DAY 31
Material design studies
厨房AP,主要展示material design 的 tab 切换,微动效,抽屉式导航设计,在一个页面展示,不跳转二级页面,流畅的动画平滑转换场景。并且适配手机端,平板,还有电脑端。
旅游APP,豆瓣,美团,华为UI都已经更新,原来是根据Crane app 设计的。
滑动tab ,内容产生联动变化,卡片缓移 向上滑动,88 available flights 卡片底部会出现投影,可以区分,有层次 点击上一张航班信息,从下至上缓缓弹出卡片,左上角有关闭按钮,可见是在本页面完成,不需要进入二级页面 在平板上和电脑端,点击卡片,卡片向下扩展,展示详细信息,喜欢右边filter筛选,直观易操作 点击右上角按钮,查看更多,卡片下移 步骤如上一个界面,完成多步操作,微动效辅助,流畅活泼
向上滑动,顶部仅仅保留导航和logo 点击搜索,搜索页面放大,强大的搜索联想词汇功能 Grid system ,网页栅格化 何时使用阴影?这是值得被注意的 折叠式设计四、Owl
Owl is an educational app that uses Material Design components and Material Theming to create an energetic, motivational brand experience.Hub and spoke structure
Hub and spoke structure 卡片的宽度由内容标题来设定 平板或电脑端,卡片高度由内容而定 加载动效,cool 左右滑动查看更多分类课程,cool五、Rally
Rally is designed to display a large amount of densely organized information in a manageable way. Users are invited to identify patterns in the data presented, by cross-referencing and investigating information.
深色界面,以数字表据为主 侧边导航 顶部导航 平板 电脑 电脑端 黑色背景下,彩色有独特的魅力 顶部导航,选中为文字显示,未选中用图标显示六、Reply
Reply is an app that helps individuals and groups communicate. It’s designed for clarity, legibility, intuition, and ease-of-use.
Reply’s brand projects friendliness, competence, and a hint of quirkiness
New interaction七、Shrine
Shrine uses a minimalist aesthetic, creating an experience where content and actions take the forefront of the user experience.
minimalist aesthetic 点击购物车 查看购物车详情 点击更多 上拉导航