Hilary Putnam 希拉里 普特南讣告选段汉语翻译
Over time he became less keen on thinking of the mind only in terms of what happens inside the brain. Instead he adopted externalism: “meanings just ain’t in the head”. Refining Wittgenstein, he posited a linguistic division of labour, analogous to Adam Smith’s thinking in economics. The people best able to determine a word’s meaning do so on the basis of expertise. Others then rely on their usage. As a Harvard philosopher, he might have no idea how to tell an elm from a beech, but he could confidently use the words with the assurance that botanists knew exactly what they meant.
A related example of the tension between knowledge and reality came with another thought experiment: a sceptic might wonder whether she were no more than a brain in a vat, artificially nourished, and stimulated with a bogus but utterly convincing version of the real world. How could one prove that this is not so? The answer is that our brains are more than just perception machines, and meaning depends on what other people think too. So a brain in a vat might exist, but it could not meaningfully say that it was merely a brain in a vat. Philosophers would call that epistemological externalism: factors outside the mind are crucial to what it can be said to “know” and “think”.