
2018-09-30  本文已影响0人  Saber_87d4
  1. 如何弄一个父节点 适应子节点高度的结构出来

首先我们要了解一个东西 layout property


这再inspector 视图里面可以看到
Preferred width 表示更倾向(更优先的意思) 于这个宽高。在有宽高限制组件(例如contentsizefillter)时,会将当前组件的宽高设置成 这个倾向的宽高。

而这些Preferred width 又时怎么计算出来的呢?
看ugui 源码可以找到答案(https://bitbucket.org/Unity-Technologies/ui


public override void OnPreviewGUI(Rect r, GUIStyle background)
            if (Event.current.type != EventType.Repaint)

            if (m_Styles == null)
                m_Styles = new Styles();

            GameObject go = target as GameObject;
            RectTransform rect = go.transform as RectTransform;
            if (rect == null)

            // Apply padding
            RectOffset previewPadding = new RectOffset(-5, -5, -5, -5);
            r = previewPadding.Add(r);

            // Prepare rects for columns
            r.height = EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight;
            Rect labelRect = r;
            Rect valueRect = r;
            Rect sourceRect = r;
            labelRect.width = kLabelWidth;
            valueRect.xMin += kLabelWidth;
            valueRect.width = kValueWidth;
            sourceRect.xMin += kLabelWidth + kValueWidth;

            // Headers
            GUI.Label(labelRect, "Property", m_Styles.headerStyle);
            GUI.Label(valueRect, "Value", m_Styles.headerStyle);
            GUI.Label(sourceRect, "Source", m_Styles.headerStyle);
            labelRect.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
            valueRect.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;
            sourceRect.y += EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight + EditorGUIUtility.standardVerticalSpacing;

            // Prepare reusable variable for out argument
            ILayoutElement source = null;

            // Show properties

            ShowProp(ref labelRect, ref valueRect, ref sourceRect, "Min Width", LayoutUtility.GetLayoutProperty(rect, e => e.minWidth, 0, out source).ToString(), source);
            ShowProp(ref labelRect, ref valueRect, ref sourceRect, "Min Height", LayoutUtility.GetLayoutProperty(rect, e => e.minHeight, 0, out source).ToString(), source);
            ShowProp(ref labelRect, ref valueRect, ref sourceRect, "Preferred Width", LayoutUtility.GetLayoutProperty(rect, e => e.preferredWidth, 0, out source).ToString(), source);
            ShowProp(ref labelRect, ref valueRect, ref sourceRect, "Preferred Height", LayoutUtility.GetLayoutProperty(rect, e => e.preferredHeight, 0, out source).ToString(), source);

            float flexible = 0;

            flexible = LayoutUtility.GetLayoutProperty(rect, e => e.flexibleWidth, 0, out source);
            ShowProp(ref labelRect, ref valueRect, ref sourceRect, "Flexible Width", flexible > 0 ? ("enabled (" + flexible.ToString() + ")") : "disabled", source);
            flexible = LayoutUtility.GetLayoutProperty(rect, e => e.flexibleHeight, 0, out source);
            ShowProp(ref labelRect, ref valueRect, ref sourceRect, "Flexible Height", flexible > 0 ? ("enabled (" + flexible.ToString() + ")") : "disabled", source);

            if (!rect.GetComponent<LayoutElement>())
                Rect noteRect = new Rect(labelRect.x, labelRect.y + 10, r.width, EditorGUIUtility.singleLineHeight);
                GUI.Label(noteRect, "Add a LayoutElement to override values.", m_Styles.labelStyle);


ShowProp(ref labelRect, ref valueRect, ref sourceRect, "Preferred Width", LayoutUtility.GetLayoutProperty(rect, e => e.preferredWidth, 0, out source).ToString(), source);

就是设置"Preferred Width" 的值的,
然后看下 LayoutUtility.GetLayoutProperty是怎么取值的

 public static float GetLayoutProperty(RectTransform rect, System.Func<ILayoutElement, float> property, float defaultValue, out ILayoutElement source)
            source = null;
            if (rect == null)
                return 0;
            float min = defaultValue;
            int maxPriority = System.Int32.MinValue;
            var components = ListPool<Component>.Get();
            rect.GetComponents(typeof(ILayoutElement), components);

            for (int i = 0; i < components.Count; i++)
                var layoutComp = components[i] as ILayoutElement;
                if (layoutComp is Behaviour && !((Behaviour)layoutComp).isActiveAndEnabled)

                int priority = layoutComp.layoutPriority;
                // If this layout components has lower priority than a previously used, ignore it.
                if (priority < maxPriority)
                float prop = property(layoutComp);
                // If this layout property is set to a negative value, it means it should be ignored.
                if (prop < 0)

                // If this layout component has higher priority than all previous ones,
                // overwrite with this one's value.
                if (priority > maxPriority)
                    min = prop;
                    maxPriority = priority;
                    source = layoutComp;
                // If the layout component has the same priority as a previously used,
                // use the largest of the values with the same priority.
                else if (prop > min)
                    min = prop;
                    source = layoutComp;

            return min;

可以看到 是查找当前recttransform 的所有layout组件,然后根据一个优先级,优先级大的取值,如果一样大,看传入的方法
这里有可能不明白=> 表示什么意思
其实就是匿名委托作为参数传递了= =(c#3.0特性)
然后还是不明白 e=>e.xxxx是什么意思
还有System.Func<ILayoutElement, float> 又是什么

LayoutUtility.GetLayoutProperty(rect, e => e.minWidth, 0, out source)

// If this layout components has lower priority than a previously used, ignore it.

// If this layout property is set to a negative value, it means it should be ignored.

// If this layout component has higher priority than all previous ones,
// overwrite with this one's value.

// If the layout component has the same priority as a previously used,
// use the largest of the values with the same priority.




minwidth 为什么是取自verticallayout,而preferredwidth取自image ? 是不是很奇怪?
image 和verticallayout 的优先级都是0的。
按道理 image 的minwidth 应该是396啊,因为不能变小了吧。 但是看
public virtual float minWidth { get { return 0; } }
他的minwidth 设置成了0了,所以肯定layoutgoup 那里的minwidth 要大,所以选了layoutgroup的。

而preferredwidth 就正常了,选最大的哪个。


