
【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - Hard & s

2019-04-02  本文已影响11人  青澄青果

Hard and soft solutions

节选自 【经济学人】 April, 2019


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - Hard & soft solutions

Modern technology means that mega-projects now are on a scale the ancients could only dream of. China's are the grandest. The Three Gorges Dam on the Yangzi river, which went into full operations in 2012, involved the flooding of hundreds of villages and the displacement of 1.2 m people. The reservoir it created is 600 km long. Besides providing energy for one of the world's largest power stations, the project was touted for improving navigation and preventing floods. Ever since it was first mooted as an idea a century ago, however, the dam has been controversial, with worries about its impact on biodiversity, cultural heritage and even seismology.

现代科技的发展得以实现古人令望尘莫及规模宏大的大型项目。中国拥有其中规模最为宏大的位于长江上的三峡大坝项目。它于2012年全面投入使用,为了大坝的建设淹没了上百的村庄迁移了120万人之众的人口。大坝水库长达600公里。除了向世界最大的发电厂提供能源外, 还起着促进通航和抗洪的作用。然而自从项目被提议开始就饱经争议,担忧集中于对生物多样性的影响、文物以及地质构造影响等方面。

【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - Hard & soft solutions

Environmentalists are also leery of another proud boast of modern Chinese hydraulic engineering: its south-to-north water-diversion project, by some measures the most expensive infrastructure project in the world. It counts as the largest transfer of water between river basins in history. It recognizes that, for all China's well-publicized struggles with air pollution, a shortage of water is its biggest environmental problem. The shortage is acute in the north, where 11 provinces have less than 1,000 cubic metres of water per person per year, the usual international measure of water stress. Those provinces include four of China's five biggest agricultural producers.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - Hard & soft solutions

With so many cities around the world facing an acute need for water, "the hard path" will not be abandoned. It will always seem easier to bring water in, or to exploit a new source, than to move tens of millions of people, or completely redraw the map of agricultural production. Few, however, would disagree that the hard path alone is no longer enough and that it needs to be complemented with a "soft" one that seeks to improve the way water is used, rather than to find new sources of supply. That means spending on local facilities, efficient technologies and education and training.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - Hard & soft solutions

Pricing will be even harder. Few utilities in the world charge consumer the full cost of the water they use. And even in countries where they do, a water subsidy may be included in the cost of the goods people buy in shops. To persuade people to recognize and pay for the water-intensity of their lifestyles may require concerted campaigns of the type that have helped cut smoking rates in many places. But because they will affect the entire population, it will be even harder. Finally,  even if the world is cajoled into using water more sustainably, that will still leave questions of allocation. On the global level, it is easy to see where the priorities should lie: in the hundreds of millions who do not yet have access to safe and adequate drinking water and sanitation. At the national and sub-national level, there will always be powerful interests lobbying for their own needs, whereas those without access to clean water are, almost by definition, the powerless. Money is not the binding constraint. Nor is technology. It is a political choice.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】每日打卡 - Hard & soft solutions

