The Trophy of My Career Developm
Yes, we need to set a trophy or a string of trophies in career development to help us check whether we are on the right track with good pace. For me, the most rewarding one is reaching financial free, which means I do not have to sell my time to earn a basic living.
Before touching the big shining trophy, I have to go through a long way, and that can be tough and challenging. So I also put some plates on the way, alluring myself to keep going.
The first one is BE INTERNET FINANCE (ITFIN) PROFESSIONAL. Since I work in the field of ITFIN, enhancing the professional skills is of vital importance in the aspect of increasing my incomes. So I applied for a talent program lead by National Internet Finance Association. Building my own knowledge system on investing is another one, as everyone has to know how to keep or increase the value of their assets, in the world with high inflation rate. And I am learning about block chain, hardly, which I believe is a great investment field in the coming years. The last plate is being a bilinguist, Chinese and English. Having the ability of reading English materials is good for me to accumulate the firsthand information, and that will further benefit my profession and investment.
Like an excellent athlete wont give up after getting a trophy, I will keep growing even when I am free financially. Learning professional skills, researching financial investment, and practicing English, I will collect those plates all along the way, and finally, bouncing with the gilded trophy.