

2019-04-06  本文已影响0人  diplomaticoffic

13th day:Today we went to the Chelsea Football Club,which is also one of the famous football teams worldwide,as popular as Manchester United from a spectator.I didn,t plan to get off at first, but three days ago,I saw an article,it says if you sit in a place over 90 minutes,it will increase the rate of heart disease and diabetes,so I have a walk around the Chelsea and bought a scarf.Then I went to Hazzard(a shop)and bought some stationaries and souvenuirs here.It costs 30 pounds.We then ate at a Mcdonalds nearby.Jemma ordered delivered meal of Big Macs meal for everyone and fish one for Jason because he,s  vegetarian.After lumch, we went to the Imperial College London.The introducer spent 20――30 minutes introduce the college.This school and Oxford University is the only two schools that use ppt when introducing.Her speed of speaking is so quick,that I only followed up 70 to 80 percent.It really have high standard of alevel score at least AAA.Then two of the local student introduced us around the college.I also knew that they have Academic English,which I,m really pleased with.They usually have business as postgraduate.I love this school and hope I will be a member of them 3 years later.In comparison,due to Andy and Louis, s requirement,we visited the LSE.However,Paul found one of his students.And she was much more irresponsible than the UCL student yesterday.She just irtroduced oue site of the school and started to let us tour around the new school area.Obviously, it was not open.So we went back.Then she asked if we want to see another gate.Someone said yes.I don,t know who is he?You have energy,you go.I walked at the back and plan to take some pictures when Bob told me to follow up queues.He is the worst student in our class.And he managed me!Plus I,ve seen the queue,I can follow up.After a long walk, we arrived there.But we just stayed for 10 seconds,then we leve that place.Little girl, are you treating us?Then she walked away after arriving at the gate,without saying anything.Because of this event, everyone was annoying and delayed all the things afterwards.After that,we walked to British Museum.I saw Egyptian one and Japan with Jason and Coda.But I was tired at tje beginning,I only said it until half an hour later.So I sat down for five minutes.Then we went downstairs to sit for 20 minutes.At dinner,we ate at Bee feater.Althogh I want full ones,it still feels hard.We came back at 4:45,because of that event.Tomorrow,we,re going to leave Heathrow.I won,t send the diary again.

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