
2018-11-30  本文已影响82人  李子心诚



1EmbraceReality and Deal with It


There isnothing more important than understanding how reality works and how to dealwith it. The state of mind you bring to this process makes all the difference.I have found it helpful to think of my life as if it were a game in which eachproblem I face is a puzzle I need to solve. By solving the puzzle, I get a gemin the form of a principle that helps me avoid the same sort of problem in thefuture. Collecting these gems continually improves my decision making, so I amable to ascend to higher and higher levels of play in which the game getsharder and the stakes become ever greater.

All sorts of emotionscome to me while I am playing and those emotions can either help me or hurt me.If I can reconcile my emotions with my logic and only act when they arealigned, I make better decisions.

Learning how realityworks, visualizing the things I want to create, and then building them out isincredibly exciting to me. Stretching for big goals puts me in the position offailing and needing to learn and come up with new inventions in order to moveforward. I find it exhilarating being caught up in the feedback loop of rapidlearning—just as a surfer loves riding a wave, even though it sometimes leadsto crashes. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still scared of the crashes and I stillfind them painful. But I keep that pain in perspective, knowing that I will getthrough these setbacks and that most of my learning will come from reflectingon them.14Just as long-distance runners push through pain to experience the pleasure of“runner’s high,” I have largely gotten past the pain of my mistake making andinstead enjoy the pleasure that comes with learning from it. I believe thatwith practice you can change your habits and experience the same “mistakelearner’s high.”

[if !supportLists]1.1 [endif]Be a hyperrealist.


Understanding, accepting, andworking with reality is both practical and beautiful. I have become so much ofa hyperrealist that I’ve learned to appreciate the beauty of all realities,even harsh ones, and have come to despise impractical idealism.

Don’t get me wrong: I believe inmaking dreams happen. To me, there’s nothing better in life than doing that.The pursuit of dreams is what gives life its flavor. My point is that peoplewho create great things aren’t idle dreamers: They are totally grounded inreality. Being hyperrealistic will help you choose your dreams wisely and thenachieve them. I have found the following to be almost always true:

a. Dreams + Reality +Determination = A Successful Life. People who achieve success and driveprogress deeply understand the cause-effect relationships that govern realityand have principles for using them to get what they want. The converse is alsotrue: Idealists who are not well grounded in reality create problems, notprogress.

What does a successful life looklike? We all have our own deep-seated needs, so we each have to decide forourselves what success is. I don’t care whether you want to be a master of theuniverse, a couch potato, or anything else—I really don’t. Some people want tochange the world and others want to operate in simple harmony with it and savorlife. Neither is better. Each of us needs to decide what we value most andchoose the paths we take to achieve it.

Take a moment to reflect on whereyou are on the following scale, which illustrates an overly simplified choiceyou should think about. Where would you put yourself on it?

The question isn’t just how much

of each to go after, but how hard to work to get as much as possible. I wanted

crazy amounts of each, was thrilled to work hard to get as much of them as

possible, and found that they could largely be one and the same and mutually

reinforcing. Over time I learned that getting more out of life wasn’t just amatter of working harder at it. It was much more a matter of workingeffectively, because working effectively could increase my capacity by hundredsof times. I don’t care what you want or how hard you want to work for it.That’s for you to decide. I’m just trying to pass along to you what has helpedme get the most out of each hour of time and each unit of effort.

Mostimportantly, I’ve learned that there is no escaping the fact that:






1.1 做一个超现实主义者




一个成功的人生看起来是什么样的那?我们都有自己的深层次需求,所以我们每个人都必须自己决定什么是成功。我不关心你是否想成为宇宙的主人,一个懒蛋,或者其他的—我其实不-有些人想要改变世界 而其他一些人只是想简单的面对一切,品尝生活。无所谓好坏。我们每个人都需要决定我们的最大价值并选择我们达成目标的道路。





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