets != null) {
            apkAssets = mLoadedApkAssets.get(newKey);
            if (apkAssets != null) {
                return apkAssets;

        // Optimistically check if this ApkAssets exists somewhere else.
        final WeakReference<ApkAssets> apkAssetsRef = mCachedApkAssets.get(newKey);
        if (apkAssetsRef != null) {
            apkAssets = apkAssetsRef.get();
            if (apkAssets != null) {
                if (mLoadedApkAssets != null) {
                    mLoadedApkAssets.put(newKey, apkAssets);
                return apkAssets;
            } else {
                // Clean up the reference.

        // We must load this from disk.
        if (overlay) {
            apkAssets = ApkAssets.loadOverlayFromPath(overlayPathToIdmapPath(path),
                    false /*system*/);
        } else {
            apkAssets = ApkAssets.loadFromPath(path, false /*system*/, sharedLib);

        if (mLoadedApkAssets != null) {
            mLoadedApkAssets.put(newKey, apkAssets);

        mCachedApkAssets.put(newKey, new WeakReference<>(apkAssets));
        return apkAssets;


public static @NonNull ApkAssets loadFromPath(@NonNull String path) throws IOException {
        return new ApkAssets(path, false /*system*/, false /*forceSharedLib*/, false /*overlay*/);


public AssetManager build() {
            // Retrieving the system ApkAssets forces their creation as well.
            // 获取系统的ApkAsset。
            final ApkAssets[] systemApkAssets = getSystem().getApkAssets();

            final int totalApkAssetCount = systemApkAssets.length + mUserApkAssets.size();
            final ApkAssets[] apkAssets = new ApkAssets[totalApkAssetCount];
            System.arraycopy(systemApkAssets, 0, apkAssets, 0, systemApkAssets.length);
            final int userApkAssetCount = mUserApkAssets.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < userApkAssetCount; i++) {
                apkAssets[i + systemApkAssets.length] = mUserApkAssets.get(i);

            // Calling this constructor prevents creation of system ApkAssets, which we took care
            // of in this Builder.
            final AssetManager assetManager = new AssetManager(false /*sentinel*/);
            assetManager.mApkAssets = apkAssets;
            AssetManager.nativeSetApkAssets(assetManager.mObject, apkAssets,
                    false /*invalidateCaches*/);
            return assetManager;


private AssetManager(boolean sentinel) {
        mObject = nativeCreate();
        if (DEBUG_REFS) {
            mNumRefs = 0;

nativeCreate是一个native方法,这里先跳过。通过build方法我们得到一个持有系统asset和应用asset的AssetManager对象,接下来我们往上回溯。 我们回到调用createAssetManager的地方createResourcesImpl方法中,新创建返回的AssetManager对象和DisplayMetrics,以及Configuration对象一起作为创建ResourcesImpl的参数。createResourcesImpl得到一个创建的ResourcesImpl对象。在getOrCreateResources方法中,将创建的ResourcesImpl对象作为参数传入到getOrCreateResourcesLocked方法中,代码如下:

private @NonNull Resources getOrCreateResourcesLocked(@NonNull ClassLoader classLoader,
            @NonNull ResourcesImpl impl, @NonNull CompatibilityInfo compatInfo) {
        // Find an existing Resources that has this ResourcesImpl set.
        final int refCount = mResourceReferences.size();
        for (int i = 0; i < refCount; i++) {
            WeakReference<Resources> weakResourceRef = mResourceReferences.get(i);
            Resources resources = weakResourceRef.get();
            if (resources != null &&
                    Objects.equals(resources.getClassLoader(), classLoader) &&
                    resources.getImpl() == impl) {
                return resources;

        // Create a new Resources reference and use the existing ResourcesImpl object.
        Resources resources = compatInfo.needsCompatResources() ? new CompatResources(classLoader)
                : new Resources(classLoader);
        mResourceReferences.add(new WeakReference<>(resources));
        return resources;


  1. 了解了资源加载的流程后,结合要做资源更新的需求,我们可以整理下资源替换的步骤。

  2. 反射拿到ActivityThread对象持有的LoadedApk对象

  3. 遍历容器中的LoadedApk对象,反射替换mResDir属性为补丁包的物理路径。

  4. 创建新的AssetManager,并根据补丁路径反射调用addAssetPath将补丁加载新的AssetManager对象中。

  5. 反射获得ResourcesManager 持有的Resource容器对象

  6. 遍历容器找那个的Resources对象,替换属性为新的AssetManager,并且根据原属性重新更新Resource对象的配置。

    为什么要这么做,完全想不出来,这个流程来自Android 热修复方案Tinker(四) 资源补丁加载。作者是真的厉害,tinker团队也是。




 public static boolean checkComplete(Context context, String directory, ShareSecurityCheck securityCheck, Intent intentResult) {
        // RESOURCE_META_FILE文件名是assets/res_meta.txt
        String meta = securityCheck.getMetaContentMap().get(RESOURCE_META_FILE);
        //not found resource
        // 如果没有资源更新,就不会存在assets/res_meta.txt,这个方法直接返回。
        if (meta == null) {
            return true;
        //only parse first line for faster
        ShareResPatchInfo.parseResPatchInfoFirstLine(meta, resPatchInfo);

        if (resPatchInfo.resArscMd5 == null) {
            return true;
        if (!ShareResPatchInfo.checkResPatchInfo(resPatchInfo)) {
            ShareIntentUtil.setIntentReturnCode(intentResult, ShareConstants.ERROR_LOAD_PATCH_PACKAGE_CHECK_FAIL);
            return false;
        String resourcePath = directory + "/" + RESOURCE_PATH + "/";

        File resourceDir = new File(resourcePath);

        if (!resourceDir.exists() || !resourceDir.isDirectory()) {
            ShareIntentUtil.setIntentReturnCode(intentResult, ShareConstants.ERROR_LOAD_PATCH_VERSION_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_NOT_EXIST);
            return false;

        File resourceFile = new File(resourcePath + RESOURCE_FILE);
        if (!SharePatchFileUtil.isLegalFile(resourceFile)) {
            ShareIntentUtil.setIntentReturnCode(intentResult, ShareConstants.ERROR_LOAD_PATCH_VERSION_RESOURCE_FILE_NOT_EXIST);
            return false;
        try {
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "resource hook check failed.", e);
            intentResult.putExtra(ShareIntentUtil.INTENT_PATCH_EXCEPTION, e);
            ShareIntentUtil.setIntentReturnCode(intentResult, ShareConstants.ERROR_LOAD_PATCH_VERSION_RESOURCE_LOAD_EXCEPTION);
            return false;
        return true;


public static void isResourceCanPatch(Context context) throws Throwable {
        //   - Replace mResDir to point to the external resource file instead of the .apk. This is
        //     used as the asset path for new Resources objects.
        //   - Set Application#mLoadedApk to the found LoadedApk instance

        // Find the ActivityThread instance for the current thread
        // 获取ActivityThread对象
        Class<?> activityThread = Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread");
        currentActivityThread = ShareReflectUtil.getActivityThread(context, activityThread);

        // API version 8 has PackageInfo, 10 has LoadedApk. 9, I don't know.
        Class<?> loadedApkClass;
        try {
            // 获取LoadedApk对象
            loadedApkClass = Class.forName("android.app.LoadedApk");
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            loadedApkClass = Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread$PackageInfo");
        // 根据上文环境拿到ActivityThread和LoadedApk中修复资源相关的三个属性.并且将mResDir,mPackages和           mResourcePackages三个属性设置可访问,并存起来供加载补丁时使用.
        resDir = findField(loadedApkClass, "mResDir");
        packagesFiled = findField(activityThread, "mPackages");
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 27) {
            resourcePackagesFiled = findField(activityThread, "mResourcePackages");

        // Create a new AssetManager instance and point it to the resources
        final AssetManager assets = context.getAssets();
        // 拿到关键方法
        addAssetPathMethod = findMethod(assets, "addAssetPath", String.class);
        // Kitkat needs this method call, Lollipop doesn't. However, it doesn't seem to cause any harm
        // in L, so we do it unconditionally.
        try {
            stringBlocksField = findField(assets, "mStringBlocks");
            ensureStringBlocksMethod = findMethod(assets, "ensureStringBlocks");
        } catch (Throwable ignored) {
            // Ignored.

        // Use class fetched from instance to avoid some ROMs that use customized AssetManager
        // class. (e.g. Baidu OS)
        newAssetManager = (AssetManager) findConstructor(assets).newInstance();

        // Iterate over all known Resources objects
        // 先将调用单例类ResourcesManager的getInstance方法,拿到ResourcesManager对象
        if (SDK_INT >= KITKAT) {
            // Find the singleton instance of ResourcesManager
            final Class<?> resourcesManagerClass = Class.forName("android.app.ResourcesManager");
            final Method mGetInstance = findMethod(resourcesManagerClass, "getInstance");
            final Object resourcesManager = mGetInstance.invoke(null);
            try {
                Field fMActiveResources = findField(resourcesManagerClass, "mActiveResources");
                final ArrayMap<?, WeakReference<Resources>> activeResources19 =
                        (ArrayMap<?, WeakReference<Resources>>) fMActiveResources.get(resourcesManager);
                references = activeResources19.values();
            } catch (NoSuchFieldException ignore) {
                // N moved the resources to mResourceReferences
                final Field mResourceReferences = findField(resourcesManagerClass, "mResourceReferences");
                references = (Collection<WeakReference<Resources>>) mResourceReferences.get(resourcesManager);
        } else {// <19的情况下Resources对象集合的引用是在ActivityThread对象的mActiveResources对象持有的.反射拿到之后也将所有的Resources引用保存起来.
            final Field fMActiveResources = findField(activityThread, "mActiveResources");
            final HashMap<?, WeakReference<Resources>> activeResources7 =
                    (HashMap<?, WeakReference<Resources>>) fMActiveResources.get(currentActivityThread);
            references = activeResources7.values();
        // check resource
        if (references == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("resource references is null");

        final Resources resources = context.getResources();

        // fix jianGuo pro has private field 'mAssets' with Resource
        // try use mResourcesImpl first
        if (SDK_INT >= 24) {
            try {
                // N moved the mAssets inside an mResourcesImpl field
                resourcesImplFiled = findField(resources, "mResourcesImpl");
            } catch (Throwable ignore) {
                // for safety
                assetsFiled = findField(resources, "mAssets");
        } else {
            assetsFiled = findField(resources, "mAssets");

        try {
            publicSourceDirField = findField(ApplicationInfo.class, "publicSourceDir");
        } catch (NoSuchFieldException ignore) {
            // Ignored.




 public static boolean loadTinkerResources(TinkerApplication application, String directory, Intent intentResult) {
        if (resPatchInfo == null || resPatchInfo.resArscMd5 == null) {
            return true;
        String resourceString = directory + "/" + RESOURCE_PATH +  "/" + RESOURCE_FILE;
        File resourceFile = new File(resourceString);
        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

        if (application.isTinkerLoadVerifyFlag()) {
            if (!SharePatchFileUtil.checkResourceArscMd5(resourceFile, resPatchInfo.resArscMd5)) {
                Log.e(TAG, "Failed to load resource file, path: " + resourceFile.getPath() + ", expect md5: " + resPatchInfo.resArscMd5);
                ShareIntentUtil.setIntentReturnCode(intentResult, ShareConstants.ERROR_LOAD_PATCH_VERSION_RESOURCE_MD5_MISMATCH);
                return false;
            Log.i(TAG, "verify resource file:" + resourceFile.getPath() + " md5, use time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
        try {
            TinkerResourcePatcher.monkeyPatchExistingResources(application, resourceString);
            Log.i(TAG, "monkeyPatchExistingResources resource file:" + resourceString + ", use time: " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            Log.e(TAG, "install resources failed");
            //remove patch dex if resource is installed failed
            try {
            } catch (Throwable throwable) {
                Log.e(TAG, "uninstallPatchDex failed", e);
            intentResult.putExtra(ShareIntentUtil.INTENT_PATCH_EXCEPTION, e);
            ShareIntentUtil.setIntentReturnCode(intentResult, ShareConstants.ERROR_LOAD_PATCH_VERSION_RESOURCE_LOAD_EXCEPTION);
            return false;

        return true;


public static void monkeyPatchExistingResources(Context context, String externalResourceFile) throws Throwable {
        if (externalResourceFile == null) {

        final ApplicationInfo appInfo = context.getApplicationInfo();

        final Field[] packagesFields;
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 27) {
            packagesFields = new Field[]{packagesFiled, resourcePackagesFiled};
        } else {
            packagesFields = new Field[]{packagesFiled};
        for (Field field : packagesFields) {
            final Object value = field.get(currentActivityThread);

            for (Map.Entry<String, WeakReference<?>> entry
                    : ((Map<String, WeakReference<?>>) value).entrySet()) {
                final Object loadedApk = entry.getValue().get();
                if (loadedApk == null) {
                final String resDirPath = (String) resDir.get(loadedApk);
                if (appInfo.sourceDir.equals(resDirPath)) {
                    // 遍历容器中的每一个LoadedApk对象 并将mResDir属性的值替换成资源补丁包的路径.
                    resDir.set(loadedApk, externalResourceFile);

        // Create a new AssetManager instance and point it to the resources installed under
        if (((Integer) addAssetPathMethod.invoke(newAssetManager, externalResourceFile)) == 0) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not create new AssetManager");

        // Kitkat needs this method call, Lollipop doesn't. However, it doesn't seem to cause any harm
        // in L, so we do it unconditionally.
        if (stringBlocksField != null && ensureStringBlocksMethod != null) {
            stringBlocksField.set(newAssetManager, null);

        for (WeakReference<Resources> wr : references) {
            final Resources resources = wr.get();
            if (resources == null) {
            // Set the AssetManager of the Resources instance to our brand new one
            try {
               // 最后遍历Resources容器, 将每个Resources对象中引用的AssetManager替换成加载过补丁资源的                 新的AssetManager对象.
                assetsFiled.set(resources, newAssetManager);
            } catch (Throwable ignore) {
                // N
                final Object resourceImpl = resourcesImplFiled.get(resources);
                // for Huawei HwResourcesImpl
                final Field implAssets = findField(resourceImpl, "mAssets");
                implAssets.set(resourceImpl, newAssetManager);


            resources.updateConfiguration(resources.getConfiguration(), resources.getDisplayMetrics());

        // Handle issues caused by WebView on Android N.
        // Issue: On Android N, if an activity contains a webview, when screen rotates
        // our resource patch may lost effects.
        // for 5.x/6.x, we found Couldn't expand RemoteView for StatusBarNotification Exception
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 24) {
            try {
                if (publicSourceDirField != null) {
                    publicSourceDirField.set(context.getApplicationInfo(), externalResourceFile);
            } catch (Throwable ignore) {
                // Ignored.

        if (!checkResUpdate(context)) {
            throw new TinkerRuntimeException(ShareConstants.CHECK_RES_INSTALL_FAIL);






Android 热修复方案Tinker(四) 资源补丁加载

Android 获取资源的过程分析


