
「 口译同传」华为鸿蒙系统Harmony OS发布会英文同传

2019-08-14  本文已影响0人  52e47f71698a
2019年8月9日,华为在广东东莞召开开发者大会(HDC.2019),正式对外发布了自研操作系统鸿蒙(Harmony OS )。 华为消费者业务CEO、华为技术有限公司常务董事余承东首先出场,向公众介绍了华为的首款搭载鸿蒙OS的产品——荣耀智慧屏,并对鸿蒙操作系统的开发历程及特点进行了详细阐述。 余承东介绍说:“鸿蒙操作系统开发人员约4000多人,我们有全世界优秀的操作系统人才,操作系统设计需要专家和牛人,我们有下一代领先的操作系统的架构师和设计师。 “鸿蒙OS是基于微内核的全场景分布式OS,这是分布式架构首次用于终端OS,可以实现跨终端无缝协同体验。鸿蒙采取微内核,天然无Root,从全球最权威的安全机构评测看,鸿蒙系统达到5和5+最高安全级别。” 关于鸿蒙操作系统的名称,鸿蒙是中国传说中的一个时代,在混沌之前。后来,世人通常把“鸿蒙”比作远古时期。而其对应的英文名,余承东认为从意思上英文中最接近的单词应该是Genesis,但为了使中英文发音相近,因此最后决定英文名称为HarmonyOS,是希望给世界带来更多和谐和方便。

Huawei unveils its rival to Android. It's called Harmony

Huawei has finally unveiled its own operating system

The reveal of Harmony OS comes months after the Chinese tech company was placed on a US trade blacklist that barred American firms from selling tech and software to Huawei unless they get a license to do so. That ban has prevented companies like Google (GOOGL) from supplying new Huawei devices with its version of Android OS.

Harmony, which is called "Hongmeng" in Chinese, "is completely different from Android and iOS," Apple's (AAPL) operating system, said Richard Yu, the CEO of Huawei's consumer business group. He announced the software Friday at a developer conference in Dongguan, China.

Yu said that Huawei can start using Harmony in smartphones "at any time," but he said that the company is giving "priority" to Android right now.

"We will switch to [the] Harmony system when we can't use Android," he said, adding that it is "not that difficult" to migrate from Android to Huawei's own system.

migrate 迁移(使用新的操作系统,或将资料从一种操作系统移至另一种操作系统)

Harmony will be deployed first in Huawei's smart watches, smart screens, smart speakers and other devices, including "in-vehicle systems." Devices that use Harmony will be integrated with each other.

in-vehicle systems 车载系统

The company also said that the operating system will be open sourced.

Huawei is the world's second largest smartphone seller behind Samsung and it has relied on a suite of Google services for its devices, including the Android system and the Google Play app store. But the US ban has thrown a wrench into that partnership since it was implemented in May.

put/throw a spanner in the works 从中捣乱;破坏计划

Consumers who already owned Huawei smartphones were largely unaffected, Google said in May. But the blacklist limited Huawei to the public version of Android for new devices — thus cutting it off from Google apps and services, including Gmail and Google maps.

Sales of Huawei's smartphones have suffered in international markets as a result, but have held up well in China where most of Google's popular products are banned anyway and Huawei has been offering alternatives. The company said Friday that it will "lay the foundations" for Harmony in China, and then "expand it further to the global ecosystem."

lay the basis/foundations for sth 为…打基础;开创

American tech companies had hoped to soon resume sales to Huawei. But that might not be happening soon: Bloomberg reported earlier Friday that the White House plans to delay a decision on granting licenses that would allow US companies to keep selling to Huawei, citing people familiar with the matter.

The United States claims that Huawei is a national security concern. Huawei denies that is the case, and says that none of its products pose a national security risk.


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