What Happens to a Woman's Br
What Happens to a Woman's Brain When She Becomes a Mother
The artist Sarah Walker once told me that becoming a mother is like discovering the existence of a strange new room in the house where you already live. I always liked Walker's description because it’s more precise than the shorthand most people use for life with a newborn: Everything changes.
艺术家Sarah Walker曾告诉我,成为一个母亲的感觉就像突然发现在那所生活了很久的房子还有一个陌生的新房间。我很是喜欢她的描述,这比人们普遍用来描述新妈妈的生活的那句话——一切都变了,要准确得多。
Because a lot of things do change, of course, but for new mothers, some of the starkest differences are also the most intimate ones—the emotional changes. Which, it turns out, are also largely neurological.
Even before a woman gives birth, pregnancy tinkers with the very structure of her brain, several neurologists told me. After centuries of observing behavioral changes in new mothers, scientists are only recently beginning to definitively link the way a woman acts with what's happening in her prefrontal cortex, midbrain, parietal lobes, and elsewhere. Gray matter becomes more concentrated. Activity increases in regions that control empathy, anxiety, and social interaction. On the most basic level, these changes, prompted by a flood of hormones during pregnancy and in the postpartum period, help attract a new mother to her baby. In other words, those maternal feelings of overwhelming love, fierce protectiveness, and constant worry begin with reactions in the brain.
Mapping the maternal brain is also, many scientists believe, the key to understanding why so many new mothers experience serious anxiety and depression. An estimated one in six women suffers from postpartum depression, and many more develop behaviors like compulsively washing hands and obsessively checking whether the baby is breathing.
“This is what we call an aspect of almost the obsessive compulsive behaviors during the very first few months after the baby’s arrival,” maternal brain researcher Pilyoung Kim told me. "Mothers actually report very high levels of patterns of thinking about things that they cannot control. They're constantly thinking about baby. Is baby healthy? Sick? Full?"
“这些是新妈妈分娩后前几个月的强迫性行为表现的一个方面,”母亲大脑研究员Pilyoung Kim 告诉我说,“妈妈们对她们不能控制的事情总是陷入疯狂的思考,她们总是在担心着宝宝,宝宝健康吗,生病了吗,吃饱了吗?”