

2018-04-27  本文已影响179人  七老师

Not so phoney war

An American ban puts China’s ZTE in peril

China’s second largest telecoms firm could become a bargaining chip in the trade dispute

phoney: not real or true; false, and trying to trick people
· 假的;冒充的;欺骗的
 SYN fake
peril: serious danger
· 严重危险:
 The country's economy is now in grave peril.

Apr 19th 2018 | SHANGHAI

  1. TALK of restricting the use of Chinese telecoms equipment in the West is growing. This week the curbs went the other way, when America banned its companies from selling hardware and software for seven years to one of China’s state-owned tech champions, ZTE. On April 16th America’s Department of Commerce said that China’s second-largest telecoms firm had trampled on a settlement reached in March 2017 over ZTE’s illegal shipments since 2010 of American-made technology—telecommunications equipment to Iran, and routers, servers and microprocessors to North Korea—in known of trade sanctions.


China’s second-largest telecoms firm had trampled on a settlement reached in March 2017 over ZTE’s illegal shipments since 2010 of American-made technology—telecommunications equipment to Iran, and routers, servers and microprocessors to North Korea—in known of trade sanctions. 这句话的主句是China’s second-largest telecoms firm had trampled on a settlement
reached in March 2017是修饰settlement的后置定语;
over与settlement搭配,意思是“就……的协议、针对……的协议”,比如:The management and unions have reached a settlement over new working conditions.资方和工会已就新的工作条件达成协议。
ZTE’s illegal shipments since 2010 of American-made technology 中 since 2010是插入句中的时间状语,shipment of sth 是指“对……的运输”
两个破折号之间的内容是对American-made technology的进一步解释
in known of trade sanctions 意思是“在已知贸易制裁的情况下”

TALK: ~ (of sth / of doing sth) | ~ (that...)
· stories that suggest a particular thing might happen in the future
· 传言;谣言;流言蜚语;揣测:
 There was talk in Washington of sending in troops.
 She dismissed the stories of her resignation as newspaper talk.
trample: 践踏;无视;伤害 To trample on someone's rights or values or to trample them means to deliberately ignore them.

  1. The one at risk of being crippled by an embargo is now ZTE. In 2016 UBS, a bank, estimated that 80-90% of its products relied on American parts. Jean Baptiste Su of Atherton Research, an American technology-research outfit, described the ban as “devastating” for ZTE, especially the loss of chips made by America’s Qualcomm used in about 70% of ZTE’s smartphones. Although ZTE makes most of its money from its telecoms-equipment business, nearly a third of its revenues come from phones.
    2)现在轮到中兴有遭到禁运严重伤害的风险。 2016年,银行UBS估计其80-90%的产品依赖于美国零部件。美国技术研究机构Atherton Research的Jean Baptiste Su称,该禁令对中兴通讯来说是“破坏性的”,特别是中兴将损失其智能手机中约70%所使用的美国高通公司芯片。尽管中兴的大部分业绩来自电信设备业务,但其近三分之一的收入来自手机。



cripple: to seriously damage or harm sb / sth
· 严重毁坏(或损害):
 The pilot tried to land his crippled plane.

  1. Switching to other suppliers (and it must seek out those with zero parts sourced from America) would require handset redesigns to match new specifications that would take years to bring to market, says Mr Su. The software restrictions are just as bruising. ZTE’s phones use the Android operating system developed by Google, which under the ban may no longer be able to license its apps to ZTE. It does not have its own operating system. As The Economist went to press, ZTE’s shares had been suspended from trading in Shenzhen and Hong Kong for three days.
    3)Su先生说,换其他供应商(并且它必须寻找那些没有任何零部件是来源于美国的供应商)需要重新设计手机以符合新的规格,而这些规格将需要数年时间才能推向市场。软件限制同样令人厌烦。中兴的手机使用谷歌开发的Android操作系统,谷歌在禁令之下可能无法再向中兴通讯授权。(因此)它没有了自己的操作系统。 在本期《经济学人》出版之时,中兴股份在深圳和香港(股票交易所)的交易暂停了三天。



specification: a detailed description of how sth is, or should be, designed or made
· 规格;规范;明细单;说明书
bruising: difficult and unpleasant, making you feel tired or weak
· 艰难讨厌的;繁重麻烦的:
 a bruising meeting / experience

  1. America had dangled the threat of this sort of ban (known as a denial of export privileges) last year but shelved it when ZTE confessed to wrongdoing and paid $890m in penalties. As part of the deal ZTE pledged to discipline senior staff. But although it fired four people, it was found to have neither reprimanded nor cut bonuses to 35 others, as promised. That seems incredibly foolhardy. According to the Department of Commerce, ZTE admitted it had submitted false statements but said it had no intention of misleading the government. The department decried “a pattern of deception” and “repeated violations”.



dangle: (informal) to offer (something) in order to persuade someone to do something
shelve: to decide not to continue with a plan, either for a short time or permanently
· 搁置,停止(计划)

SYN put on ice :
 The government has shelved the idea until at least next year.
reprimand: to tell sb officially that you do not approve of them or their actions
· 申斥;训斥;斥责
 SYN rebuke :
 The officers were severely reprimanded for their unprofessional behaviour.

foolhardy: taking unnecessary risks
· 莽撞的;有勇无谋的
 SYN reckless :
 It would be foolhardy to sail in weather like this.

  1. ZTE stood out as the only Chinese handset-maker to have cracked the American market; half of its phones are sold there. It is the country’s fourth-largest seller of smartphones, with a 12% share—despite its inclusion in a report from America’s House Intelligence Committee in 2012 that urged domestic telecoms firms purchasing networking equipment to shun its products over espionage worries. (The report also targeted Huawei, ZTE’s larger Chinese rival, which, because of deeper concerns over its possible ties to the Chinese government, has struggled to make inroads since.)
    5)中兴是唯一一家成功打入美国市场的中国手机制造商;它有一半的手机在那里销售。它是该国第四大智能手机销售商,拥有12%的份额,尽管2012年美国众议院情报委员会的一份报告中提到它,该报告因担心间谍活动而敦促购买网络设备的国内电信公司避免采购其产品。 (该报道也针对华为,华为是中兴在中国的竞争对手,因为(美国)对它可能与中国政府存在的关系有更深的担忧,所以它打入美国市场一直非常艰难。)


despite its inclusion in a report from America’s House Intelligence Committee in 2012 that urged domestic telecoms firms purchasing networking equipment to shun its products over espionage worries. 这句中 that指代的是前文的report;后面是 urge sb to do sth 的结构;
purchasing networking equipment是修饰firms的定语,所以应该翻译成“购买网络设备的国内电信公司”;
shun its products 中的its和前文its inclusion中的its一样,指的都是“中兴的”;

crack: to break open or into pieces; to break sth in this way
· 砸开;破开;砸碎;打碎
espionage: the activity of secretly getting important political or military information about another country or of finding out another company's secrets by using spies
· 间谍活动;谍报活动;刺探活动
 SYN spying
inroads: 侵袭;侵入 If one thing makes inroads into another, the first thing starts affecting or destroying the second.
In Italy, as elsewhere, television has made deep inroads into cinema.在意大利,跟在别处一样,电视严重影响了电影市场,夺走了大批观众。

  1. Although the sanctions row predates the administration of President Donald Trump, it will make an example of ZTE, reckons Mr Su, as tensions mount between America and China over trade disputes and technological dominance. Since the start of the year a bill has been proposed in America’s Congress to block the government from using telecoms equipment made by Huawei and ZTE; and Mr Trump has halted the takeover of Qualcomm by Broadcom, a rival chipmaker, on national-security grounds, for fear it would give China the edge in setting standards for 5G, a wireless technology.



row: 严重分歧;纠纷 A row is a serious disagreement between people or organizations.
make an example of sb: to punish sb as a warning to others not to do the same thing
· 惩罚某人以儆戒他人;用某人来杀一儆百
mount: to increase gradually
· 逐步增加:
 Pressure is mounting on the government to change the law.
 The death toll continues to mount.
edge: a slight advantage over sb / sth
· (微弱的)优势:
 The company needs to improve its competitive edge.
 They have the edge on us.

  1. A parallel salvo this week, by the Federal Communications Commission, was all of a piece. America’s telecoms regulator voted unanimously to move forward with a plan to stop federal subsidies to domestic carriers who use suppliers that are considered to be a risk to American national security. It pointed in particular to congressional scrutiny of Huawei and ZTE.



salvo: the act of firing several guns or dropping several bombs, etc. at the same time; a sudden attack
· 齐射;齐投;奇袭:
 The first salvo exploded a short distance away.
 (figurative)The newspaper article was the opening salvo in what proved to be a long battle.
(all) of a piece (formal): all the same or similar
· 一模一样;相仿:
 The houses are all of a piece.
carrier: a company that provides a telephone or Internet service
· 电话公司;互联网公司;通信公司:
 a telecoms carrier

  1. Edison Lee of Jefferies, an investment bank, thinks that ZTE has a shot at negotiating the ban away, but that if it fails it will hope to involve the Chinese government in a mediation process. Even if ZTE’s fate becomes a bargaining chip in a trade dispute, a resolution may take many months. Until then the firm will at best limp on.
    8)投资银行Jefferies的Edison Lee认为,中兴尝试通过谈判来解除禁令,但如果失败了,它会希望中国政府参与调解过程。即使中兴的命运成为贸易纠纷的筹码,(找到)解决方案可能也需要数月时间。在此之前,该公司最多只能蹒跚前行



shot: the act of trying to do or achieve sth
· 尝试;努力:
 The team are looking good for a shot at the title.
 I've never produced a play before but I'll have a shot at it.
 I'm willing to give it a shot.
 Just give it your best shot (= try as hard as you can)and you'll be fine.
chip: a small flat piece of plastic used to represent a particular amount of money in some types of gambling
· (作赌注用的)筹码 :
(figurative)The release of prisoners was used as a bargaining chip.
limp on: to move slowly or with difficulty after being damaged
· (受损后)缓慢行进,艰难地移动:
 The plane limped back to the airport.
 (figurative)The government was limping along in its usual way.





