
selenium v4.12正式版本发布!速看需要了解的内容!

2022-03-09  本文已影响0人  测试开发Kevin

目前selenium的最新版本是v4.1.2(截止到2022年3月7日),看了一下v4.0.0到v4.1.2的升级变化,发现selenium4正式版与 rc版本相比,核心功能并没有发生变化,主要变化的内容总结出以下两点:

1. 对CDP协议高版本的不断支持,关于cdp协议,可以参考文章


2. Selenium Grid的bug修复 以及稳定性的提升

备注:关于v4.1.2中新增的功能Add new desktop cast command for Chromium,查了一下就是chrome的投屏功能,涉及的自动化测试场景应该非常有限。


重磅!自动化测试工程师必看!selenium4 RC版本正式发布!




* Supported CDP versions: 85, 95, 96, 97

* Add new desktop cast command for Chromium

* BugFix: Update toJson() method creationfor integer type in CdpClientGenerator

* Fix Javadocs FluentWait's sample usagewrt durations

* [grid] Throw ServerBindException whenserver cannot start due to network issues

* Add support for CDP Chrome 97

* Throw error when using custom clientconfig with local driver

* Adding a builder() to all drivers togenerate the correct default options instance

* Use class' class loader when looking up`HttpClient` factory

* Remove max duration value to allowretries during network connection failures

* allow setting a different keyboard orpointer for actions on input devices

* [grid] Guarding how the server readsparameters to keep it stable

* Remove connection timeout setter, astatic 10s value is used

* [grid] Getting session requests from thequeue faster

* [grid] Reworking how new session requestsare processed, querying queue only

 when Grid has availability

* [grid] Fix added missing quotation marksin examples (cli help)

* Replace deprecated OpenTelemetrySdk creationAPI

* [grid] Improving Node health checkexecution

* [grid] Adding back support for unixdomain sockets

* Allow disabling tracing inRemoteWebDriver

* Replace dynamic proxy with ByteBuddy forWebDriverDecorator

* Log Timestamp flag added



* Supported CDP versions: 85, 94, 95, 96

* Allow custom tracing to integrate withexisting OpenTelemetry tracing

* Avoiding NoClassDefFoundError by waitingfor completion of already started tasks

* use addon parameter with base64 encodinginstead of path parameter

 that requires using file detector and upload

* support installing temporary addon inFirefox

* Remove references to opera_blink infavour of opera

* BugFix: Handle null parameters inTracedCommandExecutor

* BugFix: Following redirects by default inHttpClient

* BugFix: Forwarding CDP/BiDi connectionsto the container in Dynamic Grid

* BugFix: Do not log screenshots payload indebug mode

* BugFix: Mapping Slot fields properly forjson payloads

* BugFix: Configuring relay service via CLI

* BugFix: Adding a "bind-host"flag to start Grid properly when the

 server cannot bind to the host, fixes this for environments like Docker



* Supported CDP versions: 85, 94, 95, 96

* Removed USE_CHROMIUM from EdgeOptions asnew Edge is the default

* [grid] Fixed command completion for ZSHwhen using the Selenium Server

* Pass WebDriver instead of Loggable toallow augmentation of HasLogEvents

* [grid] Using a random port when"-1" is set as port number for the Selenium Server

* Handle Json parsing error such thatfuture messages are not blocked

* [grid] Fix host option

* Changing type of extraInfo from HashMapto ConcurrentHasMap to avoid

 ConcurrentModificationException while reading exception message byparallel threads

* Add retry http request filter fortransient errors.

* Fix Javadoc code block formatting

* [grid] Using non-loopback address whendefault config is used

* Fix classloading error in host identifier

* Split OpenTelemetry command in order tofacilitate search by tags



* Supported CDP versions: 85, 93, 94, 95

* Improved "relay" servicedescription in help

* Switch to different JCIP annotations forApache 2 license

* Deprecated USE_CHROMIUM so we can removeit after 4.0

* Add a --hub flag for the Node

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