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推酷《Guru Weekly》第三十六期

2016-07-27  本文已影响45人  推酷

推酷诚意满满的英文技术周刊《Guru Weekly》, 下面是内容列表,干货多多,也可以移步到官网进一步阅读


  1. How To Use Arguments And Parameters In ECMAScript 6

  2. 5 great CSS animation resources

  3. The Illusion Of Life: An SVG Animation Case Study

  4. Learn TypeScript in 30 Minutes

  5. Why object literals in JavaScript are cool

  6. Ad Blocker Detector for Google Adsense with JavaScript

  7. Create Custom Audio Player Using HTML5 And JavaScript

  8. Vertically Aligning Wrapped Text in a Flexbox Layout

  9. Anime.js Makes Animating CSS and SVG Easy


  1. Reactive Programming with RxSwift

  2. Building iOS Apps with Xamarin and Visual Studio

  3. A deep dive into Android View constructors

  4. The Guide to Open Source Swift

  5. Use React Native to a Create a Face Recognition App


  1. Making the Switch from Node.js to Golang

  2. How we broke PHP, hacked Pornhub and earned $20k

  3. Goodbye, Object Oriented Programming

  4. A Deep Dive into Laravel 5.3 Features

  5. Rust: The New LLVM

  6. LLVM Programmer’s Manual

  7. Exploring a minimal WebAPI with ASP.NET Core


  1. Moving a Node.js app from PaaS to Kubernetes Tutorial

  2. dnmap – Distributed Nmap Framework

  3. Kubernetes Log Analysis with Fluentd, Elasticsearch and Kibana

  4. How I built an app with 500,000 users in 5 days on a $100 server


  1. Machine Learning over 1M hotel reviews finds interesting insights

  2. A Beginner's Guide to Understanding Convolutional Neural Networks

  3. Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem

  4. DeepHeart: A Neural Network for Predicting Cardiac Health

  5. Sequence Classification with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras


  1. The Uber Engineering Tech Stack, Part I: The Foundation

  2. REST API Design Guidelines

  3. Microsoft REST API Guidelines

  4. Getting Started with TDD in React

  5. Introducing Wallaby.js App: realtime bird's eye view of JS project's tests

  6. Fun with the Windows Subsystem for Linux


  1. Node.js Website Boilerplate

  2. Forrest - the npm scripts desktop client

  3. Building regular expressions with expressive semantics

  4. Orgalorg – modern parallel SSH, file sync and cluster maintenance tool

  5. On the fly SSL registration and renewal inside Nginx with Let's Encrypt

  6. Lint for HTTP

  7. Gotrace - a concurrency tracer and visualizer for Go

  8. Query Java source code with plain SQL

  9. data access framework for PostgresSQL (nodejs)

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