2019-05-13 beef up
词:beef up
英英释义:to make something stronger or more effective, esp. by adding more support
例句:To boost sales and brand image, companies are beefing up their social media presence.
beef up 表示“加强、改善“。可替换 improve/increase/strengthen 等词。
The tragic incident, where a 10-year-old boy was stabbed to death on campus, will prompt schools to beef up their security measures.
《经济学人》中也经常使用 beef up,比如:
to beef up one’s oversight
beef up enforcement
3. 从认识到会用(作业)
China should beef up its legislation against domestic violence.
(参考翻译: China needs to beef up legislation to curb domestic violence/abuse.)
The relative authority should beef up oversight of Chinese patent medicines to curb its abuse, linked to many deaths nationwide each year .