

2017-08-16  本文已影响34人  七老师


Charlottesville in context

How Germany responds to “blood and soil” politics

What zero tolerance of neo-Nazi ideology looks like

  1. TO VIEW the footage of crowds in Charlottesville yelling Nazi slogans and flying Swastika banners is troubling anywhere. But do so from Berlin is particularly so. America in 2017 is not Germany in 1933. But the chants about “blood and soil”, the flaming torches, the Nazi salutes, the thuggery and violence turned on objectors—the whole furious display of armed ethno-nationalism—are nonetheless chillingly evocative. Similarly so is the strenuous ambivalence about it all from Donald Trump and some of his media cheerleaders. It could hardly contrast more vividly with how things are done here: Germany today is a case study in how not to give an inch to the dark politics of “Blut und Boden”.

thuggery: violent behaviour in which people fight and attack others
evocative: making people remember something by producing a feeling or memory in them

1)观看夏洛茨维尔呐喊纳粹的口号、挥舞的卐字横幅人群的录像在任何地方都是引起麻烦的事。但是在柏林这样做尤其如此。2017年的美国不是1933年的德国。但是反复叫喊着“血与土”、燃烧的火炬、纳粹敬礼,转向反对者的罪行和暴力—— 整个武装的种族国家主义的愤怒展示——唤起毛骨悚然的回忆。相似的,唐纳德·特朗普和他的一些媒体支持者对所有这些费力的摇摆也同样如此。如何处理这类事情,对比再鲜明不过了:关于如何不给“血与土”的黑暗政治做出一丁点让步,今天的德国能作为一个典型例子

  1. That begins with the significance placed on remembering where this politics led in the past. Every German school child must visit a concentration camp; as essential a part of the curriculum as learning to write or count. The country's cities are landscapes of remembrance. Streets and squares are named after resisters. Little brass squares in the pavements (Stolpersteine, or stumbling stones) contain the names and details of Holocaust victims who once lived at those addresses. Memorials dot the streets: plaques commemorating specific persecuted groups, boards listing the names of concentration camps (“places of horror which we must never forget”), a giant field of grey pillars in central Berlin attesting to the Holocaust (pictured).

Stolpersteine: A stolperstein (German pronunciation:[ˈʃtɔlpəʁˌʃtaɪn] from German, literally "stumbling stone") is a type of monument created by artist Gunter Demnig to commemorate victims of Nazi oppression, including the Holocaust.
Holocaust: the killing of millions of Jews and other people by the Nazis during the Second World War
dot: When things dot a place or an area, they are scattered or spread all over it.
attesting to: to show or prove that something is true
e.g. Luxurious furnishings attested to the wealth of the owner.


  1. The murky interstitial terrain–the Trump Zone, you might call it–between the conservative mainstream and categorically far-right movements like PEGIDA, an anti-Islam group, and the extremist NPD party is broadly off-limits. Relativisation, endorsement by hint or omission, far-right symbols as “irony”, dog-whistle prevarications and creeping extenuation are rarely tolerated. Take the Alternative for Germany [AfD], a Eurosceptic-turned-nationalist party, some of whose more moderate figures would comfortably fit into America's Republican or Britain's Conservative parties but which is now entirely toxic thanks to revisionist figures on its right like Björn Höcke, its leader in Thuringia who has challenged Germany's remembrance culture.

murky: If you describe something as murky, you mean that the details of it are not clear or that it is difficult to understand.
off-limits: not allowed to be discussed
狗哨政治(Dog-whistle Politics),也称使用隐语,指一种政治手段或政治演讲,在看似面向普通大众的一般信息中加入针对特殊人群的隐性信息。该词条为贬义,描述故意提供有暗含意图的信息,也可用于描述有争议的双重含义或类似企图。词语源于用来唤狗的高音频哨子,该频率的声音人类无法听到。


  1. The line between the acceptable and unacceptable, in other words, is stark. Angela Merkel has said Germany's very future depends on it continually understanding the Holocaust as “the ultimate betrayal of civilised values”. When Benjamin Netanyahu suggested that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem had proposed exterminating the Jewish people to Hitler, she politely but firmly corrected him: “Germany abides by its responsibility for the Holocaust.” Martin Schulz, her rival in next month’s election, often thunders: “The AfD is not an ‘alternative for Germany’ but a disgrace for Germany!”

stark: If two things are in stark contrast to one another, they are very different from each other in a way that is very obvious.
exterminating: to kill large numbers of people or animals of a particular type so that they no longer exist
thunder: to shout loudly and angrily

4)换句话说,可接受和不可接受之间的界限是鲜明的。安格拉·默克尔表示,德国的未来正取决于它不断将“大屠杀”理解为“文明价值观的根本背叛”。当本杰明·内塔尼亚胡暗示说耶路撒冷的大穆夫提向希特勒建议灭绝犹太人时,她礼貌而坚决地纠正了他:“德国恪守其对大屠杀的责任。”她下个月选举中的对手马丁·舒尔茨经常怒吼道: “AfD不是德国的另一种选择,而是德国的耻辱!”

  1. Commentators and politicians guard this boundary carefully, for example by eschewing the register and language of the far right. They tend not to brand critics and opponents “traitors”, “saboteurs” or the like. Migrants are rarely denominated in “swarms” or “floods”. The Bild Zeitung, a right-wing tabloid and Germany's most-read newspaper, has criticised elements of the government's handling of the refugee crisis. But it proudly stands up for the principle of welcoming foreigners in need; in 2015 its then editor-in-chief even pointedly took in refugees to his home. The result is a decidedly sober and unemotional style of public debate less prone than that of other countries to grandstanding or furious invective. The Berlin terrorist attack in December was reported factually and without panic; frothing reactions in the Anglo-Saxon press (and on Mr Trump's Twitter feed) contrasting with the stoical mood here.

register: In linguistics, the register of a piece of speech or writing is its level and style of language, which is usually appropriate to the situation or circumstances in which it is used.(语言学中的)语域


  1. Free speech is upheld: marches by PEGIDA and sometimes even leafleting events by nationalist politicians receive police protection. But this right to expression remains firmly distinguished from a right to publicity or acceptance. When Mr Höcke unfurled a German flag on a talk show to mark “1000 years of Germany” (a phrase with Nazi associations), fellow guests from right and left branded him “disgusting”. Far-right movements are treated overwhelmingly as cultural phenomena rather than–as is sometimes the case in France, Britain and America–mere expressions of socio-economic *dislocation. Finis Germania, a recently published book claiming that German identity is being dismantled, has been excised from some bestseller lists. One can believe that this hyper-cautious editorial style sometimes goes too far, as I do in that case of the bestseller lists, while admiring the underlying determination to allow no slippage or normalisation.

uphold: to defend or support a law, system, or principle so that it continues to exist
unfurl: if a flag, sail etc unfurls, or if someone unfurls it, it unrolls and opens
brand: to describe someone or something as a very bad type of person or thing, often unfairly
Dislocation is a situation in which something such as a system, process, or way of life is greatly disturbed or prevented from continuing as normal.

6)言论自由是受到拥护的:PEGIDA的游行,有时甚至由民族主义政治家进行的散发传单事件也得到了警方的保护。但是,这种表达权仍然与公开宣传或接受的权利有很大的区别。当霍克先生在一个谈话节目上展示德国国旗以标榜“德国的1000年”(纳粹团体的一个习惯用语)时,右派和左派的其他嘉宾他为“恶心”。极右运动尤其被视为文化现象,而不是像在法国,英国和美国那样,仅仅被视为是社会经济紊乱的表现。 最近出版的一本声称德国身份正在被破坏的书籍Finis Germania已经从一些畅销书列表中删除。人们可以相信,这种过于谨慎的社论风格有时太过了,就像我对畅销书榜这件事的感觉一样,但同时欣赏(德国)不允许(道德)下降或(极右主义)正常化的潜藏的决心。

  1. Germany, of course, carries a unique historical burden. But every country has dark periods in its national past and far-right revisionists in its political present. The Charlottesville protests, marching under Confederate flags against plans to remove Confederate statues, are a distinctively American reminder of that (indeed, the Nazis were inspired by Jim Crow laws and studied segregation as a possible model for German society). Countries without Holocausts on their history books can also learn from Germany's grown-up, vigilant and dutiful culture of remembrance. In America that may mean removing Confederate symbols from public spaces; Jim Grey, the mayor of Lexington, has announced plans to accelerate this in his city. It means unambiguously declaring the Charlottesville protesters beyond the pale (while defending their right to protest peacefully). And it means calling out Mr Trump's equivocal statements for what they are: a moral abomination.

Confederate refers to the southern United States during the Civil War, which were confederates in their fight to secede from the rest of the country.
Jim Crow laws: Jim Crow laws were state and local laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States. (美国)种族隔离法
unambiguous: clear in meaning; that can only be understood in one way
beyond the pale: offensive or unacceptable
equivocal: (of words or statements) not having one clear or definite meaning or intention; able to be understood in more than one way = ambiguous
abomination: someone or something that is extremely offensive or unacceptable






