
2018-10-19  本文已影响0人  多年以后_30bd

Summary of 13/14:10/2018

In the morning session we started by warming up with coordinating exercises running in and out the cones without the balls.We then introduced balls where we continued with coordination drills with the balls dribbling with the ball from the marked centre area to 4 different small goals changing direction of movement.

We did passing and ball control technical drills.


We did shooting drills then lastly we played a 6 vs 6 match incooperating all the aquired technical skills.

In the second session we worked with mixed age groups who were being tested.Basically we did a warm up with balls chasing the coaches around the pitch.Then dribbling with balls using both feet.On technical drills we did foot over the ball drills,passing and ball control.

We then played a 4 vs 4 match.The kids really enjoyed the session since most of them are keen on learning football.

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