
An Ever-growing Brain

2016-09-01  本文已影响7人  伍帆

Samuel Ullman/sæmjul əlmən /once said, in the poem <youth>,'Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind.Youth means a temperamental predominance of courage over timidity of the appetite, for adventure over the love of ease.This often exists in a man of sixty more than a boy of twenty. Nobody grows old merely by a number of years. We grow old by deserting our ideals.'

In the movie<inceptions>,Mr. Saito says'Do you want to take a leap of faith? Or become an old man, filled with regret, waiting to die alone?'

what's the relations with our theme 'chasing your dream?’.
I see courage vs timid,growth mindset vs fixed mindset,and comfort zone vs pain zone.
Courage,growth mindset,these characters consists of the methodology of how to chase your dream.

courage vs timid
**In pursuing my goals I encountered realities, often in the form of problems, and I had to make decisions. I found that if I accepted the realities rather than wished that they didn’t exist and if I learned how to work with them rather than fight them, I could figure out how to get to my goals. **

It might take repeated tries, and seeking the input of others, but I could eventually get there.

** As a result, I have become someone who believes that we need to deeply understand, accept, and work with reality in order to get what we want out of life. **

Whether it is knowing how people really think and behave when dealing with them, or how things really work on a material level—so that if we do X then Y will happen understanding reality gives us the power to get what we want out of life, or at least to dramatically improve our odds of success. in a nutshell,facing reality without fighting is courage.

**growth mindset vs fixed mindset **

** The fixed mindset believe you either are or aren’t good at something, based on your inherent nature, because it’s just who you are.The growth mindset believe anyone can be good at anything, because your abilities are entirely due to your actions.This sounds simple, but it’s surprisingly deep. The fixed mindset is the most common and the most harmful, so it’s worth understanding and considering how it’s affecting you.**
And yes, the mindset itself is not fixed. You can change your mindset just by thinking it through.e.g
In a fixed mindset, you believe “She’s a natural born singer” or “I’m just no good at dancing.”In a growthmindset, you believe “Anyone can be good at anything. Skill comes only from practice.”
The fixed mindset believes trouble is devastating. If you believe, “You’re either naturally great or will never be great,” then when you have any trouble, your mind thinks, “See? You’ll never be great at this. Give up now.”
The growth mindset believes trouble is just important feedback in the learning process.
Can you see how this subtle difference in mindset can change everything?

comfort zone vs pain zone

In a comfort zone, you want to hide your flaws so you’ re not judged or labeled a failure.
In a pain zone, your flaws are just a TO-DO list of things to improve.
In a comfort zone, you stick with what you know to keep up your confidence.
In a pain zone, you keep up your confidence by always pushing into the unfamiliar, to make sure you’re always learning.
In a comfort zone, you look inside yourself to find your true passion and purpose, as if this is a hidden inherent thing.
In a pain zone, you commit to mastering valuable skills regardless of mood, knowing passion and purpose come from doing great work, which comes from expertise and experience.
In a comfort zone, failures define you.
In a pain zone, failures are temporary setbacks.
In a comfort zone, you believe if you’re romantically compatible with someone, you should share all of eachother’s views, and everything should just come naturally.
In a pain zone, you believe a lasting relationship comes from effort and working through inevitable differences.
In a comfort zone, it’s all about the outcome. If you fail, you think all effort was wasted.
In a pain zone, it’s all about the process, so the outcome hardly matters.


