SDWebImage 5.0 源码解析
2019-04-10 本文已影响23人
SDWebImage作为一个广泛使用的图片加载框架,支持从网络中下载且缓存图片,并设置图片到对应的 UIImageView 控件或者 UIButton 控件中。SDWebImage简洁的API接口大大简化了图片加载过程,极大地提高开发效率.5.0版本项目目录如下:


- UIImageView+WebCache:
- sd_setImageWithURL
- UIView+WebCache:
- sd_internalSetImageWithURL
- (void)sd_internalSetImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
placeholderImage:(nullable UIImage *)placeholder
context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context
setImageBlock:(nullable SDSetImageBlock)setImageBlock
progress:(nullable SDImageLoaderProgressBlock)progressBlock
completed:(nullable SDInternalCompletionBlock)completedBlock {
context = [context copy]; // copy to avoid mutable object
NSString *validOperationKey = context[SDWebImageContextSetImageOperationKey];
if (!validOperationKey) {
validOperationKey = NSStringFromClass([self class]);
self.sd_latestOperationKey = validOperationKey;
[self sd_cancelImageLoadOperationWithKey:validOperationKey];
self.sd_imageURL = url;
if (!(options & SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder)) {
[self sd_setImage:placeholder imageData:nil basedOnClassOrViaCustomSetImageBlock:setImageBlock cacheType:SDImageCacheTypeNone imageURL:url];
if (url) {
// reset the progress
self.sd_imageProgress.totalUnitCount = 0;
self.sd_imageProgress.completedUnitCount = 0;
// check and start image indicator
[self sd_startImageIndicator];
id<SDWebImageIndicator> imageIndicator = self.sd_imageIndicator;
SDWebImageManager *manager = context[SDWebImageContextCustomManager];
if (!manager) {
manager = [SDWebImageManager sharedManager];
SDImageLoaderProgressBlock combinedProgressBlock = ^(NSInteger receivedSize, NSInteger expectedSize, NSURL * _Nullable targetURL) {
NSProgress *imageProgress = self.sd_imageProgress;
imageProgress.totalUnitCount = expectedSize;
imageProgress.completedUnitCount = receivedSize;
if ([imageIndicator respondsToSelector:@selector(updateIndicatorProgress:)]) {
double progress = imageProgress.fractionCompleted;
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[imageIndicator updateIndicatorProgress:progress];
if (progressBlock) {
progressBlock(receivedSize, expectedSize, targetURL);
id <SDWebImageOperation> operation = [manager loadImageWithURL:url options:options context:context progress:combinedProgressBlock completed:^(UIImage *image, NSData *data, NSError *error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, BOOL finished, NSURL *imageURL) {
if (!self) { return; }
// if the progress not been updated, mark it to complete state
if (finished && !error && self.sd_imageProgress.totalUnitCount == 0 && self.sd_imageProgress.completedUnitCount == 0) {
self.sd_imageProgress.totalUnitCount = SDWebImageProgressUnitCountUnknown;
self.sd_imageProgress.completedUnitCount = SDWebImageProgressUnitCountUnknown;
// check and stop image indicator
if (finished) {
[self sd_stopImageIndicator];
BOOL shouldCallCompletedBlock = finished || (options & SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage);
BOOL shouldNotSetImage = ((image && (options & SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage)) ||
(!image && !(options & SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder)));
SDWebImageNoParamsBlock callCompletedBlockClojure = ^{
if (!self) { return; }
if (!shouldNotSetImage) {
[self sd_setNeedsLayout];
if (completedBlock && shouldCallCompletedBlock) {
completedBlock(image, data, error, cacheType, finished, url);
// case 1a: we got an image, but the SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage flag is set
// OR
// case 1b: we got no image and the SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder is not set
if (shouldNotSetImage) {
UIImage *targetImage = nil;
NSData *targetData = nil;
if (image) {
// case 2a: we got an image and the SDWebImageAvoidAutoSetImage is not set
targetImage = image;
targetData = data;
} else if (options & SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder) {
// case 2b: we got no image and the SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder flag is set
targetImage = placeholder;
targetData = nil;
// check whether we should use the image transition
SDWebImageTransition *transition = nil;
if (finished && (options & SDWebImageForceTransition || cacheType == SDImageCacheTypeNone)) {
transition = self.sd_imageTransition;
[self sd_setImage:targetImage imageData:targetData basedOnClassOrViaCustomSetImageBlock:setImageBlock transition:transition cacheType:cacheType imageURL:imageURL];
[self sd_setImage:targetImage imageData:targetData basedOnClassOrViaCustomSetImageBlock:setImageBlock cacheType:cacheType imageURL:imageURL];
[self sd_setImageLoadOperation:operation forKey:validOperationKey];
} else {
[self sd_stopImageIndicator];
if (completedBlock) {
NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:SDWebImageErrorInvalidURL userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Image url is nil"}];
completedBlock(nil, nil, error, SDImageCacheTypeNone, YES, url);
typedef NSString * SDWebImageContextOption NS_EXTENSIBLE_STRING_ENUM;
typedef NSDictionary<SDWebImageContextOption, id> SDWebImageContext;
#pragma mark - Context Options
A String to be used as the operation key for view category to store the image load operation. This is used for view instance which supports different image loading process. If nil, will use the class name as operation key. (NSString *)
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDWebImageContextOption _Nonnull const SDWebImageContextSetImageOperationKey;
A SDWebImageManager instance to control the image download and cache process using in UIImageView+WebCache category and likes. If not provided, use the shared manager (SDWebImageManager *)
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDWebImageContextOption _Nonnull const SDWebImageContextCustomManager;
A id<SDImageTransformer> instance which conforms `SDImageTransformer` protocol. It's used for image transform after the image load finished and store the transformed image to cache. If you provide one, it will ignore the `transformer` in manager and use provided one instead. (id<SDImageTransformer>)
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDWebImageContextOption _Nonnull const SDWebImageContextImageTransformer;
A CGFloat raw value which specify the image scale factor. The number should be greater than or equal to 1.0. If not provide or the number is invalid, we will use the cache key to specify the scale factor. (NSNumber)
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDWebImageContextOption _Nonnull const SDWebImageContextImageScaleFactor;
A SDImageCacheType raw value which specify the cache type when the image has just been downloaded and will be stored to the cache. Specify `SDImageCacheTypeNone` to disable cache storage; `SDImageCacheTypeDisk` to store in disk cache only; `SDImageCacheTypeMemory` to store in memory only. And `SDImageCacheTypeAll` to store in both memory cache and disk cache.
If not provide or the value is invalid, we will use `SDImageCacheTypeAll`. (NSNumber)
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDWebImageContextOption _Nonnull const SDWebImageContextStoreCacheType;
A Class object which the instance is a `UIImage/NSImage` subclass and adopt `SDAnimatedImage` protocol. We will call `initWithData:scale:options:` to create the instance (or `initWithAnimatedCoder:scale:` when using progressive download) . If the instance create failed, fallback to normal `UIImage/NSImage`.
This can be used to improve animated images rendering performance (especially memory usage on big animated images) with `SDAnimatedImageView` (Class).
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDWebImageContextOption _Nonnull const SDWebImageContextAnimatedImageClass;
A id<SDWebImageDownloaderRequestModifier> instance to modify the image download request. It's used for downloader to modify the original request from URL and options. If you provide one, it will ignore the `requestModifier` in downloader and use provided one instead. (id<SDWebImageDownloaderRequestModifier>)
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDWebImageContextOption _Nonnull const SDWebImageContextDownloadRequestModifier;
A id<SDWebImageCacheKeyFilter> instance to convert an URL into a cache key. It's used when manager need cache key to use image cache. If you provide one, it will ignore the `cacheKeyFilter` in manager and use provided one instead. (id<SDWebImageCacheKeyFilter>)
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDWebImageContextOption _Nonnull const SDWebImageContextCacheKeyFilter;
A id<SDWebImageCacheSerializer> instance to convert the decoded image, the source downloaded data, to the actual data. It's used for manager to store image to the disk cache. If you provide one, it will ignore the `cacheSerializer` in manager and use provided one instead. (id<SDWebImageCacheSerializer>)
FOUNDATION_EXPORT SDWebImageContextOption _Nonnull const SDWebImageContextCacheSerializer;
NSString *validOperationKey = context[SDWebImageContextSetImageOperationKey];
if (!validOperationKey) {
validOperationKey = NSStringFromClass([self class]);
self.sd_latestOperationKey = validOperationKey;
[self sd_cancelImageLoadOperationWithKey:validOperationKey];
- (void)sd_cancelImageLoadOperationWithKey:(nullable NSString *)key {
if (key) {
// Cancel in progress downloader from queue
SDOperationsDictionary *operationDictionary = [self sd_operationDictionary];
id<SDWebImageOperation> operation;
@synchronized (self) {
operation = [operationDictionary objectForKey:key];
if (operation) {
if ([operation conformsToProtocol:@protocol(SDWebImageOperation)]) {
[operation cancel];
@synchronized (self) {
[operationDictionary removeObjectForKey:key];
typedef NSMapTable<NSString *, id<SDWebImageOperation>> SDOperationsDictionary;
if (!(options & SDWebImageDelayPlaceholder)) {
[self sd_setImage:placeholder imageData:nil basedOnClassOrViaCustomSetImageBlock:setImageBlock cacheType:SDImageCacheTypeNone imageURL:url];
SDWebImageManager *manager = context[SDWebImageContextCustomManager];
if (!manager) {
manager = [SDWebImageManager sharedManager];
id <SDWebImageOperation> operation = [manager loadImageWithURL:url options:options context:context progress:combinedProgressBlock completed:^(UIImage *image, NSData *data, NSError *error, SDImageCacheType cacheType, BOOL finished, NSURL *imageURL) {
[self sd_setImageLoadOperation:operation forKey:validOperationKey];
// Very common mistake is to send the URL using NSString object instead of NSURL. For some strange reason, Xcode won't
// throw any warning for this type mismatch. Here we failsafe this error by allowing URLs to be passed as NSString.
if ([url isKindOfClass:NSString.class]) {
url = [NSURL URLWithString:(NSString *)url];
// Prevents app crashing on argument type error like sending NSNull instead of NSURL
if (![url isKindOfClass:NSURL.class]) {
url = nil;
// A combined operation representing the cache and loader operation. You can use it to cancel the load process.
@interface SDWebImageCombinedOperation : NSObject <SDWebImageOperation>
Cancel the current operation, including cache and loader process
- (void)cancel;
The cache operation from the image cache query
@property (strong, nonatomic, nullable, readonly) id<SDWebImageOperation> cacheOperation;
The loader operation from the image loader (such as download operation)
@property (strong, nonatomic, nullable, readonly) id<SDWebImageOperation> loaderOperation;
// Start the entry to load image from cache
[self callCacheProcessForOperation:operation url:url options:options context:context progress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock];
// Query cache process
- (void)callCacheProcessForOperation:(nonnull SDWebImageCombinedOperation *)operation
url:(nonnull NSURL *)url
context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context
progress:(nullable SDImageLoaderProgressBlock)progressBlock
completed:(nullable SDInternalCompletionBlock)completedBlock {
// Check whether we should query cache
BOOL shouldQueryCache = (options & SDWebImageFromLoaderOnly) == 0;
if (shouldQueryCache) {
id<SDWebImageCacheKeyFilter> cacheKeyFilter = context[SDWebImageContextCacheKeyFilter];
NSString *key = [self cacheKeyForURL:url cacheKeyFilter:cacheKeyFilter];
operation.cacheOperation = [self.imageCache queryImageForKey:key options:options context:context completion:^(UIImage * _Nullable cachedImage, NSData * _Nullable cachedData, SDImageCacheType cacheType) {
if (!operation || operation.isCancelled) {
[self safelyRemoveOperationFromRunning:operation];
// Continue download process
[self callDownloadProcessForOperation:operation url:url options:options context:context cachedImage:cachedImage cachedData:cachedData cacheType:cacheType progress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock];
} else {
// Continue download process
[self callDownloadProcessForOperation:operation url:url options:options context:context cachedImage:nil cachedData:nil cacheType:SDImageCacheTypeNone progress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock];
@interface SDImageCache ()
#pragma mark - Properties
@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull) id<SDMemoryCache> memCache;
@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull) id<SDDiskCache> diskCache;
@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite, nonnull) SDImageCacheConfig *config;
@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite, nonnull) NSString *diskCachePath;
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) dispatch_queue_t ioQueue;
- (nullable SDWebImageDownloadToken *)downloadImageWithURL:(nullable NSURL *)url
context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context
progress:(nullable SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock)progressBlock
completed:(nullable SDWebImageDownloaderCompletedBlock)completedBlock {
// The URL will be used as the key to the callbacks dictionary so it cannot be nil. If it is nil immediately call the completed block with no image or data.
if (url == nil) {
if (completedBlock) {
NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:SDWebImageErrorInvalidURL userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Image url is nil"}];
completedBlock(nil, nil, error, YES);
return nil;
NSOperation<SDWebImageDownloaderOperation> *operation = [self.URLOperations objectForKey:url];
// There is a case that the operation may be marked as finished or cancelled, but not been removed from `self.URLOperations`.
if (!operation || operation.isFinished || operation.isCancelled) {
operation = [self createDownloaderOperationWithUrl:url options:options context:context];
if (!operation) {
if (completedBlock) {
NSError *error = [NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:SDWebImageErrorInvalidDownloadOperation userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Downloader operation is nil"}];
completedBlock(nil, nil, error, YES);
return nil;
operation.completionBlock = ^{
if (!self) {
[self.URLOperations removeObjectForKey:url];
self.URLOperations[url] = operation;
// Add operation to operation queue only after all configuration done according to Apple's doc.
// `addOperation:` does not synchronously execute the `operation.completionBlock` so this will not cause deadlock.
[self.downloadQueue addOperation:operation];
else if (!operation.isExecuting) {
if (options & SDWebImageDownloaderHighPriority) {
operation.queuePriority = NSOperationQueuePriorityHigh;
} else if (options & SDWebImageDownloaderLowPriority) {
operation.queuePriority = NSOperationQueuePriorityLow;
} else {
operation.queuePriority = NSOperationQueuePriorityNormal;
id downloadOperationCancelToken = [operation addHandlersForProgress:progressBlock completed:completedBlock];
SDWebImageDownloadToken *token = [[SDWebImageDownloadToken alloc] initWithDownloadOperation:operation];
token.url = url;
token.request = operation.request;
token.downloadOperationCancelToken = downloadOperationCancelToken;
token.downloader = self;
return token;
- (nullable NSOperation<SDWebImageDownloaderOperation> *)createDownloaderOperationWithUrl:(nonnull NSURL *)url
context:(nullable SDWebImageContext *)context {
NSTimeInterval timeoutInterval = self.config.downloadTimeout;
if (timeoutInterval == 0.0) {
timeoutInterval = 15.0;
// In order to prevent from potential duplicate caching (NSURLCache + SDImageCache) we disable the cache for image requests if told otherwise
NSURLRequestCachePolicy cachePolicy = options & SDWebImageDownloaderUseNSURLCache ? NSURLRequestUseProtocolCachePolicy : NSURLRequestReloadIgnoringLocalCacheData;
NSMutableURLRequest *mutableRequest = [[NSMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:url cachePolicy:cachePolicy timeoutInterval:timeoutInterval];
mutableRequest.HTTPShouldHandleCookies = (options & SDWebImageDownloaderHandleCookies);
mutableRequest.HTTPShouldUsePipelining = YES;
mutableRequest.allHTTPHeaderFields = self.HTTPHeaders;
id<SDWebImageDownloaderRequestModifier> requestModifier;
if ([context valueForKey:SDWebImageContextDownloadRequestModifier]) {
requestModifier = [context valueForKey:SDWebImageContextDownloadRequestModifier];
} else {
requestModifier = self.requestModifier;
NSURLRequest *request;
if (requestModifier) {
NSURLRequest *modifiedRequest = [requestModifier modifiedRequestWithRequest:[mutableRequest copy]];
// If modified request is nil, early return
if (!modifiedRequest) {
return nil;
} else {
request = [modifiedRequest copy];
} else {
request = [mutableRequest copy];
Class operationClass = self.config.operationClass;
if (operationClass && [operationClass isSubclassOfClass:[NSOperation class]] && [operationClass conformsToProtocol:@protocol(SDWebImageDownloaderOperation)]) {
// Custom operation class
} else {
operationClass = [SDWebImageDownloaderOperation class];
NSOperation<SDWebImageDownloaderOperation> *operation = [[operationClass alloc] initWithRequest:request inSession:self.session options:options context:context];
if ([operation respondsToSelector:@selector(setCredential:)]) {
if (self.config.urlCredential) {
operation.credential = self.config.urlCredential;
} else if (self.config.username && self.config.password) {
operation.credential = [NSURLCredential credentialWithUser:self.config.username password:self.config.password persistence:NSURLCredentialPersistenceForSession];
if ([operation respondsToSelector:@selector(setMinimumProgressInterval:)]) {
operation.minimumProgressInterval = MIN(MAX(self.config.minimumProgressInterval, 0), 1);
if (options & SDWebImageDownloaderHighPriority) {
operation.queuePriority = NSOperationQueuePriorityHigh;
} else if (options & SDWebImageDownloaderLowPriority) {
operation.queuePriority = NSOperationQueuePriorityLow;
if (self.config.executionOrder == SDWebImageDownloaderLIFOExecutionOrder) {
// Emulate LIFO execution order by systematically adding new operations as last operation's dependency
[self.lastAddedOperation addDependency:operation];
self.lastAddedOperation = operation;
return operation;
if (self.config.executionOrder == SDWebImageDownloaderLIFOExecutionOrder) {
// Emulate LIFO execution order by systematically adding new operations as last operation's dependency
[self.lastAddedOperation addDependency:operation];
self.lastAddedOperation = operation;
_downloadQueue = [NSOperationQueue new];
_downloadQueue.maxConcurrentOperationCount = _config.maxConcurrentDownloads; = @"com.hackemist.SDWebImageDownloader";
- (nullable id)addHandlersForProgress:(nullable SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock)progressBlock
completed:(nullable SDWebImageDownloaderCompletedBlock)completedBlock;
- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session dataTask:(NSURLSessionDataTask *)dataTask didReceiveData:(NSData *)data {
if (!self.imageData) {
self.imageData = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithCapacity:self.expectedSize];
[self.imageData appendData:data];
self.receivedSize = self.imageData.length;
if (self.expectedSize == 0) {
// Unknown expectedSize, immediately call progressBlock and return
for (SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock progressBlock in [self callbacksForKey:kProgressCallbackKey]) {
progressBlock(self.receivedSize, self.expectedSize, self.request.URL);
// Get the finish status
BOOL finished = (self.receivedSize >= self.expectedSize);
// Get the current progress
double currentProgress = (double)self.receivedSize / (double)self.expectedSize;
double previousProgress = self.previousProgress;
double progressInterval = currentProgress - previousProgress;
// Check if we need callback progress
if (!finished && (progressInterval < self.minimumProgressInterval)) {
self.previousProgress = currentProgress;
if (self.options & SDWebImageDownloaderProgressiveLoad) {
// Get the image data
NSData *imageData = [self.imageData copy];
// progressive decode the image in coder queue
dispatch_async(self.coderQueue, ^{
@autoreleasepool {
UIImage *image = SDImageLoaderDecodeProgressiveImageData(imageData, self.request.URL, finished, self, [[self class] imageOptionsFromDownloaderOptions:self.options], self.context);
if (image) {
// We do not keep the progressive decoding image even when `finished`=YES. Because they are for view rendering but not take full function from downloader options. And some coders implementation may not keep consistent between progressive decoding and normal decoding.
[self callCompletionBlocksWithImage:image imageData:nil error:nil finished:NO];
for (SDWebImageDownloaderProgressBlock progressBlock in [self callbacksForKey:kProgressCallbackKey]) {
progressBlock(self.receivedSize, self.expectedSize, self.request.URL);
+ (UIImage *)decodedImageWithImage:(UIImage *)image {
#if SD_MAC
return image;
if (![self shouldDecodeImage:image]) {
return image;
CGImageRef imageRef = [self CGImageCreateDecoded:image.CGImage];
if (!imageRef) {
return image;
UIImage *decodedImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:imageRef scale:image.scale orientation:image.imageOrientation];
decodedImage.sd_isDecoded = YES;
decodedImage.sd_imageFormat = image.sd_imageFormat;
return decodedImage;
+ (CGImageRef)CGImageCreateDecoded:(CGImageRef)cgImage orientation:(CGImagePropertyOrientation)orientation {
if (!cgImage) {
return NULL;
size_t width = CGImageGetWidth(cgImage);
size_t height = CGImageGetHeight(cgImage);
if (width == 0 || height == 0) return NULL;
BOOL hasAlpha = [self CGImageContainsAlpha:cgImage];
// iOS prefer BGRA8888 (premultiplied) or BGRX8888 bitmapInfo for screen rendering, which is same as `UIGraphicsBeginImageContext()` or `- [CALayer drawInContext:]`
// Though you can use any supported bitmapInfo (see: ) and let Core Graphics reorder it when you call `CGContextDrawImage`
// But since our build-in coders use this bitmapInfo, this can have a little performance benefit
CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host;
bitmapInfo |= hasAlpha ? kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst : kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst;
CGContextRef context = CGBitmapContextCreate(NULL, width, height, 8, 0, [self colorSpaceGetDeviceRGB], bitmapInfo);
if (!context) {
return NULL;
// Apply transform
CGAffineTransform transform = SDCGContextTransformFromOrientation(orientation, CGSizeMake(width, height));
CGRect rect;
switch (orientation) {
case kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeft:
case kCGImagePropertyOrientationLeftMirrored:
case kCGImagePropertyOrientationRight:
case kCGImagePropertyOrientationRightMirrored: {
// These orientation should swap width & height
rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, height, width);
default: {
rect = CGRectMake(0, 0, width, height);
CGContextConcatCTM(context, transform);
CGContextDrawImage(context, rect, cgImage);
CGImageRef newImageRef = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(context);
return newImageRef;