唐诗英译|| 王翰《凉州词》Liangzhou Verses

2018-12-22  本文已影响0人  行路人Journeyer

Liangzhou Verses

 Wang Han
 Translated by Xuemei 2018.12.21

Version I

Exquisite wine of grapes
in a luminous cup of jade—

Before I could drink, the pipa was struck
on horseback urging us to charge.

Laugh not if I would fall drunk
on the sandy battleground:

For how many have returned
from all the wars we’ve learned.

Version II

Before I could drink the fine wine in a jade glass that glows at night,

The pipa was struck on the horseback urging us to forward and fight.

Should I lie drunk in the battlefield, laugh not at the sight,

For how many warriors have ever returned alive and alright?


