

2018-06-21  本文已影响0人  炮灰向前冲啦



  1. 作业启动时,hadoop会将作业信息放在${yarn.app.mapreduce.am.staging-dir}/${user}/.staging/${job_id}目录
  1. 作业完成后,作业数据会被移到${mapreduce.jobhistory.intermediate-done-dir}/${user}目录
  1. intermediate-done-dir只是临时中转站,hadoop会定时将此目录的数据移到done地址: ${mapreduce.jobhistory.done-dir}/${year}/${month}/${day}/${serialPart}


org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.v2.hs.JobHistory,默认每3分钟move intermediate to done

  protected void serviceStart() throws Exception {
    if (storage instanceof Service) {
      ((Service) storage).start();

    scheduledExecutor = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(2,
        new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("Log Scanner/Cleaner #%d")

    // moveThreadInterval = conf.getLong(JHAdminConfig.MR_HISTORY_MOVE_INTERVAL_MS, JHAdminConfig.DEFAULT_MR_HISTORY_MOVE_INTERVAL_MS);
    // "mapreduce.jobhistory.move.interval-ms": 3*60*1000L
    scheduledExecutor.scheduleAtFixedRate(new MoveIntermediateToDoneRunnable(),
        moveThreadInterval, moveThreadInterval, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);

    // Start historyCleaner



public class Global extends GlobalSettings {

  DrElephant _drElephant;

  public void onStart(Application app) {
    Logger.info("Starting Application...");


    try {
      _drElephant = new DrElephant();
      // DrElephant是Thread子类
    } catch (IOException e) {
      Logger.error("Application start failed...", e);

  public void onStop(Application app) {
    Logger.info("Stopping application...");
    if (_drElephant != null) {

  ... // fixJavaKerberos



public class DrElephant extends Thread {
  public static final String AUTO_TUNING_ENABLED = "autotuning.enabled";
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DrElephant.class);

  private ElephantRunner _elephant;
  private AutoTuner _autoTuner;
  private Thread _autoTunerThread;

  private Boolean autoTuningEnabled;

  public DrElephant() throws IOException {
    // FileSystem.get(new Configuration()).getDefaultBlockSize(new Path("/"));
    // getConf().getLong("fs.local.block.size", 32 * 1024 * 1024)
    // instance()方法调用loadConfiguration(),加载配置
    // 返回AutoTuningConf.xml配置信息
    Configuration configuration = ElephantContext.instance().getAutoTuningConf();
    autoTuningEnabled = configuration.getBoolean(AUTO_TUNING_ENABLED, false);
    logger.debug("Auto Tuning Configuration: " + configuration.toString());
    // 新建ElephantRunner对象,implements Runnable
    _elephant = new ElephantRunner();
    if (autoTuningEnabled) {
      // job优化器
      _autoTuner = new AutoTuner();
      _autoTunerThread = new Thread(_autoTuner, "Auto Tuner Thread");

  // 分别执行ElephantRunner类、AutoTuner类的run()方法
  public void run() {
    if (_autoTunerThread != null) {
      logger.debug("Starting auto tuner thread ");

  public void kill() {
    if (_elephant != null) {
      // 执行ElephantRunner对象的kill()方法: _threadPoolExecutor.shutdownNow()
    if (_autoTunerThread != null) {
      // 终止线程的写法
      // thread.interrupt() + while (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()){...}



private void loadConfiguration() {
  // AggregatorConf.xml
  // FetcherConf.xml
  // HeuristicConf.xml
  // JobTypeConf.xml
  // GeneralConf.xml
  // AutoTuningConf.xml

  // It is important to configure supported types in the LAST step so that we could have information from all
  // configurable components.
   * Decides what application types can be supported.
   * An application type is supported if all the below are true.
   * 1. A Fetcher is defined in FetcherConf.xml for the application type.
   * 2. At least one Heuristic is configured in HeuristicConf.xml for the application type.
   * 3. At least one job type is configured in JobTypeConf.xml for the application type.
   // 取_typeToFetcher、_typeToHeuristics、_appTypeToJobTypes、_typeToAggregator中ApplicationType的交集,同时将这4个Map的key retainAll,也就是只保留交集ApplicationType


InputStream instream = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(filePath);

DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder();
Document document = builder.parse(instream);


此类是系统的核心类,包含AnalyticJobGeneratorHadoop2.fetchAnalyticJobs()获取yarn jobs、分析每个job的AnalyticJob.getAnalysis()、保存分析数据AppResult.save()、Metrics统计MetricsController.init()、获取RM的Active URL:AnalyticJobGeneratorHadoop2.updateResourceManagerAddresses()

public class ElephantRunner implements Runnable {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ElephantRunner.class);

  private static final long FETCH_INTERVAL = 60 * 1000;     // Interval between fetches
  private static final long RETRY_INTERVAL = 60 * 1000;     // Interval between retries
  private static final int EXECUTOR_NUM = 5;                // The number of executor threads to analyse the jobs

  private static final String FETCH_INTERVAL_KEY = "drelephant.analysis.fetch.interval";
  private static final String RETRY_INTERVAL_KEY = "drelephant.analysis.retry.interval";
  private static final String EXECUTOR_NUM_KEY = "drelephant.analysis.thread.count";

  private AtomicBoolean _running = new AtomicBoolean(true);
  private long lastRun;
  private long _fetchInterval;
  private long _retryInterval;
  private int _executorNum;
  private HadoopSecurity _hadoopSecurity;
  private ThreadPoolExecutor _threadPoolExecutor;
  private AnalyticJobGenerator _analyticJobGenerator;

  private void loadGeneralConfiguration() {
    Configuration configuration = ElephantContext.instance().getGeneralConf();
    // "drelephant.analysis.thread.count" : 5
    _executorNum = Utils.getNonNegativeInt(configuration, EXECUTOR_NUM_KEY, EXECUTOR_NUM);
    // "drelephant.analysis.fetch.interval" : 60*1000
    _fetchInterval = Utils.getNonNegativeLong(configuration, FETCH_INTERVAL_KEY, FETCH_INTERVAL);
    // "drelephant.analysis.retry.interval" : 60*1000
    _retryInterval = Utils.getNonNegativeLong(configuration, RETRY_INTERVAL_KEY, RETRY_INTERVAL);

  private void loadAnalyticJobGenerator() {
    // conf.get("mapreduce.framework.name").equals("yarn")
    if (HadoopSystemContext.isHadoop2Env()) {
      // 构造AnalyticJobGeneratorHadoop2对象获取待分析jobs
      _analyticJobGenerator = new AnalyticJobGeneratorHadoop2();
    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException("Unsupported Hadoop major version detected. It is not 2.x.");

    try {
    // 设置_fetchStartTime、_lastTime,也就是获取job的startTime
    // 获取Active状态的_resourceManagerAddress,因为RM是HA的
    } catch (Exception e) {
      logger.error("Error occurred when configuring the analysis provider.", e);
      throw new RuntimeException(e);

  public void run() {
    logger.info("Dr.elephant has started");
    try {
      _hadoopSecurity = HadoopSecurity.getInstance();
      // 特权访问,绕过HDFS的权限验证
      _hadoopSecurity.doAs(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
        public Void run() {
          // 多余!在前面的DrElephant类构造函数里已经执行过ElephantContext.instance()

          // Initialize the metrics registries.
          // 注册job、queue、gc、memory、healthcheck等统计信息
          // CustomGarbageCollectorMetricSet类对比GarbageCollectorMetricSet类,添加jvmUptime、gc2UptimeRatio信息
          // MemoryUsageGaugeSet类直接使用metrics-jvm组件
          // ThreadDeadlockHealthCheck通过ThreadDeadlockDetector获取死锁线程数,判定HealthCheck

          logger.info("executor num is " + _executorNum);
          if (_executorNum < 1) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Must have at least 1 worker thread.");
          // 构建ThreadFactory,以及定长线程池
          ThreadFactory factory = new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("dr-el-executor-thread-%d").build();
          _threadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(_executorNum, _executorNum, 0L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), factory);

          // 循环处理整个流程!running标识以及线程中断检查
          // 使用ScheduledExecutorService.scheduleAtFixedRate()更好些
          while (_running.get() && !Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
            // 每次都更新RM的URL
            lastRun = System.currentTimeMillis();

            logger.info("Fetching analytic job list...");
            try {
              // 好吧,每次while都要check。HadoopSecurity.getInstance()已经做了check
            } catch (IOException e) {
              logger.info("Error with hadoop kerberos login", e);
              //Wait for a while before retry
              // sleep 60s

            List<AnalyticJob> todos;
            try {
              // 从RM中拉取成功或失败的jobs
              // http://rmhost/ws/v1/cluster/apps?finalStatus=SUCCEEDED&finishedTimeBegin=%s&finishedTimeEnd=%s
              // http://rmhost/ws/v1/cluster/apps?finalStatus=FAILED&finishedTimeBegin=%s&finishedTimeEnd=%s
              todos = _analyticJobGenerator.fetchAnalyticJobs();
            } catch (Exception e) {
              logger.error("Error fetching job list. Try again later...", e);
              // Wait for a while before retry
              // IO异常时

            for (AnalyticJob analyticJob : todos) {
              // 多线程并发执行ExecutorJob的run()方法
              // 获取job的Counters统计信息,启发式算法生成数据入库
              _threadPoolExecutor.submit(new ExecutorJob(analyticJob));

            int queueSize = _threadPoolExecutor.getQueue().size();
            logger.info("Job queue size is " + queueSize);

            // Wait for a while before next fetch
          logger.info("Main thread is terminated.");
          return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Throwable转成String方式

  private class ExecutorJob implements Runnable {

    private AnalyticJob _analyticJob;

    ExecutorJob(AnalyticJob analyticJob) {
      _analyticJob = analyticJob;

    public void run() {
      try {
        String analysisName = String.format("%s %s", _analyticJob.getAppType().getName(), _analyticJob.getAppId());
        long analysisStartTimeMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        logger.info(String.format("Analyzing %s", analysisName));
        // 启发式分析job
        AppResult result = _analyticJob.getAnalysis();
        // 分析数据保存入库
        long processingTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - analysisStartTimeMillis;
        logger.info(String.format("Analysis of %s took %sms", analysisName, processingTime));
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        logger.info("Thread interrupted");

      } catch (TimeoutException e){
        logger.warn("Timed out while fetching data. Exception message is: " + e.getMessage());
      }catch (Exception e) {

    // 将失败的job先放到first queue,retry 3次;再放入second queue,retry 5次。8次重试还不成功_skippedJobs.mark();
    private void jobFate () {
      // job retry limit 3
      if (_analyticJob != null && _analyticJob.retry()) {
        logger.warn("Add analytic job id [" + _analyticJob.getAppId() + "] into the retry list.");
      } else if (_analyticJob != null && _analyticJob.isSecondPhaseRetry()) {
        //Putting the job into a second retry queue which fetches jobs after some interval. Some spark jobs may need more time than usual to process, hence the queue.
        logger.warn("Add analytic job id [" + _analyticJob.getAppId() + "] into the second retry list.");
      } else {
        if (_analyticJob != null) {
          logger.error("Drop the analytic job. Reason: reached the max retries for application id = [" + _analyticJob.getAppId() + "].");

  // 这里sleep不是固定时长:scheduleAtFixedRate
  private void waitInterval(long interval) {
    // Wait for long enough
    long nextRun = lastRun + interval;
    long waitTime = nextRun - System.currentTimeMillis();

    if (waitTime <= 0) {

    try {
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
      // 必须要重新设置中断标记,不能丢失

  public void kill() {
    if (_threadPoolExecutor != null) {


该类负责:更新Active RM的URL: updateResourceManagerAddresses()、读取succeeded、failed任务: readApps()、fetchAnalyticJobs()

返回的AnalyticJob对象包含: appId、type、user、name、queueName、trackingUrl、startTime、finishTime字段

public class AnalyticJobGeneratorHadoop2 implements AnalyticJobGenerator {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(AnalyticJobGeneratorHadoop2.class);
  private static final String RESOURCE_MANAGER_ADDRESS = "yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address";
  private static final String IS_RM_HA_ENABLED = "yarn.resourcemanager.ha.enabled";
  private static final String RESOURCE_MANAGER_IDS = "yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm-ids";
  private static final String RM_NODE_STATE_URL = "http://%s/ws/v1/cluster/info";
  private static final String FETCH_INITIAL_WINDOW_MS = "drelephant.analysis.fetch.initial.windowMillis";

  private static Configuration configuration;

  // We provide one minute job fetch delay due to the job sending lag from AM/NM to JobHistoryServer HDFS
  private static final long FETCH_DELAY = 60000;

  // Generate a token update interval with a random deviation so that it does not update the token exactly at the same
  // time with other token updaters (e.g. ElephantFetchers).
  private static final long TOKEN_UPDATE_INTERVAL =
      Statistics.MINUTE_IN_MS * 30 + new Random().nextLong() % (3 * Statistics.MINUTE_IN_MS);

  private String _resourceManagerAddress;
  private long _lastTime = 0;
  private long _fetchStartTime = 0;
  private long _currentTime = 0;
  private long _tokenUpdatedTime = 0;
  private AuthenticatedURL.Token _token;
  private AuthenticatedURL _authenticatedURL;
  private final ObjectMapper _objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();

  private final Queue<AnalyticJob> _firstRetryQueue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<AnalyticJob>();
  // bug!应该使用ConcurrentLinkedQueue代替
  private final ArrayList<AnalyticJob> _secondRetryQueue = new ArrayList<AnalyticJob>();

  public void updateResourceManagerAddresses() {
    // "yarn.resourcemanager.ha.enabled"
    if (Boolean.valueOf(configuration.get(IS_RM_HA_ENABLED))) {
      // "yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm-ids"
      String resourceManagers = configuration.get(RESOURCE_MANAGER_IDS);
      if (resourceManagers != null) {
        logger.info("The list of RM IDs are " + resourceManagers);
        List<String> ids = Arrays.asList(resourceManagers.split(","));
        _currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (String id : ids) {
          try {
            // RM_HOST: "yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address.xxxx"
            String resourceManager = configuration.get(RESOURCE_MANAGER_ADDRESS + "." + id);
            // "http://${RM_HOST}/ws/v1/cluster/info"
            String resourceManagerURL = String.format(RM_NODE_STATE_URL, resourceManager);
            logger.info("Checking RM URL: " + resourceManagerURL);
            JsonNode rootNode = readJsonNode(new URL(resourceManagerURL));
            String status = 
            // 读取clusterInfo下haState字段值
            if (status.equals("ACTIVE")) {
              // 当haState是ACTIVE时,赋值RM_HOST
              logger.info(resourceManager + " is ACTIVE");
              _resourceManagerAddress = resourceManager;
            } else {
              logger.info(resourceManager + " is STANDBY");
          } catch (AuthenticationException e) {
            logger.info("Error fetching resource manager " + id + " state " + e.getMessage());
          } catch (IOException e) {
            logger.info("Error fetching Json for resource manager "+ id + " status " + e.getMessage());
    } else {
      // 当RM不是HA部署时,直接读取"yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address"配置项
      _resourceManagerAddress = configuration.get(RESOURCE_MANAGER_ADDRESS);
    if (_resourceManagerAddress == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException(
              "Cannot get YARN resource manager address from Hadoop Configuration property: [" + RESOURCE_MANAGER_ADDRESS + "].");

  public void configure(Configuration configuration)
      throws IOException {
    this.configuration = configuration;
    String initialFetchWindowString = configuration.get(FETCH_INITIAL_WINDOW_MS);
    if (initialFetchWindowString != null) {
      long initialFetchWindow = Long.parseLong(initialFetchWindowString);
      _lastTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - FETCH_DELAY - initialFetchWindow;
      _fetchStartTime = _lastTime;

   *  Fetch all the succeeded and failed applications/analytic jobs from the resource manager.
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws AuthenticationException
  public List<AnalyticJob> fetchAnalyticJobs()
      throws IOException, AuthenticationException {
    List<AnalyticJob> appList = new ArrayList<AnalyticJob>();

    // There is a lag of job data from AM/NM to JobHistoryServer HDFS, we shouldn't use the current time, since there
    // might be new jobs arriving after we fetch jobs. We provide one minute delay to address this lag.
    _currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - FETCH_DELAY;

    logger.info("Fetching recent finished application runs between last time: " + (_lastTime + 1) + ", and current time: " + _currentTime);

    // Fetch all succeeded apps
    // "http://${RM_HOST}/ws/v1/cluster/apps?finalStatus=SUCCEEDED&state=FINISHED&finishedTimeBegin=%s&finishedTimeEnd=%s"
    URL succeededAppsURL = new URL(new URL("http://" + _resourceManagerAddress), String.format("/ws/v1/cluster/apps?finalStatus=SUCCEEDED&finishedTimeBegin=%s&finishedTimeEnd=%s",String.valueOf(_lastTime + 1), String.valueOf(_currentTime)));
    logger.info("The succeeded apps URL is " + succeededAppsURL);
    // 解析JSON
    List<AnalyticJob> succeededApps = readApps(succeededAppsURL);

    // Fetch all failed apps
    // state: Application Master State
    // finalStatus: Status of the Application as reported by the Application Master
    // "http://${RM_HOST}/ws/v1/cluster/apps?finalStatus=FAILED&state=FINISHED&finishedTimeBegin=%s&finishedTimeEnd=%s"
    URL failedAppsURL = new URL(new URL("http://" + _resourceManagerAddress), String.format("/ws/v1/cluster/apps?finalStatus=FAILED&state=FINISHED&finishedTimeBegin=%s&finishedTimeEnd=%s",
        String.valueOf(_lastTime + 1), String.valueOf(_currentTime)));
    List<AnalyticJob> failedApps = readApps(failedAppsURL);
    logger.info("The failed apps URL is " + failedAppsURL);

    // Append promises from the retry queue at the end of the list
    // first队列的job是每分钟重试一次,共重试3次
    while (!_firstRetryQueue.isEmpty()) {

    Iterator iteratorSecondRetry = _secondRetryQueue.iterator();
    while (iteratorSecondRetry.hasNext()) {
      AnalyticJob job = (AnalyticJob) iteratorSecondRetry.next();
      // 每60s进行fetchAnalyticJobs,导致_timeLeftToRetry--
      // 而job每重试一次_secondRetries++,导致this._timeLeftToRetry = (this._secondRetries) * 5; 所以失败job每次重试的时间间隔是5 10 15 20 25分钟,共重试5次
      // 失败job尝试的时间间隔总为1 1 1 5 10 15 20 25。所以可以只维护一个retryQueue,然后job有个Queue列表保存执行时间点: 1 2 3 8 18 33 53 78,每次fetchAnalyticJobs时,++retry,若值在执行时间点Queue.peek中,则把job放入appList,同时Queue.poll,思路更清晰
      // 算法的时间间隔不太科学,可以参考Curator的BoundedExponentialBackoffRetry算法
      if(job.readyForSecondRetry()) {

    _lastTime = _currentTime;
    return appList;

  public void addIntoRetries(AnalyticJob promise) {
    int retryQueueSize = _firstRetryQueue.size();
    logger.info("Retry queue size is " + retryQueueSize);

  public void addIntoSecondRetryQueue(AnalyticJob promise) {
    // 这里会重置secondretry: this._secondRetries * 5
    int secondRetryQueueSize = _secondRetryQueue.size();
    logger.info("Second Retry queue size is " + secondRetryQueueSize);

   * Authenticate and update the token
   // 项目中没用到: _token、_authenticatedURL
  private void updateAuthToken() {
    if (_currentTime - _tokenUpdatedTime > TOKEN_UPDATE_INTERVAL) {
      logger.info("AnalysisProvider updating its Authenticate Token...");
      _token = new AuthenticatedURL.Token();
      _authenticatedURL = new AuthenticatedURL();
      _tokenUpdatedTime = _currentTime;

   * Connect to url using token and return the JsonNode
   * @param url The url to connect to
   * @return
   * @throws IOException Unable to get the stream
   * @throws AuthenticationException Authencation problem
   // 根据URL,读取Stream,并解析成JsonNode对象
  private JsonNode readJsonNode(URL url)
      throws IOException, AuthenticationException {
    return _objectMapper.readTree(url.openStream());

   * Parse the returned json from Resource manager
   * @param url The REST call
   * @return
   * @throws IOException
   * @throws AuthenticationException Problem authenticating to resource manager
  private List<AnalyticJob> readApps(URL url) throws IOException, AuthenticationException{
    List<AnalyticJob> appList = new ArrayList<AnalyticJob>();

    JsonNode rootNode = readJsonNode(url);
    // <apps>
    //      <app>
    //          <id>xxx</id>
    //          <user>xxx</user>
    //          <queue>xxx</queue>
    //      </app>
    // </apps>
    JsonNode apps = rootNode.path("apps").path("app");

    for (JsonNode app : apps) {
      String appId = app.get("id").getValueAsText();

      // When called first time after launch, hit the DB and avoid duplicated analytic jobs that have been analyzed
      // before.
      // 先判定时间,初始时需要检查数据库,保证job不重复获取
      if (_lastTime > _fetchStartTime || (_lastTime == _fetchStartTime && AppResult.find.byId(appId) == null)) {
        String user = app.get("user").getValueAsText();
        String name = app.get("name").getValueAsText();
        String queueName = app.get("queue").getValueAsText();
        String trackingUrl = app.get("trackingUrl") != null? app.get("trackingUrl").getValueAsText() : null;
        long startTime = app.get("startedTime").getLongValue();
        long finishTime = app.get("finishedTime").getLongValue();

        ApplicationType type =

        // If the application type is supported
        if (type != null) {
          AnalyticJob analyticJob = new AnalyticJob();

// 获取的字段信息。特别的,type字段是根据RM URL获取的,而不是XXXConf.xml随便写的

    return appList;


AnalyticJob类主要负责: 获取job的配置以及执行过程统计ElephantFetcher.fetchData()、根据统计信息进行启发式算法运算Heuristic.apply(data)


 * This class wraps some basic meta data of a completed application run (notice that the information is generally the
 * same regardless of hadoop versions and application types), and then promises to return the analyzed result later.
public class AnalyticJob {
   * Returns the analysed AppResult that could be directly serialized into DB.
   * This method fetches the data using the appropriate application fetcher, runs all the heuristics on them and
   * loads it into the AppResult model.
   * @throws Exception if the analysis process encountered a problem.
   * @return the analysed AppResult
  public AppResult getAnalysis() throws Exception {
    ElephantFetcher fetcher = ElephantContext.instance().getFetcherForApplicationType(getAppType());
    // 根据FetcherConf.xml获取: "tez"->"TezFetcher", "mapreduce"->"MapReduceFSFetcherHadoop2", "spark"->"SparkFetcher"
    // tez、mapreduce、spark对应AnalyticJob里的_type
    // 封装job的conf配置、map、reduce信息、Counters统计、Time等
    HadoopApplicationData data = fetcher.fetchData(this);

    // JobTypeConf.xml,以applicationtype为key,value是List<JobType>,JobType封装name、conf、value字段
    // 返回rm job的配置信息key跟jobType的conf字段匹配的jobType
    JobType jobType = ElephantContext.instance().matchJobType(data);
    String jobTypeName = jobType == null ? UNKNOWN_JOB_TYPE : jobType.getName();

    // Run all heuristics over the fetched data
    List<HeuristicResult> analysisResults = new ArrayList<HeuristicResult>();
    if (data == null || data.isEmpty()) {
      // Example: a MR job has 0 mappers and 0 reducers
      logger.info("No Data Received for analytic job: " + getAppId());
    } else {
      // 获取HeuristicConf.xml里applicationtype对应的所有classname启发式对象
      List<Heuristic> heuristics = ElephantContext.instance().getHeuristicsForApplicationType(getAppType());
      for (Heuristic heuristic : heuristics) {
      // 获取HeuristicConf.xml里params标签下的exclude_jobtypes_filter值
        String confExcludedApps = heuristic.getHeuristicConfData().getParamMap().get(EXCLUDE_JOBTYPE);

        if (confExcludedApps == null || confExcludedApps.length() == 0 ||
                !Arrays.asList(confExcludedApps.split(",")).contains(jobTypeName)) {        // 应用启发式算法生成HeuristicResult分析结果
          HeuristicResult result = heuristic.apply(data);
          if (result != null) {

    // 根据AggregatorConf.xml获取appType对应的HadoopMetricsAggregator实现类
    HadoopMetricsAggregator hadoopMetricsAggregator = ElephantContext.instance().getAggregatorForApplicationType(getAppType());
    // 分别计算Job的资源使用、资源浪费、等待耗时 3大指标
    HadoopAggregatedData hadoopAggregatedData = hadoopMetricsAggregator.getResult();

    // 配置Job基础信息
    // Utils.truncateField(),根据limit截断字符串: field.substring(0, limit - 3) + "..."
    AppResult result = new AppResult();
    result.id = Utils.truncateField(getAppId(), AppResult.ID_LIMIT, getAppId());
    result.trackingUrl = Utils.truncateField(getTrackingUrl(), AppResult.TRACKING_URL_LIMIT, getAppId());
    result.queueName = Utils.truncateField(getQueueName(), AppResult.QUEUE_NAME_LIMIT, getAppId());
    result.username = Utils.truncateField(getUser(), AppResult.USERNAME_LIMIT, getAppId());
    result.startTime = getStartTime();
    result.finishTime = getFinishTime();
    result.name = Utils.truncateField(getName(), AppResult.APP_NAME_LIMIT, getAppId());
    result.jobType = Utils.truncateField(jobTypeName, AppResult.JOBTYPE_LIMIT, getAppId());
    result.resourceUsed = hadoopAggregatedData.getResourceUsed();
    result.totalDelay = hadoopAggregatedData.getTotalDelay();
    result.resourceWasted = hadoopAggregatedData.getResourceWasted();

    // 配置Job启发式算法计算值
    int jobScore = 0;
    result.yarnAppHeuristicResults = new ArrayList<AppHeuristicResult>();
    Severity worstSeverity = Severity.NONE;
    for (HeuristicResult heuristicResult : analysisResults) {
      AppHeuristicResult detail = new AppHeuristicResult();
      detail.heuristicClass = Utils.truncateField(heuristicResult.getHeuristicClassName(),
          AppHeuristicResult.HEURISTIC_CLASS_LIMIT, getAppId());
      detail.heuristicName = Utils.truncateField(heuristicResult.getHeuristicName(),
          AppHeuristicResult.HEURISTIC_NAME_LIMIT, getAppId());
      detail.severity = heuristicResult.getSeverity();
      detail.score = heuristicResult.getScore();

      // Load Heuristic Details
      for (HeuristicResultDetails heuristicResultDetails : heuristicResult.getHeuristicResultDetails()) {
        AppHeuristicResultDetails heuristicDetail = new AppHeuristicResultDetails();
        heuristicDetail.yarnAppHeuristicResult = detail;
        heuristicDetail.name = Utils.truncateField(heuristicResultDetails.getName(),
            AppHeuristicResultDetails.NAME_LIMIT, getAppId());
        heuristicDetail.value = Utils.truncateField(heuristicResultDetails.getValue(),
            AppHeuristicResultDetails.VALUE_LIMIT, getAppId());
        heuristicDetail.details = Utils.truncateField(heuristicResultDetails.getDetails(),
            AppHeuristicResultDetails.DETAILS_LIMIT, getAppId());
        // This was added for AnalyticTest. Commenting this out to fix a bug. Also disabling AnalyticJobTest.
        //detail.yarnAppHeuristicResultDetails = new ArrayList<AppHeuristicResultDetails>();
        // bug! yarnAppHeuristicResultDetails没有new ArrayList<>();
      // 取最严重的预警值
      worstSeverity = Severity.max(worstSeverity, detail.severity);
      jobScore += detail.score;
    result.severity = worstSeverity;
    result.score = jobScore;

    // Retrieve information from job configuration like scheduler information and store them into result.
    // 根据SchedulerConf.xml,将scheduler的信息保存到result
    InfoExtractor.loadInfo(result, data);

    return result;



public class MapReduceFSFetcherHadoop2 extends MapReduceFetcher {
  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(MapReduceFSFetcherHadoop2.class);

  private static final String LOG_SIZE_XML_FIELD = "history_log_size_limit_in_mb";
  private static final String HISTORY_SERVER_TIME_ZONE_XML_FIELD = "history_server_time_zone";
  private static final String TIMESTAMP_DIR_FORMAT = "%04d" + File.separator + "%02d" + File.separator + "%02d";
  private static final int SERIAL_NUMBER_DIRECTORY_DIGITS = 6;
  protected static final double DEFALUT_MAX_LOG_SIZE_IN_MB = 500;

  private FileSystem _fs;
  private String _historyLocation;
  private String _intermediateHistoryLocation;
  private double _maxLogSizeInMB;
  private TimeZone _timeZone;

  public MapReduceFSFetcherHadoop2(FetcherConfigurationData fetcherConfData) throws IOException {

    // 设置单个.jhist文件最大数据量500MB
    if (fetcherConfData.getParamMap().get(LOG_SIZE_XML_FIELD) != null) {
      double[] logLimitSize = Utils.getParam(fetcherConfData.getParamMap().get(LOG_SIZE_XML_FIELD), 1);
      if (logLimitSize != null) {
        _maxLogSizeInMB = logLimitSize[0];
    logger.info("The history log limit of MapReduce application is set to " + _maxLogSizeInMB + " MB");

    // 设置时区,这个初始时要修改FetcherConf.xml里history_server_time_zone的值为CST
    String timeZoneStr = fetcherConfData.getParamMap().get(HISTORY_SERVER_TIME_ZONE_XML_FIELD);
    _timeZone = timeZoneStr == null ? TimeZone.getDefault() : TimeZone.getTimeZone(timeZoneStr);
    logger.info("Using timezone: " + _timeZone.getID());

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    this._historyLocation = conf.get("mapreduce.jobhistory.done-dir");
    this._intermediateHistoryLocation = conf.get("mapreduce.jobhistory.intermediate-done-dir");
    try {
      URI uri = new URI(this._historyLocation);
      // 基于"mapreduce.jobhistory.done-dir",创建FileSystem hdfs文件对象
      this._fs = FileSystem.get(uri, conf);
    } catch( URISyntaxException ex) {
      this._fs = FileSystem.get(conf);
    logger.info("Intermediate history dir: " + _intermediateHistoryLocation);
    logger.info("History done dir: " + _historyLocation);

  public String getHistoryLocation() {
    return _historyLocation;

  public double getMaxLogSizeInMB() {
    return _maxLogSizeInMB;

  public TimeZone getTimeZone() {
    return _timeZone;

   * The location of a job history file is in format: {done-dir}/yyyy/mm/dd/{serialPart}.
   * yyyy/mm/dd is the year, month and date of the finish time.
   * serialPart is the first 6 digits of the serial number considering it as a 9 digits number.
   * PS: The serial number is the last part of an app id.
   * <p>
   * For example, if appId = application_1461566847127_84624, then serial number is 84624.
   * Consider it as a 9 digits number, serial number is 000084624. So the corresponding
   * serialPart is 000084. If this application finish at 2016-5-30, its history file will locate
   * at {done-dir}/2016/05/30/000084
   * </p>
   * <p>
   * Furthermore, this location format is only satisfied for finished jobs in {done-dir} and not
   * for running jobs in {intermediate-done-dir}.
   * </p>
   // 根据job.getFinishTime()生成{done-dir}/{yyyy}/{MM}/{dd}/{serialPart}
   // appId = application_1461566847127_84624,则{serialNumber}: 84624。再高位补0取9位:000084624,最后取前6位:000084 生成{serialPart}
  protected String getHistoryDir(AnalyticJob job) {
    // generate the date part
    Calendar timestamp = Calendar.getInstance(_timeZone);
    String datePart = String.format(TIMESTAMP_DIR_FORMAT,
            timestamp.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1,

    // generate the serial part
    String appId = job.getAppId();
    int serialNumber = Integer.parseInt(appId.substring(appId.lastIndexOf('_') + 1));
    String serialPart = String.format("%09d", serialNumber)
            .substring(0, SERIAL_NUMBER_DIRECTORY_DIGITS);

    return StringUtils.join(new String[]{_historyLocation, datePart, serialPart, ""}, File.separator);

  private DataFiles getHistoryFiles(AnalyticJob job) throws IOException {
    // application_1461566847127_84624 -> job_1461566847127_84624
    String jobId = Utils.getJobIdFromApplicationId(job.getAppId());
    String jobConfPath = null;
    String jobHistPath = null;

    // Search files in done dir
    // {done-dir}/{yyyy}/{MM}/{dd}/{serialPart}。注意: 这是hdfs文件系统
    String jobHistoryDirPath = getHistoryDir(job);

    // 当jobHistoryDir存在时,循环遍历文件名,contains(jobId)且后缀为"_conf.xml"、".jhist"时停止遍历
    if (_fs.exists(new Path(jobHistoryDirPath))) {
      RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> it = _fs.listFiles(new Path(jobHistoryDirPath), false);
      while (it.hasNext() && (jobConfPath == null || jobHistPath == null)) {
        String name = it.next().getPath().getName();
        if (name.contains(jobId)) {
          if (name.endsWith("_conf.xml")) {
            jobConfPath = jobHistoryDirPath + name;
          } else if (name.endsWith(".jhist")) {
            jobHistPath = jobHistoryDirPath + name;

    // If some files are missing, search in the intermediate-done-dir in case the HistoryServer has
    // not yet moved them into the done-dir.
    // 当jobConfPath、jobHistPath为null时,说明done文件夹没找到对应job的conf配置
    // intermediateDirPath: {intermediate-done-dir}/{user}/,从中转站读取job信息
    String intermediateDirPath = _intermediateHistoryLocation + File.separator + job.getUser() + File.separator;
    if (jobConfPath == null) {
      jobConfPath = intermediateDirPath + jobId + "_conf.xml";
      if (!_fs.exists(new Path(jobConfPath))) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException("Can't find config of " + jobId + " in neither " + jobHistoryDirPath + " nor " + intermediateDirPath);
      logger.info("Found job config in intermediate dir: " + jobConfPath);
    if (jobHistPath == null) {
      try {
        RemoteIterator<LocatedFileStatus> it = _fs.listFiles(new Path(intermediateDirPath), false);
        while (it.hasNext()) {
          String name = it.next().getPath().getName();
          if (name.contains(jobId) && name.endsWith(".jhist")) {
            jobHistPath = intermediateDirPath + name;
            logger.info("Found history file in intermediate dir: " + jobHistPath);
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        logger.error("Intermediate history directory " + intermediateDirPath + " not found");
      if (jobHistPath == null) {
        throw new FileNotFoundException("Can't find history file of " + jobId + " in neither " + jobHistoryDirPath + " nor " + intermediateDirPath);

    return new DataFiles(jobConfPath, jobHistPath);

  public MapReduceApplicationData fetchData(AnalyticJob job) throws IOException {
    // 封装jobConfPath、jobHistPath路径
    DataFiles files = getHistoryFiles(job);
    String confFile = files.getJobConfPath();
    String histFile = files.getJobHistPath();
    String appId = job.getAppId();
    // application_1461566847127_84624 -> job_1461566847127_84624
    String jobId = Utils.getJobIdFromApplicationId(appId);

    MapReduceApplicationData jobData = new MapReduceApplicationData();

    // 加载confFile配置: jobConf.addResource(),然后转成Properties
    Configuration jobConf = new Configuration(false);
    jobConf.addResource(_fs.open(new Path(confFile)), confFile);
    Properties jobConfProperties = new Properties();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : jobConf) {
      jobConfProperties.put(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());

    // Check if job history file is too large and should be throttled
    // 限制job history文件大小,也就是字节长度<=500MB
    if (_fs.getFileStatus(new Path(histFile)).getLen() > _maxLogSizeInMB * FileUtils.ONE_MB) {
      String errMsg = "The history log of MapReduce application: " + appId + " is over the limit size of " + _maxLogSizeInMB + " MB, the parsing process gets throttled.";
      jobData.setSucceeded(false);  // set succeeded to false to avoid heuristic analysis
      return jobData;

    // Analyze job history file
    // 解析job history文件,new JobHistoryParser().parse()生成JobInfo对象
    JobHistoryParser parser = new JobHistoryParser(_fs, histFile);
    JobHistoryParser.JobInfo jobInfo = parser.parse();
    // 判定是否解析异常
    IOException parseException = parser.getParseException();
    if (parseException != null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Could not parse history file " + histFile, parseException);


    String state = jobInfo.getJobStatus();
    if (state.equals("SUCCEEDED")) {
    else if (state.equals("FAILED")) {
    } else {
      throw new RuntimeException("job neither succeeded or failed. can not process it ");

    // Fetch job counter
    // 获取Counter统计信息 <group, <counter.name, counter.value>>
    MapReduceCounterData jobCounter = getCounterData(jobInfo.getTotalCounters());

    // Fetch task data
    // 获取AllTasks,然后根据TaskType进行MAP、REDUCE分类。一个job对应多个Map、Reduce
    Map<TaskID, JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo> allTasks = jobInfo.getAllTasks();
    List<JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo> mapperInfoList = new ArrayList<JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo>();
    List<JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo> reducerInfoList = new ArrayList<JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo>();
    for (JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo taskInfo : allTasks.values()) {
      if (taskInfo.getTaskType() == TaskType.MAP) {
      } else {
    if (jobInfo.getTotalMaps() > MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE) {
      logger.debug(jobId + " total mappers: " + mapperInfoList.size());
    if (jobInfo.getTotalReduces() > MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE) {
      logger.debug(jobId + " total reducers: " + reducerInfoList.size());
    // 获取Task信息列表
    MapReduceTaskData[] mapperList = getTaskData(jobId, mapperInfoList);
    MapReduceTaskData[] reducerList = getTaskData(jobId, reducerInfoList);


    return jobData;

  // <group, <counter.name, counter.value>>
  private MapReduceCounterData getCounterData(Counters counters) {
    MapReduceCounterData holder = new MapReduceCounterData();
    if (counters != null) {
      for (CounterGroup group : counters) {
        String groupName = group.getName();
        for (Counter counter : group) {
          holder.set(groupName, counter.getName(), counter.getValue());
    return holder;

  // 根据TaskAttemptInfo计算map、shuffle、sort、reduce各阶段的执行时间
  // taskExecTime按顺序:_totalTimeMs、_shuffleTimeMs、_sortTimeMs、_startTimeMs、_finishTimeMs
  // MAP类型时,没有shuffle、sort阶段;REDUCE类型时,start->shuffle->sort->finish
  private long[] getTaskExecTime(JobHistoryParser.TaskAttemptInfo attempInfo) {
    long startTime = attempInfo.getStartTime();
    long finishTime = attempInfo.getFinishTime();
    boolean isMapper = (attempInfo.getTaskType() == TaskType.MAP);

    long[] time;
    if (isMapper) {
      time = new long[]{finishTime - startTime, 0, 0, startTime, finishTime};
    } else {
      long shuffleFinishTime = attempInfo.getShuffleFinishTime();
      long mergeFinishTime = attempInfo.getSortFinishTime();
      time = new long[]{finishTime - startTime, shuffleFinishTime - startTime,
              mergeFinishTime - shuffleFinishTime, startTime, finishTime};
    return time;

  // 获取Task信息列表,包括:taskId、attemptId、taskStatus、taskExecTime、taskCounter
  protected MapReduceTaskData[] getTaskData(String jobId, List<JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo> infoList) {
    // 获取FetcherConf.xml里sampling_enabled的设置。当需要抽样且infoList长度大于200时,Collections.shuffle(taskList),然后返回最小值Math.min(taskList.size(), MAX_SAMPLE_SIZE)
    // 这里的infoList是单个job对应的Map或Reduce类型任务数列表
    int sampleSize = sampleAndGetSize(jobId, infoList);

    List<MapReduceTaskData> taskList = new ArrayList<MapReduceTaskData>();
    for (int i = 0; i < sampleSize; i++) {
      JobHistoryParser.TaskInfo tInfo = infoList.get(i);

      String taskId = tInfo.getTaskId().toString();
      TaskAttemptID attemptId = null;
      // 根据TaskStatus获取对应的attemptId
      if(tInfo.getTaskStatus().equals("SUCCEEDED")) {
        attemptId = tInfo.getSuccessfulAttemptId();
      } else {
        attemptId = tInfo.getFailedDueToAttemptId();

      MapReduceTaskData taskData = new MapReduceTaskData(taskId, attemptId == null ? "" : attemptId.toString() , tInfo.getTaskStatus());
      // Counters细分Job粒度、Task粒度
      MapReduceCounterData taskCounterData = getCounterData(tInfo.getCounters());

      long[] taskExecTime = null;
      if (attemptId != null) {
        // 根据TaskAttemptInfo,获取Task各阶段执行耗时
        taskExecTime = getTaskExecTime(tInfo.getAllTaskAttempts().get(attemptId));

      taskData.setTimeAndCounter(taskExecTime, taskCounterData);
    return taskList.toArray(new MapReduceTaskData[taskList.size()]);

  private class DataFiles {
    private String jobConfPath;
    private String jobHistPath;

    public DataFiles(String confPath, String histPath) {
      this.jobConfPath = confPath;
      this.jobHistPath = histPath;

    public String getJobConfPath() {
      return jobConfPath;

    public void setJobConfPath(String jobConfPath) {
      this.jobConfPath = jobConfPath;

    public String getJobHistPath() {
      return jobHistPath;

    public void setJobHistPath(String jobHistPath) {
      this.jobHistPath = jobHistPath;


Hadoop集群Rest Api汇总

MR Application Master
MR History Server
Resource Manager
Node Manager
Timeline Server
Timeline Service V2

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