
11/30 练习 day4

2018-11-01  本文已影响19人  依然如水


我翻:One hundred and twenty years ago, China was weak and poor, facing problems home and abroad. People with lofty ideals launched Hundred Days' Reform, trying to find an approach to revive the nation and build a prosperous country. Finally it failed. Now, China not only found  the right way to the Socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also experienced a great leap from standing up to becoming rich and strong, which profoundly changed and provided a new opportunity for world peace and development. 

官翻:One hundred and twenty years ago, in a China that was poor and weak from domestic turmoil and foreign aggression, some dedicated patriots pushed for a "Hundred Days' Reform". They tried but eventually failed to find a way to national rejuvenation and prosperity. Today, 120 years on, China has not only found its path of socialism with Chinese characteristics but also achieved a remarkable transformation - it has stood up, grown rich and is becoming strong. A sea change has taken place in China, which represents new opportunities for the peace and development of the world.


1. 开篇句子的整体结构和原文类似。但是内忧外患用词不够高级。

2. 仁人志士用词不够精准。第二句我用了非谓语动词结构,官方拆分成了两个句子。但是基本意思接近。

3. 民族复兴 national rejuvenation,国家富强 prosperity。我用了动词形式,官方用了名词。

4. 迎来了伟大飞跃,我采用了直译。官方用了achieved a remarkable transformation 

5. 伟大飞跃后面采用了破折号来进一步解释说明,这个我没想到。发现文中其实多次用到破折号。

6. 深刻改变了中国的面貌 A sea change has taken place in China. 


