Present Mood in the Gamble

2018-10-13  本文已影响0人  南北1

Better and Better                                                                                                Day 50

      Today we will learn the present mood in the gamble. In gambling, people need to make a lot of quick decisions. Decision-making is a personal discipline. Good decision makers should have a good quality. At the very least, you can’t get out of control in public. We often encounter such a situation in our daily life. You’d think it was too serious at the time, as if you had to get a bad breath out of your mind, but it was like a joke afterwards. The problem with that intense emotion is that it’s a small thing, and it makes you think it’s a big thing. This is present mood. You have right to immerse yourself in some kind of emotion. But the emotions can distort your judgment of things.   


                                                                                                            Oct.13th ,2018                                                                                                                  Bazhou.



