
绘本讲师训练营 【9期英文】阅读原创 13/21 之 暖心篇《D

2018-04-09  本文已影响0人  丁点儿教育


                  Dear Bunny,

Today you asked me,”what ‘s your favorite thing in the world ?”I like many things , I decided to write them all down ...

I like the mornings, when you wake me up and help me find my shoes and socks....

    我记得这是和Amy 一起在书城挑的一本绘本, 当我翻开它,我好像就爱上了这本书里每个暖心的画面,也许是因为那时侯的Amy也有一只属于自己的Bunny 每天陪伴着她,带着她旅行,跟她讲故事,带着她kiss Goodnight ...!till one day , she lost her bunny ...

Dear Bunny Dear bunny

如果不去看出版的背景, 或许我会认为这本书应该出自咱国人之手(因为读起来的语言和情感太符合我这个入门级童鞋的总轴线LOL了,或者最少是华人,但竟不相然,

First published in Great Britain in 2015 by Frances Lincoln children’s books and first paperback edition published in Great Britain in 2016 by Frances Lincoln Children’s books, 74-77 white lion street , London .

让我们一起来静静地读读吧,去追寻曾经在我们的成长中陪伴过我们的”Bunny”, 也同时去感受下孩子们怀抱中的 那只“Bunny”对她们有多么奇妙而美好的意义…

Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear Bunny Dear bunny THE END

Dear Bunny,

I ‘be decided  I like all the things we do together ...but my favorite thing in the world is you ...

  如果热爱,可与她共勉sweet dream !



