
2017-03-31  本文已影响666人  勇往直前888




// First check the in-memory cache...
UIImage *image = [self imageFromMemoryCacheForKey:key];
if (image) {
    NSData *diskData = nil;
    if ([image isGIF]) {
        diskData = [self diskImageDataBySearchingAllPathsForKey:key];
    if (doneBlock) {
        doneBlock(image, diskData, SDImageCacheTypeMemory);
    return nil;
@property (strong, nonatomic, nonnull) NSCache *memCache;

- (nullable UIImage *)imageFromMemoryCacheForKey:(nullable NSString *)key {
    return [self.memCache objectForKey:key];


- (nullable NSData *)diskImageDataBySearchingAllPathsForKey:(nullable NSString *)key {
    NSString *defaultPath = [self defaultCachePathForKey:key];
    NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:defaultPath];
    if (data) {
        return data;

    return nil;

- (nullable NSString *)defaultCachePathForKey:(nullable NSString *)key {
    return [self cachePathForKey:key inPath:self.diskCachePath];

- (nullable NSString *)cachePathForKey:(nullable NSString *)key inPath:(nonnull NSString *)path {
    NSString *filename = [self cachedFileNameForKey:key];
    return [path stringByAppendingPathComponent:filename];

- (nullable NSString *)cachedFileNameForKey:(nullable NSString *)key {
    const char *str = key.UTF8String;
    if (str == NULL) {
        str = "";
    unsigned char r[CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH];
    CC_MD5(str, (CC_LONG)strlen(str), r);
    NSString *filename = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%02x%@",
                          r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7], r[8], r[9], r[10],
                          r[11], r[12], r[13], r[14], r[15], [key.pathExtension isEqualToString:@""] ? @"" : [NSString stringWithFormat:@".%@", key.pathExtension]];

    return filename;



dispatch_async(self.ioQueue, ^{
    @autoreleasepool {
        NSData *diskData = [self diskImageDataBySearchingAllPathsForKey:key];
        UIImage *diskImage = [self diskImageForKey:key];
        if (diskImage && self.config.shouldCacheImagesInMemory) {
            NSUInteger cost = SDCacheCostForImage(diskImage);
            [self.memCache setObject:diskImage forKey:key cost:cost];

        if (doneBlock) {
            dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
                doneBlock(diskImage, diskData, SDImageCacheTypeDisk);
NSUInteger SDCacheCostForImage(UIImage *image) {
    return image.size.height * image.size.width * image.scale * image.scale;
* 这里的`diskImage`和普通的`UIImage`不同,考虑了乘数因子`scale`和解码之后,是可以直接在屏幕上显示的。

#### 读取过程
* 从磁盘读取`NSData`格式的数据,和前面用的都是同一个函数
* 将`NSData`格式的数据转化为`UIImage`
* `UIImage`考虑乘数因子`scale`
* `self.config.shouldDecompressImages`默认是`YES`,`UIImage`需要经过解码,成为能直接在屏幕上显示的`UIImage`。

#### `NSData`转换为`UIImage`
* 这是`UIImage`的一个类别`category`
* `gif`动图和`webp`格式有特殊的生成方式
* 这里还考虑了图片的方向,如果不是朝上,图片生成方式还不一样

#### 判断图片的格式

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, SDImageFormat) {
SDImageFormatUndefined = -1,
SDImageFormatJPEG = 0,

* 这是`NSData`的一个类别
* 默认是`JPEG`格式
* 第一个字节代表了图片的格式

#### 普通的`UIImage`转换为像素`UIImage`

inline UIImage *SDScaledImageForKey(NSString * _Nullable key, UIImage * _Nullable image) {
if (!image) {
return nil;
if ((image.images).count > 0) {
NSMutableArray<UIImage *> *scaledImages = [NSMutableArray array];

    for (UIImage *tempImage in image.images) {
        [scaledImages addObject:SDScaledImageForKey(key, tempImage)];

    return [UIImage animatedImageWithImages:scaledImages duration:image.duration];
} else {
    if ([[UIScreen mainScreen] respondsToSelector:@selector(scale)]) {
        CGFloat scale = 1;
        if (key.length >= 8) {
            NSRange range = [key rangeOfString:@"@2x."];
            if (range.location != NSNotFound) {
                scale = 2.0;
            range = [key rangeOfString:@"@3x."];
            if (range.location != NSNotFound) {
                scale = 3.0;

        UIImage *scaledImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCGImage:image.CGImage scale:scale orientation:image.imageOrientation];
        image = scaledImage;
    return image;


* `gif`动图和普通图片的区别`(image.images).count > 0`
* 乘数因子`scale`默认为1,根据图片名称中的`@2x.` 以及` @3x.`来判断是2倍图还是3倍图
* `gif`动图有包含的`images`和持续时间`duration`两个重要特征

#### 图片解码
* `gif`动图不用解码`image.images != nil`和`(image.images).count > 0`是一个意思
* 有透明度信息的`Alpha`的图片不用解码

static const size_t kBytesPerPixel = 4;
static const size_t kBitsPerComponent = 8;

* 这个过程是很耗内存的,所以用一个`@autoreleasepool`进行内存管理
* 把`pixel`化的`UIImage`转化为`bitmap`的`context`
* 利用这个`context`画一个`UIImage`
* 这个`UIImage`可以直接在屏幕上显示了,不需要`CPU`或者硬件(`JPEG`)解码了,加快了显示,避免了`UITableView`快速滑动过程中的“卡顿”现象

## 下载完成后存缓存
* 先在内存中保存一份
* 是否保存到磁盘由参数`toDisk` 控制,比如设置了`SDWebImageCacheMemoryOnly`的话,就不保存到磁盘了
* 保存到磁盘过程在一个串行队列`self.ioQueue`中执行,由`dispatch_async`开辟一个子线程来完成。
* `image`和`key`(`url`)参数是必须的,不然不会保存。不管是`gif`动图或者普通的`png、jpeg`图,`image`参数都是有的
* `NSData *`格式的`imageData`参数是可以为空的,如果不为空,那么就是`gif`动图的数据,直接存磁盘了。
如果为空,那么就把`image`参数转换为`NSData *`之后存到磁盘
* 下面这段代码写的比较差;也可能是个`bug`,不理解为什么会这些写

if (!data && image) {
SDImageFormat imageFormatFromData = [NSData sd_imageFormatForImageData:data];
data = [image sd_imageDataAsFormat:imageFormatFromData];

- (nullable NSData *)sd_imageDataAsFormat:(SDImageFormat)imageFormat {
    NSData *imageData = nil;
    if (self) {
        int alphaInfo = CGImageGetAlphaInfo(self.CGImage);
        BOOL hasAlpha = !(alphaInfo == kCGImageAlphaNone ||
                          alphaInfo == kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst ||
                          alphaInfo == kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast);
        BOOL usePNG = hasAlpha;
        // the imageFormat param has priority here. But if the format is undefined, we relly on the alpha channel
        if (imageFormat != SDImageFormatUndefined) {
            usePNG = (imageFormat == SDImageFormatPNG);
        if (usePNG) {
            imageData = UIImagePNGRepresentation(self);
        } else {
            imageData = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(self, (CGFloat)1.0);
    return imageData;


#pragma mark NSURLSessionTaskDelegate

- (void)URLSession:(NSURLSession *)session task:(NSURLSessionTask *)task didCompleteWithError:(NSError *)error {
    @synchronized(self) {
        self.dataTask = nil;
        dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
            [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SDWebImageDownloadStopNotification object:self];
            if (!error) {
                [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:SDWebImageDownloadFinishNotification object:self];
    if (error) {
        [self callCompletionBlocksWithError:error];
    } else {
        if ([self callbacksForKey:kCompletedCallbackKey].count > 0) {
             *  See #1608 and #1623 - apparently, there is a race condition on `NSURLCache` that causes a crash
             *  Limited the calls to `cachedResponseForRequest:` only for cases where we should ignore the cached response
             *    and images for which responseFromCached is YES (only the ones that cannot be cached).
             *  Note: responseFromCached is set to NO inside `willCacheResponse:`. This method doesn't get called for large images or images behind authentication
            if (self.options & SDWebImageDownloaderIgnoreCachedResponse && responseFromCached && [[NSURLCache sharedURLCache] cachedResponseForRequest:self.request]) {
                // hack
                [self callCompletionBlocksWithImage:nil imageData:nil error:nil finished:YES];
            } else if (self.imageData) {
                UIImage *image = [UIImage sd_imageWithData:self.imageData];
                NSString *key = [[SDWebImageManager sharedManager] cacheKeyForURL:self.request.URL];
                image = [self scaledImageForKey:key image:image];
                // Do not force decoding animated GIFs
                if (!image.images) {
                    if (self.shouldDecompressImages) {
                        if (self.options & SDWebImageDownloaderScaleDownLargeImages) {
                            image = [UIImage decodedAndScaledDownImageWithImage:image];
                            [self.imageData setData:UIImagePNGRepresentation(image)];
                        } else {
                            image = [UIImage decodedImageWithImage:image];
                if (CGSizeEqualToSize(image.size, CGSizeZero)) {
                    [self callCompletionBlocksWithError:[NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Downloaded image has 0 pixels"}]];
                } else {
                    [self callCompletionBlocksWithImage:image imageData:self.imageData error:nil finished:YES];
            } else {
                [self callCompletionBlocksWithError:[NSError errorWithDomain:SDWebImageErrorDomain code:0 userInfo:@{NSLocalizedDescriptionKey : @"Image data is nil"}]];
    [self done];


// If our remaining disk cache exceeds a configured maximum size, perform a second
// size-based cleanup pass.  We delete the oldest files first.
if (self.config.maxCacheSize > 0 && currentCacheSize > self.config.maxCacheSize) {
    // Target half of our maximum cache size for this cleanup pass.
    const NSUInteger desiredCacheSize = self.config.maxCacheSize / 2;

    // Sort the remaining cache files by their last modification time (oldest first).
    NSArray<NSURL *> *sortedFiles = [cacheFiles keysSortedByValueWithOptions:NSSortConcurrent
                                                             usingComparator:^NSComparisonResult(id obj1, id obj2) {
                                                                 return [obj1[NSURLContentModificationDateKey] compare:obj2[NSURLContentModificationDateKey]];

    // Delete files until we fall below our desired cache size.
    for (NSURL *fileURL in sortedFiles) {
        if ([_fileManager removeItemAtURL:fileURL error:nil]) {
            NSDictionary<NSString *, id> *resourceValues = cacheFiles[fileURL];
            NSNumber *totalAllocatedSize = resourceValues[NSURLTotalFileAllocatedSizeKey];
            currentCacheSize -= totalAllocatedSize.unsignedIntegerValue;

            if (currentCacheSize < desiredCacheSize) {



#pragma mark - Cache clean Ops

- (void)clearMemory {
    [self.memCache removeAllObjects];
// Subscribe to app events
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self



 * Defines the maximum size in MB of the decoded image when the flag `SDWebImageScaleDownLargeImages` is set
 * Suggested value for iPad1 and iPhone 3GS: 60.
 * Suggested value for iPad2 and iPhone 4: 120.
 * Suggested value for iPhone 3G and iPod 2 and earlier devices: 30.
static const CGFloat kDestImageSizeMB = 60.0f;

 * Defines the maximum size in MB of a tile used to decode image when the flag `SDWebImageScaleDownLargeImages` is set
 * Suggested value for iPad1 and iPhone 3GS: 20.
 * Suggested value for iPad2 and iPhone 4: 40.
 * Suggested value for iPhone 3G and iPod 2 and earlier devices: 10.
static const CGFloat kSourceImageTileSizeMB = 20.0f;

static const CGFloat kBytesPerMB = 1024.0f * 1024.0f;
static const CGFloat kPixelsPerMB = kBytesPerMB / kBytesPerPixel;
static const CGFloat kDestTotalPixels = kDestImageSizeMB * kPixelsPerMB;
static const CGFloat kTileTotalPixels = kSourceImageTileSizeMB * kPixelsPerMB;

static const CGFloat kDestSeemOverlap = 2.0f;   // the numbers of pixels to overlap the seems where tiles meet.

+ (nullable UIImage *)decodedAndScaledDownImageWithImage:(nullable UIImage *)image {
    if (![UIImage shouldDecodeImage:image]) {
        return image;
    if (![UIImage shouldScaleDownImage:image]) {
        return [UIImage decodedImageWithImage:image];
    CGContextRef destContext;
    // autorelease the bitmap context and all vars to help system to free memory when there are memory warning.
    // on iOS7, do not forget to call [[SDImageCache sharedImageCache] clearMemory];
    @autoreleasepool {
        CGImageRef sourceImageRef = image.CGImage;
        CGSize sourceResolution = CGSizeZero;
        sourceResolution.width = CGImageGetWidth(sourceImageRef);
        sourceResolution.height = CGImageGetHeight(sourceImageRef);
        float sourceTotalPixels = sourceResolution.width * sourceResolution.height;
        // Determine the scale ratio to apply to the input image
        // that results in an output image of the defined size.
        // see kDestImageSizeMB, and how it relates to destTotalPixels.
        float imageScale = kDestTotalPixels / sourceTotalPixels;
        CGSize destResolution = CGSizeZero;
        destResolution.width = (int)(sourceResolution.width*imageScale);
        destResolution.height = (int)(sourceResolution.height*imageScale);
        // current color space
        CGColorSpaceRef colorspaceRef = [UIImage colorSpaceForImageRef:sourceImageRef];
        size_t bytesPerRow = kBytesPerPixel * destResolution.width;
        // Allocate enough pixel data to hold the output image.
        void* destBitmapData = malloc( bytesPerRow * destResolution.height );
        if (destBitmapData == NULL) {
            return image;
        // kCGImageAlphaNone is not supported in CGBitmapContextCreate.
        // Since the original image here has no alpha info, use kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast
        // to create bitmap graphics contexts without alpha info.
        destContext = CGBitmapContextCreate(destBitmapData,
        if (destContext == NULL) {
            return image;
        CGContextSetInterpolationQuality(destContext, kCGInterpolationHigh);
        // Now define the size of the rectangle to be used for the
        // incremental blits from the input image to the output image.
        // we use a source tile width equal to the width of the source
        // image due to the way that iOS retrieves image data from disk.
        // iOS must decode an image from disk in full width 'bands', even
        // if current graphics context is clipped to a subrect within that
        // band. Therefore we fully utilize all of the pixel data that results
        // from a decoding opertion by achnoring our tile size to the full
        // width of the input image.
        CGRect sourceTile = CGRectZero;
        sourceTile.size.width = sourceResolution.width;
        // The source tile height is dynamic. Since we specified the size
        // of the source tile in MB, see how many rows of pixels high it
        // can be given the input image width.
        sourceTile.size.height = (int)(kTileTotalPixels / sourceTile.size.width );
        sourceTile.origin.x = 0.0f;
        // The output tile is the same proportions as the input tile, but
        // scaled to image scale.
        CGRect destTile;
        destTile.size.width = destResolution.width;
        destTile.size.height = sourceTile.size.height * imageScale;
        destTile.origin.x = 0.0f;
        // The source seem overlap is proportionate to the destination seem overlap.
        // this is the amount of pixels to overlap each tile as we assemble the ouput image.
        float sourceSeemOverlap = (int)((kDestSeemOverlap/destResolution.height)*sourceResolution.height);
        CGImageRef sourceTileImageRef;
        // calculate the number of read/write operations required to assemble the
        // output image.
        int iterations = (int)( sourceResolution.height / sourceTile.size.height );
        // If tile height doesn't divide the image height evenly, add another iteration
        // to account for the remaining pixels.
        int remainder = (int)sourceResolution.height % (int)sourceTile.size.height;
        if(remainder) {
        // Add seem overlaps to the tiles, but save the original tile height for y coordinate calculations.
        float sourceTileHeightMinusOverlap = sourceTile.size.height;
        sourceTile.size.height += sourceSeemOverlap;
        destTile.size.height += kDestSeemOverlap;
        for( int y = 0; y < iterations; ++y ) {
            @autoreleasepool {
                sourceTile.origin.y = y * sourceTileHeightMinusOverlap + sourceSeemOverlap;
                destTile.origin.y = destResolution.height - (( y + 1 ) * sourceTileHeightMinusOverlap * imageScale + kDestSeemOverlap);
                sourceTileImageRef = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect( sourceImageRef, sourceTile );
                if( y == iterations - 1 && remainder ) {
                    float dify = destTile.size.height;
                    destTile.size.height = CGImageGetHeight( sourceTileImageRef ) * imageScale;
                    dify -= destTile.size.height;
                    destTile.origin.y += dify;
                CGContextDrawImage( destContext, destTile, sourceTileImageRef );
                CGImageRelease( sourceTileImageRef );
        CGImageRef destImageRef = CGBitmapContextCreateImage(destContext);
        if (destImageRef == NULL) {
            return image;
        UIImage *destImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:destImageRef scale:image.scale orientation:image.imageOrientation];
        if (destImage == nil) {
            return image;
        return destImage;
// calculate the number of read/write operations required to assemble the
// output image.
int iterations = (int)( sourceResolution.height / sourceTile.size.height );
// If tile height doesn't divide the image height evenly, add another iteration
// to account for the remaining pixels.
int remainder = (int)sourceResolution.height % (int)sourceTile.size.height;
if(remainder) {





iOS 处理图片的一些小 Tip




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