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1934-940补卷· 目录

France (1934-35)

An Offer to Le Peuple (January 9, 1934) 439

The IS Reply to the British Majority (January 23, 1934) 440

Differences with the British Minority (January 23, 1934) 442

The Jewish Question Has Been Internationalized

(January 28, 1934) 444

Questions About Holland (January 29, 1943) 445

On the Workers' Militia (February 1934) 445

Things Are on the Move (February 12, 1934) 447

Against Centrism at the Youth Conference

(February 15, 1934) 448

Rakovsky's Statement of Submission (February 21,1934) 455

mtraleft Tactics in Fighting the Fascists (March 2,1934) 456

After the Austrian Defeat (March 13, 1934) 459

Reproaching the Dutch Section (March 17, 1934) 461

Field's Expulsion (March 18, 1934) 462

A Concert for Herriot (March 1934) 464

The Youth Conference's Unsatisfactory Resolution

(March 19, 1934) 465

The Proposal to Fuse the CLA and the A WP

(March 20, 1934) 467

The Errors of Our Youth Delegates (March 29, 1934) 469

Continuing the Struggle Through Unifications

(April 10, 1934) 472

My Interrogation by the Police (Mid-April 1934) 474

Why I Am Being Expelled from France (April 18, 1934) 476

Suggestions for a French Program of Action

(Spring 1934) 478

Proposals for the Next ICL Plenum (June 15, 1934) 483

Our Response to the French CP's New Turn

(June 16, 1934) 485

Concentrate Inside the Socialist Party (June 1934) 486

The State of the League and Its Tasks (June 29, 1934) 488

The Catalan Conflict and the Tasks of the Proletariat

(Summer 1934) 496

Alternatives for the Young Socialists (July 12, 1934) 499

Cross the Rubicon (July 16, 1934) 502

The Stalinists and Organic Unity (July 19, 1934) 503

Supplementary Arguments and Suggestions for Articles

(July 21, 1934) 505

Tasks of the ICL (July 21, 1934) 507

Clouds in the Far East (Published August 1934) 512

Soviets in America? (August 17, 1934) 517

The "Belgian" Tradition in Discussion

(September 22, 1934) 527

The Present Situation in the Labor Movement and the

Tasks of the Boishevik-Leninists (October 1934) 530

Cannon's Mission in Europe (November 3, 1934) 536

How to Answer the London-Amsterdam Bureau

(November 1934) 537

No Compromise on the Russian Question

(November 11, 1934) 538

We Should Join the Belgian Young Socialists

(November 19, 1934) 539

Suggestions for the GBL (November 20, 1934) 541

Remarks on the Kirov Assassination

(December 10, 1934) 543

On the Draft Political Statutes (December 1934) 547

A Few Remarks on Revolution (December 1934) 550

Once More on Our Tum (December 15, 1934) 552

Notes on the GBL's Internal Problems

(Late 1934 or Early 1935) 558

Remarks on Our General Orientation

(Late 1934 or Early 1935) 560

The State and the USSR (Late 1934 or Early 1935) 561

Against Desistance For the Radicals

(Late 1934 or Early 1935) 563

Answers to Questions by Louise Bryant

(Late 1934 or Early 1935) 564

A Proposal to Co-opt Dubois into the Plenum

(January 31, 1935) 566

Disturbing Signs (January 31, 1935) 568

Mter the Belgian Conference (March 24, 1935) 570

On the Teachers' Federation (March 24, 1935) 571

Notes on the SAP and the London-Amsterdam Bureau

(Mid-April 1935) 572

News About the Family (April 25, 1935) 578

Laval and the French CP (May 1935) 578

Toward the New Youth International (Spring 1935) 580

Why Are We Boishevik-Leninists? (Spring 1935) 581

Three Telegrams to Norway (June 7-12, 1935) 584

Underground Work in Nazi Germany (June 1935) 585

Norway (1935-36)

Please Pay Attention to the Youth Question

(June 21, 1935) 595

Chen Tu-hsiu and the General Council (August 10, 1935) 597

For a Bloc Against Oehler (August 13, 1935) 600

The Cannon Shachtman Group Should Make

Concessions (September 4, 1935) 601

The Policy of the Ahern-Weber Group

(September 4, 1935) 604

Nothing in Common with the Decadent Comintern

(September 18, 1935) 607

An Appeal to A.J. Muste (September 24-25, 1935) 608

The Open Letter and the ILP (Autumn 1935) 616

Foreword, Mitt Liv (October 1, 1935) 616

For or Against? (October 16, 1935) 620

Youth Secretary Nominations (October 21, 1935) 621

Support of the Dutch Fight Against SAPism

(November 5, 1935) 621

Conversations with Earle Birney (November 1935) 622

Greetings to Robitnichi Vysti (November 26, 1935) 629

Letters Ahout Anton Ciliga

(December 1935-January 1936) 629

The Lenin-Trotsky Papers (December 28, 1935) 635

Results of the Open Letter (January 18, 1936) 637

Schmidt's Trip to England (January 19, 1936) 639

Educating Against Centrism (January 24, 1936) 640

The Heyday of the People's Front (January 24, 1936) 641

Two Statements on Hearst (January 28, 1936) 642

A Conversation with Maurice Spector (February 1936) 643

How to Avert a Split (February 8, 1936) 651

Remarks for an English Comrade (April 8, 1936) 653

The Center Must Stay in Europe (April 8, 1936) 654

Orient to the Spanish Youth (April 14, 1936) 655

Eleven Letters to Victor Serge (April-August 1936) 657

Our Kind of Optimism (April 27, 1936) 684

Walter Held's Thesis on the Evolution of the Comintern

(May 26 and June 18, 1936) 685

Let's End This Nonsense (May 28, 1936) 687

"State Capitalism" Data Sought (June 7, 1936) 688

The International Conference and the Dutch Section

(June 16, 1936) 689

Congratulations on a Good Publishing Job

(June 18, 1936) 691

The London Bureau and the Fourth International

(July 1936) 692

Deep Differences with the Dutch Comrades

(July 7, 1936) 696

How the Conference Was and Wasn't Prepared

(July 17, 1936) 698

Molinier's Expulsion (July 1936) 704

When the Conference Selects the Leadership

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Advice for the Conference (July 25, 1936) 708

GPU and Gestapo (August 27, 1936) 709

A Possible Hunger Strike (End of August 1936) 711

Our Friends Should Not Wait (End of August 1936) 712

Translator Troubles, Publisher Problems

(September 10, 1936) 713

Still Imprisoned (October 4, 1936) 715

Still Gagged (October 12, 1936) 716

The Trip to Copenhagen (October 12, 1936) 716

Reading Ibsen Again (October 1936) 723

Pyatakov and the Trial in Novosibirsk

(November 26, 1936) 724

Posthumus and the Archives (December 2, 1936) 727

Mexico (1937-40)

Answers to a Mexican Press Service (January 23, 1937) 728

Two Crooked Lawyers (February 1, 1937) 729

Postponing the Swiss Trial (February 19, 1937) 730

Answers to the Chicago Daily News (March 3, 1937) 732

A Correction and Requests (March 26, 1937) 733

Stalin's Latest Threat (March 29, 1937) 735

Opinions and Information (May 12, 1937) 736

Obstacles in Britain (May 21, 1937) 738

No Reason to Complain (August 10, 1937) 738

Literary Theft (August 21, 1937) 739

A Pamphlet on Spain (September 17, 1937) 740

The International Conference Must be Postponed

(September 25, 1937) 741

The U.S. Recession and a New Political Orientation

(October 2, 1937) 743

An Article on Kronstadt (November 14, 1937) 746

Suggestions for a Pamphlet on Kronstadt

(November 19, 1937) 747

An Article on the Soviet State (November 30, 1937) 749

Sale of the Archives (December 21, 1937) 749

Kronstadt and the Commission's Findings

(January 17, 1938) 751

Thomas's Letter and Dewey's Speech (January 26, 1938) 752

Eastman and The Young Lenin (February 3, 1938) 753

Explanation of a Complaint (February 5, 1938) 754

Why I Can't Pay Now (February 7, 1938) 756

Jules Romains on Lenin (February 7, 1938) 757

Marx's Living Thoughts (February 10, 1938) 758

Leon Sedov's Papers (February 28, 1938) 759

Questions About Sedov's Death (March 1, 1938) 760

Krestinsky's Repudiation (March 2, 1938) 762

The Third Moscow Trial (March 4, 1938) 763

Answers to Mrs. Celarie (March 6, 1938) 765

Roosevelt and a Visa (March 30, 1938) 767

Carlo Tresca Is a Target (March 31, 1938) 768

Finishing the Transitional Program (April 5, 1938) 769

A Russian Encyclopedia (April 26, 1938) 770

Political Personality and the Milieu (May 10, 1938) 771

Muenzenberg's Expulsion (June 5, 1938) 773

Molinier and the International Conference (June 9, 1938) 774

An Introduction Worthy of Rosa Luxemburg

(June 14, 1938) 775

Fusion With the Lovestoneites? (July 29, 1938) 776

Answers to Gladys Lloyd Robinson (August 18, 1938) 779

Isaacs's Book About China (October 23, 1938) 781

Latin American Problems: A Transcript

(November 4, 1938) 782

Lombardo Toledano's Lies (November 8, 1938) 795

Can the Daily News be Sued? (November 11, 1938) 796

A Conversation with William R. Mathews

(Published December 13, 1938) 798

Investigate the U.S. Fascists (December 12, 1938) 806

The French Question (December 13, 1938) 807

Letters About Sieva Volkov (September 1938-April 1939) 808

No Doubts About Rudolf Klement's Fate

(November 1938-August 1939) 816

A GPU Stool Pigeon in Paris (January 1, 1939) 818

The Hearst Press Changes Its Mind (January 6, 1939) 819

The Plight of Our Refug"ee Comrades (January 9, 1939) 820

What the Youth Do to Our Principles (January 9, 1939) 821

Letters to the POI Central Committee

(February-July 1939) 822

A Trap in Palestine (February 14, 1939) 827

Money-Raising Appeals (February 20, 1939) 828

Utilize the Opportunities in the Communist Party

(March 8, 1939) 829

James's Trip to Mexico (March 29, 1939) 830

Diego Rivera's Defection (March-April 1939) 831

Where Munis Should Go (May 1, 1939) 834

Pan-American Committee Personnel (May 1, 1939) 835

Victor Serge's Crisis (May 6, 1939) 836

Another Anonymous Letter (May 10, 1939) 836

Problems of the Socialist Appeal (May 27, 1939) 838

A Visa for Elsa Reiss (June 5, 1939) 840

A Party Census (June 23, 1939) 841

For the Ukrainian Pamphlet (September 1939) 841

A Disagreeable Incident (September 7, 1939) 842

The First Article in the Russian Discussion

(September 28, 1939) 843

Accepting the Invitation of the Dies Committee

(October 12, 1939) 844

Outline of a Magazine Article (November 15, 1939) 845

A False Report (December 26, 1939) 847

Dialectics and the Answer to Burnham

(January 9, 1940) 848

Farrell Dobbs's Arrival (January 16, 1940) 849

A Discussion With Carleton Smith

(Published February 2, 1940) 849

Factionalism and the IEC (February-April 1940) 851

Rivera's Wild Denunciation (April 6, 1940) 856

A Serious Work on Russian Revolutionary History

(May 2, 1940) 857

To Colonel Sanchez Salazar (May 31, 1940) 860

A Letter to EI Nacional (June 6, 1940) 862

The GPU and the Comintern (July 17, 1940) 863

A Bed and a Plate Waiting (July 17, 1940) 864

Unfinished Wntings and Fragments

Petty-Bourgeois Democrats and Moralizers

(1938 and 1939) 865

Fragments from the First Seven Months of the War


Fragments on the USSR (1940) 880

Preface to a Book on War and Peace

(March-April 1940) 886

Last Words (August 20, 1940) 891

Notes and Acknowledgments 892

Index (1 929-40) 964

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