Holy Quran: Sura 002 Aya 130
2018-12-02 本文已影响23人
وَمَنْ يَرْغَبُ عَنْ مِلَّةِ إِبْرَاهِيمَ إِلَّا مَنْ سَفِهَ نَفْسَهُ ۚ وَلَقَدِ اصْطَفَيْنَاهُ فِي الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَإِنَّهُ فِي الْآخِرَةِ لَمِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ
Waman yarghabu AAan millati ibraheema illa man safiha nafsahu walaqadi istafaynahu fee alddunya wa-innahu fee al-akhirati lamina alssaliheena
Translator | 译文(Translation) |
马坚 | 除妄自菲薄者外,谁愿鄙弃易卜拉欣的宗教呢?在今世,我确已拣选了他;在後世,他必居於善人之列。 |
YUSUFALI | And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly? Him We chose and rendered pure in this world: And he will be in the Hereafter in the ranks of the Righteous. |
PICKTHAL | And who forsaketh the religion of Abraham save him who befooleth himself? Verily We chose him in the world, and lo! in the Hereafter he is among the righteous. |
SHAKIR | And who forsakes the religion of Ibrahim but he who makes himself a fool, and most certainly We chose him in this world, and in the hereafter he is most surely among the righteous. |
对位释义(Words Interpretation):
No | العربية | 中文 | English | 曾用词 |
序号 | 阿文 | Chinese | 英文 | Before |
2:130.1 | ومن | 和谁 | and who | 见2:108.11 |
2:130.2 | يرغب | 背离 | forsakes | |
2:130.3 | عن | 从 | on | 见2:48.6 |
2:130.4 | ملة | 宗教 | the religion | 参2:120.9 |
2:130.5 | إبراهيم | 易卜拉欣 | Ibrahim | 见2:124.3 |
2:130.6 | إلا | 除了 | Except | 见2:9.7 |
2:130.7 | من | 谁 | who | 见2:97.2 |
2:130.8 | سفه | 愚弄 | make fool | 见2:13.12 |
2:130.9 | نفسه | 他自己 | Himself | 见2:9.8 |
2:130.10 | ولقد | 和确实 | And certainly | 见2:65.1 |
2:130.11 | اصطفيناه | 我们选择他 | we choose him | |
2:130.12 | في | 在 | at | 见2:10.1 |
2:130.13 | الدنيا | 今世 | this world | 见2:85.38 |
2:130.14 | وإنه | 和确实他 | and he is | 参2:37.8 |
2:130.15 | في | 在 | at | 见2:10.1 |
2:130.16 | الآخرة | 后世 | the Hereafter | 见2:102.64 |
2:130.17 | لمن | 必定从 | surly from | 与2:102.59不同 |
2:130.18 | الصالحين | 善人们 | the Righteous |
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