TwoSum Scala写法

2020-04-11  本文已影响0人  FredricZhu
package twosum

import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
import scala.collection.mutable.Map

object Solution {
   * i的平方时间复杂度
  def twoSum(nums: Array[Int], target: Int): Array[Int] = {
    val len = nums.length
    val res = Array[Int](-1, -1)
    var m = 0
    for {
      i <- 0 to len - 1
      j <- i+1 to len - 1
      if (nums(i) + nums(j) == target && m ==0)
    } {
      m += 1
      res(0) = i
      res(1) = j
   * 查字典,key为数组value值,value为索引值
   * 时间复杂度为n
  def twoSum1(nums: Array[Int], target: Int): Array[Int] = {
    val res = Array[Int](-1, -1)
    var map = Map[Int, ListBuffer[Int]]()
    val len = nums.length
    for {
      i <- 0 to len -1
    } {
      if(!map.contains(nums(i)))  map(nums(i)) = ListBuffer[Int](i) else map(nums(i)).append(i)
    for {
      j <- 0 to len - 1 
    } {
      val key = target - nums(j)
      if(map.contains(key)) {
        for{ele <- map(key)} {
          if(ele != j) {
            res(0) = ele
            res(1) = j
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val res = twoSum1(Array[Int](1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), 5)
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