

2019-06-23  本文已影响4人  豹豹君


今天开始第一章,豹豹习惯在录播之前先把细节捋一遍,做好准备工作。今天就开始小查理的巧克力之旅吧。《查理和巧克力工厂》是Roald Dahl的作品之一,后续还有一本Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator这两本都是由亲爱的James Bolam爷爷朗读哒,特色是发音贼快,字词清晰,略有吞音偶尔不大适应,但是听起来特别好玩。全长三十章155页,有声书长度约162分钟(豹豹数了数哈~)。不过原版书有个不大好的地方,字太小,看着真累。



Here Comes Charlie

书一开头就写到查理一家七口人(six grownps and Charlie),第二页有一句Mr. and Mrs. Bucket have a small boy whose name is Charlie Bucket.这里是一个从句用法,We use whose in relative clauses instead of his/her/their.(They have a small boy.His name is Charlie Bucket)

The house wasn’t nearly large enough for so many people, and life was extremely uncomfortable for them all.太穷了哈哈,这里注意一个发音,uncomfortable(comfortable这个词是这样说的,Four syllables are possible here but the 'or' is silent for most native speakers most of the time /ˈkʌmftəbl/所以不知道大家平时是怎么念的,可以作为参考。

家里穷只有一张床给了四个老人,爸爸妈妈和查理只能睡隔壁的一个床垫上。夏天还好,到了冬天冷风一吹人受不了。In the summertime, this wasn’t too bad, but in the winter, freezing cold draughts blew across the floor all night long, and it was awful.

季节前是可以加the的,但是一般还是用in summer(参考英语在用初级词汇) 同理 in(the )summertime参考牛津词典It's beautiful here in(the)summertime.这里夏天很美。


There wasn’t any question of them being able to buy a better house – or even one more bed to sleep in. They were far too poor for that.他们太贫困了,far这个词用的真好。

这里涉及一个习语be no question of (doing) (something)

To be no possibility that something will be done or is the case. (Note: Often confused with the phrase "be no question that" something will happen/is the case, which means that what is being discussed is absolutely certain.)没有能力,注意和be no question that 区分,后面要加Ving


The only meals they could afford were bread and margarine for breakfast, boiled potatoes and cabbage for lunch, and cabbage soup for supper. Sundays were a bit better. They all looked forward to Sundays because then, although they had exactly the same, everyone was allowed a second helping.我觉得这段话实在是太写实了。margarine是指人造奶油,中文音译为麦淇淋国外的调味料也蛮多的,比如whipped cream生奶油,就是你去点摩卡咖啡上面的那部分(哈利波特中也曾出现过),marmalade(帕丁顿熊的最爱),mayonnaise美乃滋其实就是蛋黄酱,marinade腌汁因为这几个词容易混,所以豹豹来了一个捆绑大派送乀(ˉεˉ乀)

另外marshed potatoes土豆泥和new potatoes(类似我们新上的新花生,新洋葱一样,比较嫩的那种)也都是西餐里出现的配菜。


大家都在挨饿,尤其是小查理(这里用的是starve虽然大家都饿不死,其实starve是一个很重的词了,peckish有点饿,hungry, starve femish这种程度是依次加深)他真想好好吃一顿饱饭尤其是最爱的巧克力。每当他看到商店橱窗一排排的巧克力和同学拿出奶油巧克力多折磨人啊。Walking to school in the mornings, Charlie could see great slabs of chocolate piled up high in the shop windows, and he would stop and stare and press his nose against the glass,his mouth watering like mad.(这么生动我真的好佩服罗尔德大爷)bars of creamy chocolate也可以写成creamy candy bars(书的两个版本)


And each time he received it, on those marvellous birthday mornings, he would place it carefully in a small wooden box that he owned, andtreasure it as though it were a bar of solid gold; and for the next few days, he would allow himself only to look at it, but never to touch it. Then at last, when he could stand it no longer, he would peel back a tiny bit of the paper wrapping at one corner to expose a tiny bit of chocolate, and then he would take a tiny nibble – just enough to allow the lovely sweet taste to spread out slowly over his tongue.这一段把一个孩子小心翼翼如同宝贝一样珍藏的行为写得极为传神。(这里solid gold可以用pure gold替换,wrapping是一个可变词就是说外包装纸也可以用wrappings,另外allow和 a tiny nibble用得真好)

但是最折磨的不是这个,而是在他家能看的范围之内有个世界闻名的大巧克力工厂,what a tremendous ,marvelous place it was!前面还用到了enormous 这个词。关于大这个英文单词有很多表达

Tremendous,gigantic,enormous,colossal 和 huge 这五个形容词都有“巨大的、极大的”的意思。我们简单介绍一下huge 是最常见和常用的;colossal 可以用来描述“令人惊叹,难以置信的巨大的事物”;enormous 通常可以用来强调“体积、数量或影响程度远远超过常规标准”;gigantic 一般形容“东西的体积超出常规大小”;tremendous 除了指事物是“巨大的”之外,还可以表示“非常棒,了不起”。(以上整段出自bbc你问我答,如果侵权,后期删除)


It had huge iron gates leading into it, and a high wall surrounding it, and smoke belching from its chimneys, and strange whizzing sounds coming from deep inside it. And outside the walls, for half a mile around in every direction, the air was scented with the heavy rich smell of melting chocolate!

这里注意huge iron是连读,一说到气味那词汇也是好多哒,比如最常见fragrance花香,芬芳,bouquet更多指酒香(这个词托尔金大爷喜欢用),aroma指食物(咖啡,烘焙)的香味,还有什么spicy odour就指刺鼻的,难闻的味了。这里用的heavy rich 来修饰smell感觉自己都如同吃了一口巧克力慕斯一样,太丝滑浓郁了。

最后一个就是And every time he went by, he would begin to walk very, very slowly, and he would hold his nose high in the air and take long deep sniffs of the gorgeous chocolatey smell all around him.把一个孩子可爱的样子淋漓尽致画在了这页描写中。注意chocolatey这个词豹豹没查到,有一个词条也是与电脑有关。想想罗尔德大爷写作的年代,应该是他的自造词,哈哈哈在BFG中自造词更多,所以那本书我是不会精读哒~











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