"Please, give me a drink of water, please.. " A thin and small boy said with his muffled voice, like a hungry mosquito. He raised his hands, looked at me with beseeching eyes, there was no tear in his dry eyes.
I suddenly wake up from this strange dream, and really want to drink some water. But it's cold after a long night. I intend to pour it out just as what I did in the past. The boy's muffled voice resounds in my mind. "HELP! I AM THIRSTY.."
Help, I'm thirsty..Nowadays, water shortage is one of the most serious problems that people all over the world face. Millions of people are die of lack of water every year, the drops of water you wasted was they most wanted. Without a doubt, saving water has became an unshakable responsibility for all of us.
Here's several data I wanna show you:
Over 70% surface of the Earth is covered by ocean, only 2.5% fresh water resource can be used by human, animal and plant.
More than 2 million people are dying of water or water pollution every year, and the number is increasing.
In China, the water shortage is more than 50 billion cubic metres in a normal year and about 2/3 countries are suffering the stress on water supplies in varying degrees.
The surface area of Dongting Lake has reduced 335 square kilometers.
A loose tap will lose 3.6 kilometers of water in one hour.
A leaky toilet will lose 3 to 25 cubic metres of water one month.
If there are 600 thousand loose taps and 200 thousand leaky toilets in a city, it will lose over hundreds of millions of cubic metres of water in one year.
Are you shocked by these number above? Unfortunately, it's just a small part. No one can live without water, that's the fact as well.
Water is extremely limited.Our government has focused on access to water problem for many years, and make policies as well as take measures to prevent the situation from expanding. In our life, the signs of "saving water" can be seen everywhere, public service announcements (PSA) are looped everyday, news about drought are spread via many of the media.
However, did you participate in the action to save water ?
Turn me off, please..Now, there are some simple but useful ways to save water, to save our life.
☞ Do not flush papers or cigarette butts in a toilet bowl.
☞ When washing your face, hands, teeth and vegetables, don't let the water flow all the time, and recycle to use it, such as flushing toilets and watering flowers.
☞ Turn off the taps when the water is off, remember to check it before leaving.
You're "WATER GUARDIAN".It is easy to finish, isn't it?
If you have any good ideas to save water, please leave your message under this article.
Finally, I want to recommend you a microfilm, click it. ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓
《The last glass of water in the world》
Let's be a " WATER GUARDIAN" !
Thank you.