

2019-08-12  本文已影响1人  f9fa28843d13

Spyder 4.0.0 beta4

You can easily install this version if you use Anaconda by closing Spyder and then running the following commands in a system terminal (Anaconda Prompt on Windows,xtermon Linux orTerminal.appon macOS):

conda update qt pyqt

conda install -c spyder-ide spyder=4.0.0b4

Or you can use pip with this command in a system terminal (cmd.exeon Windows,xtermon Linux orTerminal.appon macOS):

pip install --pre -U spyder

Note:Do notuse this command if you are using Anaconda because it could break your installation.

For a high level view of the new features in this release, please seethis page.

For the full list of closed issues and merged pull requests in this release, please see ourChangelog.


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