Network Embedding
什么是Network Embedding?


[Information Network]
An information network is defined as, where
is the set
of vertices, each representing a data object andis the
set of edges between the vertices, each representing a relationship between two data objects. Each edgeis an ordered pair
and is associated with a weight
, which indicates the strength of the relation. If
is undirected, we have
; if G is directed, we have
[First-order Proximity] The first-order proximity in a network is the local pairwise proximity between two vertices. For each pair of vertices linked by an edge
, the weight on that edge,
, indicates the first-order proximity between u and v. If no edge is observed between u and v, their first-order proximity is 0. The first-order proximity usually implies the similarity of two nodes in a real-world network.
LINE with First-order Proximity:The first-order proximity refers to the local pairwise proximity between the vertices in the network. For each undirected edge
, the joint probability between vertex
as follows:
whereis the low-dimensional vector representation of vertex
And its empirical probability can be defined as,where
To preserve the first-order proximity we can minimize the following objective function:
whereis the distance between two distributions. We choose to minimize the KL-divergence of two probability distributions. Replacing
with KL-divergence and omitting some constants, we have:
[Second-order Proximity] The second-order proximity between a pair of vertices (u,v) in a network is the similarity between their neighborhood network structures. Mathematically, let
denote the first-order proximity of u with all the other vertices,then the second-order proximity between u and v is determined by the similarity between p u and p v . If no vertex is linked from/to both u and v, the second-order proximity between u and v is 0.
The second-order proximity assumes that vertices sharing many connections to other vertices are similar to each other. In this case, each vertex is also treated as a specific “context” and vertices with similar distributions over the “contexts” are assumed to be similar.
Therefore, each vertex plays two roles: the vertex itself and a specific “context” of other vertices.We introduce two vectorsand
, where
is the representation of
when it is treated as a vertex while
is the representation of
when it is treated as a specific “context”. For each directed edge
,we first define the probability of “context”
generated by vertex
whereis the number of vertices or “contexts”.
The second-order proximity assumes that vertices with similar distributions over the contexts are similar to each other. To preserve the second-order proximity, we should make the conditional distribution of the contexts
specified by the low-dimensional representation be close to the empirical distribution
.Therefore, we minimize the following objective function:
is the distance between two distributions.
in the objective function is to represent the prestige of vertex i in the network,which can be measured by the degree or estimated through algorithms.
The empirical distribution
is defined as
is the weight of the edge
is the out-degree of vertex i. Here we adopt KL-divergence as the distance function:
minimize this objective
, we are able to represent every vertex
with a d-dimensional vector
[Large-scale Information Network Embedding] Given a large network
, the problem of Large-scale Information Network Embedding aims to represent each vertex
into a low-dimensional space
,learning a function
, where
. In the space
, both the first-order proximity and the second-order proximity between the vertices are preserved.
We adopt the asynchronous stochastic gradient algorithm (ASGD) for optimizing
,In each step, the ASGD algorithm samples a mini-batch of edges and then updates the model parameters. If an edge
is sampled, the gradient the embedding vector
of vertex i will be calculated as:
Optimizing objectives are computationally expensive,which requires the summation over the entire set of vertices when calculating the conditional probability
. To address this problem, we adopt the approach of\textbf{ negative sampling }proposed.
Update parameter :
The above is the result of optimizing , and the obtained
is the result of the second-order similarity. The optimization of
is similar to optimization of
, only one variable U needs to be updated. Just change
The objective function is not convex, and we separate the
optimization to four subproblems and iteratively optimize them, which guarantees each subproblem converges to the local minima.
objective function:
M-subproblem: With other parameters in objective function fixed leads to a standard NMF formulation,the updating rule for M is:
U-subproblem: Updating U with other parameters in objective function
fixed leads to a joint NMF problem,the updating rule is:
C-subproblem: Updating C with other parameters in objective function
fixed also leads to a standard NMF formulation,the updating rule of C is:
H-subproblem: This is the fixed point equation that the solution must satisfy at convergence. Given an initial value of H, the successive updating rule of H is:
see as another article of my blog
[论文阅读——LANE-Label Informed Attributed Network Embedding原理即实现]
LINE-O2 Spark实现
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext._
import breeze.linalg._
import breeze.numerics._
import breeze.stats.distributions.Rand
import scala.math._
object LINE {
def RandList(Range:Int,num:Int) : List[Int] = {
var resultList:List[Int]=Nil
while (resultList.length < num){
val randomNum = (new util.Random).nextInt(Range)
if(!resultList.exists(s => s==randomNum )){
return resultList
def RandNumber(Range:Int) : Int = {
val randomNum = (new util.Random).nextInt(Range)
return randomNum
def Sigmoid(In:Double): Double = {
var Out:Double = 1.0/(math.exp(-1.0*In)+1)
return Out
def main(args: Array[String]) {
if (args.length < 4) {
System.err.println("Usage: LINE <Adjacent Matrix> <Adjacent Edge> <Negative Sample> <dimension>")
val NS = args(2).toInt
println("Negative Sample: "+NS)
val Dim = args(3).toInt
println("Embedding dimension: "+Dim)
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("LINE")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val InputFile = sc.textFile(args(0),3)
val EgdeFile = sc.textFile(args(1),3)
val InputFileCount = InputFile.count().toInt
println("InputFileCount(number of lines): "+InputFileCount)
val sample_rate : Double = 0.1
val HashTableSize: Int = 50000
println("HashTableSize: "+HashTableSize)
//LINE O_2 的二阶相似度变量
var U_vertex = DenseMatrix.rand(InputFileCount, Dim, Rand.uniform)
var U_context = DenseMatrix.rand(InputFileCount, Dim, Rand.uniform)
val Adjacent = => line.split(",")).map(splitline => => word.toDouble))
val EgdeSet = => line.split(",")).map(splitline => => word.toDouble))
//当数据量变大,collect操作将会有崩溃 待优化点1
val AdjacentCollect = Adjacent.collect()
val rows = AdjacentCollect.length
val cols = AdjacentCollect(0).length
val flattenAdjacent = AdjacentCollect.flatten
//邻接矩阵转为 breeze 矩阵
val AdjacentMatrix = new DenseMatrix(cols,rows,flattenAdjacent).t
// Adjacent.foreach{
// rdd => println(rdd.toList)
// }
val VertexDegree = => line.reduce((x,y) => x+y))
var SumOfDegree = VertexDegree.reduce((x,y)=>x+y)
//var SumOfDegree = sc.accumulator(0)
//VertexDegree.foreach(x => SumOfDegree += x)
val SmoothProbability = => degree/SumOfDegree).map(math.pow(_,0.75))
val p : Array[Double] = SmoothProbability.collect()
val CumulativeProbability : Array[Double] = new Array[Double](InputFileCount)
for(i <- 0 to InputFileCount-1) {
var inner_sum : Double = 0.0
for(j <- 0 to i){
inner_sum = inner_sum + p(j)
CumulativeProbability(i) = inner_sum
val HashProbability : Array[Int] = new Array[Int](InputFileCount)
var max_cpro = CumulativeProbability(InputFileCount-1)
for(i <- 0 to InputFileCount-1)
HashProbability(i) = ((CumulativeProbability(i)/max_cpro)*HashTableSize).toInt
val HashTable : Array[Int] = new Array[Int](HashTableSize+1)
for(i <- 0 to InputFileCount-1) {
if (i==0) {
var start : Int = 0
var end : Int = HashProbability(1)
for(j <- start to end) {
HashTable(j) = i
else {
var start : Int = HashProbability(i-1)
var end : Int = HashProbability(i)
for(j <- start to end) {
HashTable(j) = i
val sample_num = (sample_rate*InputFileCount).toInt
println("sample_num "+sample_num)
var O2_Array: Array[Double] = new Array[Double](100)
for(iterator <- 0 to 99)
//println("the iterator is "+iterator)
var learningrate = 0.1
var O_2 = 0.0
//false表示无放回采样 选取预先选定的采样数量
var sampling = EgdeSet.takeSample(false,sample_num)
for(i <- 0 to sample_num-1)
var objective = 0.0
//println("i is " + i)
var row:Int = sampling(i)(0).toInt
var col:Int = sampling(i)(1).toInt
var u_j_context = U_context(col,::).t
var u_j_context_t = U_context(col,::)
var u_i_vertex = U_vertex(row,::).t
var part1=(-1)*sampling(i)(2)*u_j_context*(1-Sigmoid((u_j_context_t*u_i_vertex).toDouble))
//println("part1: "+part1)
var negativeSampleSum = DenseVector.zeros[Double](Dim)
var RandomSet : List[Int] = RandList(50000,NS)
//println("RandomSet is:"+RandomSet)
for(j <- 0 to RandomSet.length-1){
var u_k_context = U_context(HashTable(RandomSet(j)),::).t
var u_k_context_t = U_context(HashTable(RandomSet(j)),::)
negativeSampleSum = negativeSampleSum + u_k_context*Sigmoid((u_k_context_t*u_i_vertex).toDouble)
//println("negativeSampleSum: "+negativeSampleSum)
var part2 = sampling(i)(2)*negativeSampleSum
//println("part2: "+part2)
var d_O2_ui = part1-part2
//println("d_O2_ui: "+d_O2_ui)
var tmp1 = u_i_vertex - learningrate*(d_O2_ui)
//println(tmp1(0)+" "+tmp1(1))
// println("previous U_context(row,::): "+U_context(row,::))
for(k1 <- 0 to Dim-1){
U_vertex(row,k1) = tmp1(k1)
//println("after U_context(row,::): "+U_context(row,::))
var d_O2_uj_context = (-1)*sampling(i)(2)*u_i_vertex*(1-Sigmoid((u_j_context_t*u_i_vertex).toDouble))
var tmp2 = u_j_context - learningrate*(d_O2_uj_context)
for(k2 <- 0 to Dim-1){
U_context(row,k2) = tmp2(k2)
var negative_cal = 0.0
for(j <- 0 to RandomSet.length-1){
var u_k_context = U_context(HashTable(RandomSet(j)),::).t
var u_k_context_t = U_context(HashTable(RandomSet(j)),::)
var sigmoid_uk_ui = Sigmoid((u_k_context_t*u_i_vertex).toDouble)
negative_cal = negative_cal + math.log(sigmoid_uk_ui)
var d_O2_uk_context = sampling(i)(2)*u_i_vertex*sigmoid_uk_ui
var tmp3 = u_k_context - learningrate*d_O2_uk_context
for(k3 <- 0 to Dim-1){
U_context(HashTable(RandomSet(j)),k3) = tmp2(k3)
objective = (-1)*sampling(i)(2)*(math.log(Sigmoid((u_j_context_t*u_i_vertex).toDouble)) + negative_cal)
O_2 = O_2 + objective
O2_Array(iterator) = O_2
val U2_HDFS = sc.parallelize(U_vertex.toArray,3)
val O2_HDFS = sc.parallelize(O2_Array,3)
//a(::, 2)