
Sunk Costs Fallacy?人生的沉没成本

2018-08-04  本文已影响489人  Sophie_娘子

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呱啦呱啦呱啦,年轻人的烦恼没完没了。她在电话中提到“沉没成本”的概念,并针对她自己的情况进行分析,得出的结论是:一直有恋爱经历但因种种原因没有找到Mr. Right的人和从来没有恋爱经历的人相比,沉没成本不同,而后者成本更甚。长时间的单身不但难以发展恋爱中所需的体贴、交流、委身以及表达爱的能力,而且更会因为长期独处而形成脱离现实、不切实际的标准,从而更难迈出交往的第一步。






























The first time I heard of the term “sunk cost” was in a phone call with a close friend. We both felt the need to vent and lament, she over her state of singleness, and I over a seemingly interminable Ph.D.

The thought of quiting my PhD had crept into my mind a few years ago, but while I sat around being indecisive, time twirled and leapt and danced forward. Before I knew it, I was caught in an awkward and uncompromising state: two years of work I might’ve given up, but four years? Five years?

“That”, pronounced my friend over the phone, “is making bad decisions on the sunk cost fallacy”.

As for herself, the sunk cost of having been single the entire 26 years of her life is profound. All the caution and work that had went into waiting now makes it extremely difficult to let others into her life.

After we hung up, I googled “sunk cost”. It is a term coined in economics and business, meaning “a cost that has already been incurred and can not be recovered”. It is contrasted with “prospective costs”, meaning future costs which may be incurred.

The example given by Wikipedia to illustrate “sunk cost” is investment by a company in a power plant. $20 million has been spent already but the current value of the plant is 0 because it is incomplete. The company can either spend another $10 million to complete the power plant, or invest $5 million in another equally profitable facility. The rational decision-maker in this case should disregard sunk costs ($20 million already invested) and invest in the new project.

This is all very well. But it doesn’t take much for sunk costs to be extended to other life decisions. Can’t give up watching a bad movie because you’ve already purchased the ticket? Cut your losses, get up and go! Made up your mind to picnic but it starts to rain as you head out? Smart people turn back. Spent four years in university on a subject you find out you don’t care for? Run from it as fast as you can!

The theory posits that if people were rational and smart all the time, they will disregard sunk costs and move on. But in reality, we are all too easy prey to this fallacy. Most people will wait out a bad movie, head out for the picnic hoping the rain will stop, and explore cautiously related areas of study.

A team of researchers at the University of Minnesota recently reported that when it comes to making decisions, humans are not the only species that are all too aware of irrecoverable costs. It seems that even mice and rats are sensitive to sunk costs.

To research this, scientists designed a maze with four different "restaurants", each offering different flavored kibbles: plain, grape, banana or chocolate. Mice and rats that are familiar with these rooms and kibbles were then allowed to forage for half an hour on an empty stomach. As they come to a "restaurant", they will first linger in an "offer zone", in which they need to make a decision regarding whether they want to commit to waiting for a particular flavor. If so, they will then move into the "waiting room". After the decision of commitment and entrance into the waiting room, a musical note will play at random, indicating the amount of time they will have to wait for the kibbles to be dispensed. High-pitched notes meant longer waiting times.

Experimental setup: mice enter the maze with four "restaurants", each has an. offer and wait zone. Musical notes indicate the length. of. wait time

"Smart" animals should decide to leave quickly if they enter a room that pairs a less-preferred flavor with a long wait time. However, across individuals and experiments, mice and rats both showed a tendency to stick with their commitments, regardless of their preferences. Typical sunk costs bias! And the longer the wait, the stronger the bias.

The longer time already. waited, the less less likely. the mice will leave

Whew, so we are not the only ones making non-optimal decisions in life, though the satisfaction gained from finding out that mice think just like us (or we think just like mice???) is minimal at most. But one does begin to wonder, if considering sunk costs leads to bad decision-making, even in survival situations like foraging, why hasn't evolution weeded this bias out?

This experiment was elegantly designed to study sunk costs in animals, because teaching the animals to correlate wait times with musical notes helped them assess the amount of future investments needed. In past animal experiments, information uncertainty has led to some inconsistent results. However, lack of information is perhaps a more realistic illustration of real-world situations. We don't know how long it will take for our efforts to pay off! When future costs are difficult to evaluate, we have nothing to base our decisions off of except past efforts, and to pray hard that they will pay off.

Even more interestingly, scientists were able to measure how much the rodents appreciated their kibbles by measuring the amount of times they lingered in a particular "restaurant" after they had already consumed what was offered. The longer they lingered, perhaps hoping for more or looking for bits they might've missed, the more they valued the reward. And funnily enough, the longer they've waited for their reward, the more they valued it, regardless of their original flavor preferences! It's kind of the human version of #worthit. The need to psychologically console and make peace with our inner selves was also passed down in evolution. So then... is it really necessary to avoid decision making based on sunk costs now?

As an economic concept, sunk costs has its own relevance in the monetary world. Once investment pays off, in terms of bank accounts, we basically turned the clock back to day 0. Therefore, an equally profitable facility that costs $5 million is a much better choice than spending an additional $10 million on top of the $20 million already invested in the half-complete power plant.

But in the world of careers, love, relationships, life experiences, we will never EVER come back to day 0 again, which, in some ways, is a lamentable loss, but in other ways, a tremendous blessing.

Robert Frost, in “The Road Less Traveled”, described two roads that diverged in a wood, and like any traveler he was faced with a choice: the choice of saying “yes” or “no”, the choice of persisting or quitting, and when push comes to shove, in all life choices, we MUST choose, and we can only make one choice.

And both that morning equally lay

In leaves no step had trodden black.

Oh, I kept the first for another day!

Yet knowing how way leads on to way,

I doubted if I should ever come back.

Perhaps we consider the decision wrong after we had traveled along the second road for a while, perhaps the scenery is not to our taste. But knowing woods, and lives, there will be other roads, other forks, other choices. We will never come to the same spot twice. And there lies the magnitude, and beauty, of choices.

But as we walked down the second road, even though we imagine the first to be better (how will we ever know?), we learned the names of the strange mushrooms that dotted the path, we befriended a stray fox that wanders those parts, we watched the sunset crown the trees. The second road, and the choice to go along it, made us who we are:

I shall be telling this with a sigh

Somewhere ages and ages hence:

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—

I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.

Mice tend to like chocolate-flavored kibbles, no surprises there. But because one mouse once decided to wait for grape-flavored kibbles, and spent a long time waiting, he will tell a different story. And so he is forever set apart.

Being single means losing out a bit on companionship, getting to know people, practicing the skills of communication and love. But one day when Mr. Right finally shows up (fashionably late of course), who’s to say the joy of courting one’s first love won’t make the wait worth it? And it works the other way too.

The Little Prince said of the rose he worked hard to take care of, “It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” And that rings true for PhDs, for families, for life in general.

Little Prince

So render onto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s. Let sunk costs stay in economics and business decision making, and let life proceed unconfounded.


B.M. Sweis el al., "Sensitivity to 'sunk costs' in mice, rats, and humans," Science (2018)




