Yoga writing 007成长营1期


2018-03-05  本文已影响0人  ShawnaHUA


脚后跟抵住会阴:Positioning your heel against your perineum

保持左脚贴紧右大腿内侧:Keep the left foot pressing into the right inner thigh

保持双腿启动:Keep your legs active

双腿交叉,上提:Cross your legs and lift up

右腿盘半莲花:Take the right leg into half lotus

左膝正对地面:Left knee pointing down towards the floor

伸展打开腿部后侧:Open the back of the legs

双腿保持与地面平行:Keep the legs parallel with the ground

直腿上抬:Lift up with straight legs

膝盖往垫子上压:Press your knees to the mat


尾骨内扣:Tuck your tailbone down

骨盆朝前:Position your pelvis forward

坐骨水平:Allow the sitting bones to be level

髋关节放松:Release your hip joints


拱背:Round the back

保持脊椎的伸展:Maintaining the extension in your spine

保持下背的长度和力量:Maintain the length and strength in your lower back


肚脐向前贴向大腿:Bring your navel forward to your thigh

胸腔贴向膝盖:Chest to the knees

保持耻骨和胸骨之间的长度:Maintain the length between your pubic bone and sternum


肩胛骨展开:Shoulder blades move away from each other

颈部保持放松 :Neck remains free

肩膀往下旋转:Rolling your shoulders down

肩膀放平:Square your shoulders


双手合十:Press the palms together

双手背后反祈祷:Hands in prayer position behind your back

手肘上抬  Let your elbows raise

伸展双臂:Extend your arms

双手扶髋:Hands on the waist

右手抓住左手腕:Hold your left wrist with your right hand


下巴往下接触地面:Move the chin down towards the ground

目光稳定:Keeping your gaze steady

目视前方:Gaze forward

眼睛注视左手指尖:Gaze at your left finger tips


深长稳定地呼吸:Allow your breath to be deep, long and steady

每个体式保持5次呼吸:Take 5 breaths in each posture

呼吸稳定,身体放松:Steady the breath, relax the body

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