
2019-06-20  本文已影响0人  Ombres




1. 查询时关联 Query-time join



public final class JoinUtil {
   * A query time join using global ordinals over a dedicated join field.
   * This join has certain restrictions and requirements:
   * 1) A document can only refer to one other document. (but can be referred by one or more documents)
   * 2) Documents on each side of the join must be distinguishable. Typically this can be done by adding an extra field
   *    that identifies the "from" and "to" side and then the fromQuery and toQuery must take the this into account.
   * 3) There must be a single sorted doc values join field used by both the "from" and "to" documents. This join field
   *    should store the join values as UTF-8 strings.
   * 4) An ordinal map must be provided that is created on top of the join field.
   * Note: min and max filtering and the avg score mode will require this join to keep track of the number of times
   * a document matches per join value. This will increase the per join cost in terms of execution time and memory.
   * @param joinField   The {@link SortedDocValues} field containing the join values
   * @param fromQuery   The query containing the actual user query. Also the fromQuery can only match "from" documents.
   * @param toQuery     The query identifying all documents on the "to" side.
   * @param searcher    The index searcher used to execute the from query
   * @param scoreMode   Instructs how scores from the fromQuery are mapped to the returned query
   * @param ordinalMap  The ordinal map constructed over the joinField. In case of a single segment index, no ordinal map
   *                    needs to be provided.
   * @param min         Optionally the minimum number of "from" documents that are required to match for a "to" document
   *                    to be a match. The min is inclusive. Setting min to 0 and max to <code>Interger.MAX_VALUE</code>
   *                    disables the min and max "from" documents filtering
   * @param max         Optionally the maximum number of "from" documents that are allowed to match for a "to" document
   *                    to be a match. The max is inclusive. Setting min to 0 and max to <code>Interger.MAX_VALUE</code>
   *                    disables the min and max "from" documents filtering
   * @return a {@link Query} instance that can be used to join documents based on the join field
   * @throws IOException If I/O related errors occur
  public static Query createJoinQuery(String joinField,
                                      Query fromQuery,
                                      Query toQuery,
                                      IndexSearcher searcher,
                                      ScoreMode scoreMode,
                                      OrdinalMap ordinalMap,
                                      int min,
                                      int max
  1. 先执行fromQuery查询子文档,获得一个collector
  2. 然后再以这个collector的结果作为条件查询toQuery结果

query-time join由于查询了两遍,性能会下降。

2. 索引时关联 Index-time join




A - 1,2,3
B - 4
C - 5,6

public class ToParentBlockJoinQuery extends Query {
/** Create a ToParentBlockJoinQuery.
   * @param childQuery Query matching child documents.
   * @param parentsFilter Filter identifying the parent documents.
   * @param scoreMode How to aggregate multiple child scores
   * into a single parent score.
  public ToParentBlockJoinQuery(Query childQuery, BitSetProducer parentsFilter, ScoreMode scoreMode)



这种方式比query time index要快一些,大概30%,目前更建议在合适的情况下选择两种不同的关联用法。



  "group" : "fans",
  "user" : [
      "first" : "John",
      "last" :  "Smith"
      "first" : "Alice",
      "last" :  "White"


  "group" : "fans",
  "user.first" : ["John","Alice"],
  "user.last" : ["Smith","White"]







protected Query doToQuery(QueryShardContext context) throws IOException {
        ObjectMapper nestedObjectMapper = context.getObjectMapper(path);
        if (nestedObjectMapper == null) {
            if (ignoreUnmapped) {
                return new MatchNoDocsQuery();
            } else {
                throw new IllegalStateException("[" + NAME + "] failed to find nested object under path [" + path + "]");
        if (!nestedObjectMapper.nested().isNested()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("[" + NAME + "] nested object under path [" + path + "] is not of nested type");
        final BitSetProducer parentFilter;
        Query innerQuery;
        ObjectMapper objectMapper = context.nestedScope().getObjectMapper();
        if (objectMapper == null) {
            parentFilter = context.bitsetFilter(Queries.newNonNestedFilter(context.indexVersionCreated()));
        } else {
            parentFilter = context.bitsetFilter(objectMapper.nestedTypeFilter());

        try {
            innerQuery = this.query.toQuery(context);
        } finally {

        // ToParentBlockJoinQuery requires that the inner query only matches documents
        // in its child space
        if (new NestedHelper(context.getMapperService()).mightMatchNonNestedDocs(innerQuery, path)) {
            innerQuery = Queries.filtered(innerQuery, nestedObjectMapper.nestedTypeFilter());

        return new ESToParentBlockJoinQuery(innerQuery, parentFilter, scoreMode,
                objectMapper == null ? null : objectMapper.fullPath());


Nested 实际的查询时一个聚合NestedAggregator,主要实现在NestedAggregator.java这个类中:

 public LeafBucketCollector getLeafCollector(final LeafReaderContext ctx, final LeafBucketCollector sub) throws IOException {
        IndexReaderContext topLevelContext = ReaderUtil.getTopLevelContext(ctx);
        IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(topLevelContext);
        Weight weight = searcher.createWeight(searcher.rewrite(childFilter), ScoreMode.COMPLETE_NO_SCORES, 1f);
        Scorer childDocsScorer = weight.scorer(ctx);

        final BitSet parentDocs = parentFilter.getBitSet(ctx);
        final DocIdSetIterator childDocs = childDocsScorer != null ? childDocsScorer.iterator() : null;
        if (collectsFromSingleBucket) {
            return new LeafBucketCollectorBase(sub, null) {
                public void collect(int parentDoc, long bucket) throws IOException {
                    // if parentDoc is 0 then this means that this parent doesn't have child docs (b/c these appear always before the parent
                    // doc), so we can skip:
                    if (parentDoc == 0 || parentDocs == null || childDocs == null) {

                    final int prevParentDoc = parentDocs.prevSetBit(parentDoc - 1);
                    int childDocId = childDocs.docID();
                    if (childDocId <= prevParentDoc) {
                        childDocId = childDocs.advance(prevParentDoc + 1);

                    for (; childDocId < parentDoc; childDocId = childDocs.nextDoc()) {
                        collectBucket(sub, childDocId, bucket);
        } else {
            return bufferingNestedLeafBucketCollector = new BufferingNestedLeafBucketCollector(sub, parentDocs, childDocs);


  1. 先拿到父文档的docid集合。
  2. 获取父子文档的docid迭代器。
  3. 判断子文档是否符合条件,符合条件的数据放到collectBucket


es中的join实际上就是query time join的实现,以一个字段作为关联的主键,然后进行关联查询,具体查询的实现逻辑如下,原理还是JoinUtil.createJoinQuery

public class HasChildQueryBuilder extends AbstractQueryBuilder<HasChildQueryBuilder> {
    public Query rewrite(IndexReader reader) throws IOException {
            Query rewritten = super.rewrite(reader);
            if (rewritten != this) {
                return rewritten;
            if (reader instanceof DirectoryReader) {
                IndexSearcher indexSearcher = new IndexSearcher(reader);
                IndexOrdinalsFieldData indexParentChildFieldData = fieldDataJoin.loadGlobal((DirectoryReader) reader);
                OrdinalMap ordinalMap = indexParentChildFieldData.getOrdinalMap();
                return JoinUtil.createJoinQuery(joinField, innerQuery, toQuery, indexSearcher, scoreMode,
                    ordinalMap, minChildren, maxChildren);
            } else {
                if (reader.leaves().isEmpty() && reader.numDocs() == 0) {
                    // asserting reader passes down a MultiReader during rewrite which makes this
                    // blow up since for this query to work we have to have a DirectoryReader otherwise
                    // we can't load global ordinals - for this to work we simply check if the reader has no leaves
                    // and rewrite to match nothing
                    return new MatchNoDocsQuery();
                throw new IllegalStateException("can't load global ordinals for reader of type: " +
                    reader.getClass() + " must be a DirectoryReader");

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