UIpath习题总结篇 - Lesson 9 - Excel &
Lesson 9 - Excel & Data Tables
Excel Read Range activity
Single choice
(93) What happens if you use the Excel Read Range activity to read a .xlsx file that is already opened?
It will read an empty document.
It will read the document successfully. (√)
It will throw an error.
Single choice
(94) What happens if the AddHeaders option is checked for Read Range Activity?
The first row from the specified range is considered to be the column names(√)
An exception is thrown
A new row is added to the excel sheet Nothing happens
Single choice
(95) What activity should you use to read all the data from a .xlsx file?
Workbook Read Cell
Excel Read Range (√)
Workbook Read Range
Excel Read Cell
Single choice
(96) You need to read from an Excel sheet and you don’t know the range. What do you write in the “Range” property of the Read Range Activity?
Write just the end cell
Write an empty string (√)
It’s impossible, you have to specify the range
Write some random range
Single choice
(97) What activity can be used to read an entire sheet from a excel file?
Write CSV Read Range(√) Get Table Range Read Cell
Generate Data Table
Single choice
(98) What activity can you use to create a DataTable from an input string?
Generate Data Table(√) Output Data Table Build Data Table
Read Cell activity
Multiple Choice
(99) How do you specify the Excel file to read from, in a Read Cell activity?
You have to manually open the workbook
In the WorkbookPath property, provide a relative path, if the workbook is in the project folder (√)
In the WorkbookPath property, provide the full path of the workbook (√)
Excel Write Cell
Single choice
(100) What activity you should use if you want to calculate a sum into a cell using Excel formulas?
Excel Write Cell (√) Workbook Write Cell Excel Write Range Workbook Write Range
Write Range activity
Single choice
(101) What happens if you try to use a Write Range activity to a .xlsx file that does not exist?
It will create that file for you and write the data in it. (√)
It will continue the execution without writing the data.
It will throw an error.
Append Range
Multiple Choice
(102) What activity should you use if you want to add data to an existing .xlsx document?
Excel Write Cell
Workbook Append Range (√)
Workbook Write Range
Excel Append Range (√)
Excel Sort data table activity
Single choice
(103) If you need to sort a table from an .xlsx file, what should you use?
An Excel Get Table Range activity. You cannot sort a table.
An Excel Sort data table activity. (√) A Workbook Sort Table activity.
For Each Row
Single choice
(104) In order to loop through all the rows of a datatable, which activity should be used?
For Each Row (√) Do While While For Each
Filter Data Table
DataTable.Rows As DataRowCollection.IndexOf(row As DataRow)As Integer
eg. inputsTable.Rows.IndexOf(row) + 1
参照foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) 仿写"DT.Rows in rowIndex"