I remember one morning sitting in the yellowing woods at Bracknell with your mother. At that time I knew very little of your real nature. She told me of your two chief faults, your vanity, and your being, as she termed it, " all wrong about money." I have a distinct recollection of how I laughed.
I thought vanity a sort of graceful flower for a young man to wear; as for extravagance -- the virtues of prudence and thrift were not in my own nature. I had no idea that the first would bring me to prison, and the second to bankruptcy. You demanded without grace and received without thanks. When I tell you that between the autumn of 1892 and the date of my imprisonment I spent with you and on you more than £5000 in actual money, irrespective of the bills I incurred, you would have some idea of the sort of life for which you insisted.
Do you think I exaggerate?
My ordinary expenses with you for an ordinary day in London -- for luncheon, dinner, supper, amusements, hansoms and the rest of it -- ranged from £12 to £20. For our three months at Goring my expenses were £1340. Step by step with the Bankruptcy Receiver I had to go over every item of my life. It was horrible. " Plain living and high thinking" was, of course, an ideal you could not at that time have appreciated, but such extravagance was a disgrace to both of us.
One of the most delightful dinners I remember ever having had is one Robbie and I had together in a little Soho cafe,which cost about as many shillings as my dinners to you cost pounds. Out of my dinner with Robbie came the first and best of all my dialogues. Idea, title, treatment, mode, everything was struck out at a 3 franc 50 c. table-d'hote. Out of the reckless dinners with you, nothing remains but the memory that too much was eaten and too much was drunk. And my yielding to your demands was bad for you.
Of course I should got rid of you. I should shaken you out of my life as a man shakes from his raiment a thing that hasstung him. My fault was not that I did not part from you, but that I parted from you far too often. As far as I can make out I ended my friendship with you every three months regularly, and each time that I did so you managed by means of entreaties, telegrams, letters, the interposition of your friends, the interposition of mine, and the like to induce me to allow you back. You threatened that unless I consent to meet you, you would under no circumstances consent to proceed to Egypt. I had myself, with your knowledge and concurrence, begged your mother to send you to Egypt away from England, as you were wrecking your life in London. I knew that if you did not go it would be a terrible disappointment to her, and for her sake I did meet you, and under the influence of great emotion, which even you cannot forgotten, I forgave the past, though I said nothing at all about the future.