Ancient 'Ring of Fire' Galaxy
Eleven billion years ago, a hot, active, galaxy that looked like an eye glared across space. Now, using data from the W.M. Keck Observatory in Hawaii and the Hubble Space Telescope, astronomers have captured a snapshot of its unblinking gaze.
This galaxy, R5519, is made up of a flat ring of stars, with a hole in the middle where astronomers believe another blob of stars punched through. Galaxies like this, known as "collisional ring galaxies," turn up infrequently in the modern universe. But this is the first time astronomers have seen one so old and far away; at 11 billion light-years from our planet, its ancient light is only just reaching Earth.
研究人员称,我们宇宙中大部分环形星系都是由星系内部活动形成的,现代宇宙中只有千分之一的星系因为碰撞而形成。锵锵锵!根据这份5月25日发表在 自然天文 期刊上的最新论文,这个星系的形状看起来确实像是和其他物体碰撞的结果。