
2018-02-23  本文已影响0人  杏noclip



Sounds and Letters 音&字母


Consonants and Vowels 辅音&元音


able, augh, bl, br, ch, ci, cial, cian, ck, cl, cr, ct, dge, dis, dr, dw, ed, ex, fl, fr, ft, ful, gh, gl, gr, in, ing, ious, kn, ld, le, lf, lk, lm, lp, lt, ly, ment, mis, mp, nce, nch, nd, ng, nk, nse, nt, ough, over, ph, pl, pr, psy, pt, re, sc, sh, shr, sk, sl, sm, sn, sp, spr, st, str, sw, tch, th, thr, tien, tion, tr, ture, tw, un, wh, wr

Common Words

a, at, am, and, any, are, again, do, does, done, is, of, for, be, been, the

can, come, he, she, me, I, us, who, you, your, was, were, use, to, two, too

here, have, has, had, whole, could, would, should, enough, though, they, them, their, there, where

go, get, give, gone, made, make, many, no, know, not, run, said, say, son, sun

eye, keep, live, like, love, man, move, none, one, once, only, put, some, stop, very

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