PTE Describe Image 这道题现在经常会遇到地图题和流程图,这也成为了很多考生的梦魇。其实流程图是DI这道题最简单的一种题型,今天看完这篇文章你就懂为什么我这么说了。
This graph gives information about XXX (1). The first step is XXX (2), which is followed by the second step, XXX (3). After that, the third step is XXX (4), which is followed by XXX. Finally, the final step is XXX (5). To sum up, the graph shows information about XXX.

This graph gives information about plantation of paper. The first step is radiata pine thinnings, which is followed by the second step, de-barking drum. After that, the third step is chipper, which is followed by thermomechanical refiner. Finally, the final step is paper making machine. To sum up, the graph shows information about plantation to paper.
其实,PTE 流程图你只需要找到四个关键点来说就可以了,不必将图中所有的关键词都说到的。并且,PTE流程图你读关键词的顺序都可以是乱序的。
This graph gives information about plantation of paper (1). The first step is radiata pine thinnings (2), which is followed by the second step, chipper(3). After that, the third step is de-barking drum(4). Finally, the final step is paper making machine (5). To sum up, the graph shows information about plantation to paper. (长难单词干脆跳过不读)