
Importance of understanding the

2021-08-12  本文已影响0人  宣雄民

The very first action of the writing process is to understand the topic title, which is often a key stage. One can get this wrong, and ruin the entire essay with hours of wasted time. A common mistake that has often been found within the students is they do not answer the target question. As the students take more time to comprehend the title and grasp the key concept, they will more likely to be confident that the content of the essay or report is relevant to the topic, which will lead to a higher grade.

The most important aspects to explore the title before writing are identifying the keywords, as well as command words in the title. Initially, underline the keywords, some of these may need defining in your answer essay. Additionally, pay special attention to command words, which will support a clear indication of how to answer the question. Furthermore, one should read through the question several times to make sure a full understanding of what has been asked before the actual writing. In case it is a research assignment, rather than an exam essay, students are suggested to discuss the question with tutors in order to fulfill the target of the task.

Finally, take a close view of command words. Command words, also called directive words or instruction words, are words (usually verbs) in the title which tell you exactly what you need to write in your answer.

Common command words and their meaning.
Account for Gives reasons for the subject of the question. Note: this is different from giving an account of, which looks at 'what' rather than 'why'.
Analyse Break an idea or issue into parts, looking at each one in-depth and considering how they relate to one another. This type of answer needs to be very logically organized.
Assess Weigh up how important something is, using evidence or reasoning. Conclude by saying how far you agree with the original question.
Clarify Make something clearer, e.g. explaining a complex process or theory in simpler terms.
Comment upon State the main points and give your opinion.
Compare Identify the similarities and differences. The answer should be balanced and may comment on which similarities or differences are more important. Note: technically, 'compare' means to show how things are similar, but in essay titles, you are expected to look at both similarities and differences; some titles may make this more explicit by asking you to 'Compare and contrast...'.
Consider Say what you think about the subject, using evidence from your own experience or from external sources.
Contrast Similar to compare, but considers only the differences.
Criticise Identify weaknesses or disadvantages, as well as favorable aspects. The answer should be balanced.
Define Give a definition, i.e. the precise meaning. This answer may include problems with the definition and alternative definitions which may exist.
Demonstrate Show how to use examples to illustrate your answer.
Describe Say what something is like, how or why something works or happens, etc.
Discuss Argue for and against, or point out the advantages and disadvantages, using evidence. You must argue both sides, and come to a conclusion.
Disprove Look at the 'con' points (those against) to show why something is not true. Requires a logical answer with evidence.
Elaborate To give more detail/information on the subject.
Elucidate Make the subject clear (i.e. lucid) by explaining what it means.
Evaluate Same as assess. Some questions use 'Critically evaluate', which means the same thing.
Examine Look at the topic closely by establishing the important facts and issues. You should give reasons to say why you think those facts and issues are the most important ones.
Explain Give a detailed explanation of how and why something occurs, or what is meant by a particular idea or principle. Will often require the definition of key terms.
Explore Consider a topic from different viewpoints. The topic should be explored thoroughly, and opposing views could be reconciled in the final argument.
Give an account of Give a detailed description of something, i.e. explain 'what' it is. Note: this is different from the account for, which looks at 'why'.
Identify Show what the key points are, and what they imply.
Illustrate Use examples or statistics to explain the subject of the question.
Interpret Say what you think something means, in order to demonstrate your understanding. You may be asked to interpret terminology used by a writer or the findings from research. If you are interpreting findings, you should comment on patterns or causal relationships.
Justify Give reasons for a position (e.g. 'Justify the use of corporal punishment in schools). Try to include counter-arguments to make your reasons more balanced.
Outline Same as summarise
Prove Look at the 'pro' points (those in favor) to show why something is true. Requires a logical answer with evidence.
Review Look thoroughly at a subject. An answer to this question will be critical and not just a description.
Show how Give the stages or factors which give rise to something. The answer should be presented in a logical order.
State Give the relevant points. These points should be clear and brief; avoid long discussion.
Summarise Sum up the main points, usually with brief or general examples. Do not give details. Often requires a short answer.
To what extent Similar to 'Discuss', in that both sides of the argument will be presented, with evidence. This type of essay, however, may be less balanced, depending on what extent (or 'how far') you think the proposition is true. It is commonly used as an IELTS Task 2 essay question usually in the phrase 'To what extent do you agree or disagree?'
Trace Describe the stages (e.g. in the development of a theory, of a person's life, of a process) in a logical or chronological order. Usually found in historical questions.
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