纸质书VS电子书:Turning over an old lea
Turning over an old leaf: publishing
选自The Economic Espresso App,2018年10月10日
① The world's most important book fair kicks off in Frankfurt today with the industry in better shape than many had predicted.
② That is, it is not dying.
③ Book sales in most major markets have remained steady this decade despite growing competition for readers' attention.
④ Sales were up 4% in Britain last year, even as e-book sales declined slightly.
⑤ In America print-book sales rose 2% in the first half of this year.
⑥ Amazon has been a beneficiary; bookstores, by contrast, are struggling.
⑦ In America sales at Barnes & Noble have been declining steadily for years.
⑧ Publishers say politics is helping sell books such as "Fire and Fury", an exposé by Michael Wolff that Donald Trump didn't want released.
⑨ But reality is not all that sells.
⑩ Sales of science fiction are also up 18% in America, for those needing an escape to an alternative universe more than ever.
Turning over an old leaf: publishing
① The world's most important book fair kicks off in Frankfurt today with the industry in better shape than many had predicted.
② That is, it is not dying.
③ Book sales in most major markets have remained steady this decade despite growing competition for readers' attention.
④ Sales were up 4% in Britain last year, even as e-book sales declined slightly.
⑤ In America print-book sales rose 2% in the first half of this year.
⑥ Amazon has been a beneficiary; bookstores, by contrast, are struggling.
⑦ In America sales at Barnes & Noble have been declining steadily for years.
再插一句:Barnes & Noble,巴诺书店是美国最大的实体书店,近年来面临着业绩持续下滑的局面,关闭了经三分之一的连锁门店,但凭着其广泛的出版业务及丰富的线下活动体验等仍然得以维持经营。目前,Barnes & Noble在保持传统书店业务的同时也在积极开发数字类业务,如开发电子书阅读器,线上零售等。
⑧ Publishers say politics is helping sell books such as "Fire and Fury", an exposé by Michael Wolff that Donald Trump didn't want released.
⑨ But reality is not all that sells.
⑩ Sales of science fiction are also up 18% in America, for those needing an escape to an alternative universe more than ever.
再插一句:Fire and Fury,全称是Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.《炮火与怒火:川普之下的白宫》,2018年1月出版,书中披露了川普从竞选到入住白宫后的各类爆料。作者Michael Wolff是《好莱坞报道》的专栏作家,曾花了18个月的时间对川普及白宫做了数百次采访,著得此书。
turn over an old leaf:重回过去;回到以往的方式
(常用搭配:turn over a new leaf: 改过自新;放弃以往的错误方式)
book fair: 书展(fair常常有盛会、展览的意思)
kick off: 开始(足球运动员们开踢啦,就是kick off。引申到现在,有种说法叫“开踢会议”,就是kick-off meeting,表示一个项目开始之类的。)
e-book 电子书(反义词:print book纸质书)
decline /dɪˈklaɪn/: v. 下降;拒绝
beneficiary:受益人(benefit from sb./sth.: 受益于某人/某事)
struggling /ˈstrʌɡlɪŋ/: adj. 奋斗的;不断挣扎的(struggle也可以做名词,有一句歌词life is a struggle, you are not the only one.)
exposé /ɪkˈspəʊzeɪ, ekspəˈzeɪ/ n. 揭露,爆料(exposé of sth.: 曝光不好的事)
Turning over an old leaf: publishing
① The world's most important book fair kicks off in Frankfurt today with the industry in better shape than many had predicted.
(注意the industry 指代标题中的publishing;many指代的是many people)
② That is, it is not dying.
③ Book sales in most major markets have remained steady this decade despite growing competition for readers' attention.
④ Sales were up 4% in Britain last year, even as e-book sales declined slightly.
(根据后半句说“e-book sales”电子书的销量,可以推断出前半句的"sales"指的是纸质书的销量)
⑤ In America print-book sales rose 2% in the first half of this year.
⑥ Amazon has been a beneficiary; bookstores, by contrast, are struggling.
⑦ In America sales at Barnes & Noble have been declining steadily for years.
⑧ Publishers say politics is helping sell books such as "Fire and Fury", an exposé by Michael Wolff that Donald Trump didn't want released.
⑨ But reality is not all that sells.
⑩ Sales of science fiction are also up 18% in America, for those needing an escape to an alternative universe more than ever.