流利说-L6 测试汇总 自用

2020-12-30  本文已影响0人  sindy00


1. If they owned a home or flat, it would be more difficult to move. If they decided to move, they would provably have to sell. If prices had risen, they would be okay. In fact they might even make a profit. However, if prices were down when they had to sell, they would lose money.

2. He didn't know what was causing their strange behavior, so he climbed a tree to see if he could determine what was going on.

3.  Since diseases and epidemics don't stop at national borders, this is a global issue requiring global action.

4. Though the days are dark and freezing cold in the depth of winter, the moon will rest above the horizon for weeks at a time. Its pale light illuminates the cold, craggy landscape as if acknowledging a companion and reaffirming the bonds of life. So even for those who live in the darkest part of the Earth, there's light. 

5. The accident wouldn't have happened had the weather been better.

      If the weather hadn't been bad, the accident wouldn't have happened.

6. We will never know how history might have been different had these events not taken place.

7. After discussing the injury with Bob and his parents, they concluded that the cause of the injury was from playing soccer.

8. With his death, power shifted to Octavian, who vowed revenge against the assassins. Eventually, several of the leading assassins were either killed or committed suicide.

9. What was unusual about this pandemic that it was most deadly for people aged for 20-40, rather than the elderly and young children.

10. His computer was taken in for repair last week, so it should be ready soon. 

11.Understanding injuries and the body's reaction to them can help people cope with the problems that accompany physical exercise. The support and understanding of coaches, teammates and family can be a critical factor in prevention and recovery. Once an injury occurs, it's too late to prevent it, and recovery can take a long time. For the elderly, a simple fall can be fatal.

12. It's probably safer to keep his stock and  hope that the company does well, even if its growth rate declines.

13.Injuries can be minimized by doing a proper warm up. This  consist of increasing your heart rate and the blood blow to all parts of your body.

14. He may have taken his computer with him, but I'm not sure if he did or not.

15. Gradually, Bob improved, and after a few months was close to full recovery. He no loner had any signs of depression and was finally able to return to school.

16. Malaria is caused by parasites transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. Once inside the body, the parasites can be difficulty to kill or control.



(1)What the scans showed about Bob was crucial.

(2)They showed that his brain was damaged in a way that nobody had anticipated.

(3)There was significant damage to the front part of his brain.

(3)An injury in this pat of the brain can contribute to depression and negative feeling.


(1)Many people think that the past tense form only indicates past time.

(2)However, that is only one of the possible meanings.

(3)The past tense form is also used to express something that is unlikely or imaginary, from the speaker's point of view.

(4)Here is an example:" He wishes he had a car."

(5)The fact is that he doesn't have a car, so the use of "had" indicates that it isn't real:it's imaginary. 


(1)Computer algorithms(程序) exclude undesirable traits such as the wrong hair color, race, or age.

(2)But they also exclude randomness.

(3)They reduce the chances of meeting someone different, or someone who could challenge on'e romantic ideals.

(3) Instead, they find the partner we think we want and exclude everyone else.

(4)As a result, we could be missing the opportunity of a lifetime, to meet someone we would never have expected to fall in love with.


(1) This new policy will reduce our health costs and improve productivity, which helps everyone.

(2)That's not how they see it.

(3) This kind of regulation makes people feel like robots.

(4) They have no freedom anymore.


(1)Jack is a psychiatrist, which means he treats people who have mental problems.

(2)He has been treating patients for many years and has used a variety of treatments.

(3) Sometimes he just listens and talks to patients, and sometimes he uses medications.

(4) These medications affect the brain in many different ways.


(1) Despite advances in technology, one of the biggest threats to human survival comes from primitive life forms.

(2)Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and parasites.

(3)These organisms have no access to education or technology, but they present a huge challenge to humanity.

(4)That's because they are adaptable.

(5) Just as adaptability has has helped humans survive, it takes it more difficult to control infectious diseases.


(1)Many people think that the the past tense form only indicates past time.

(2)However, that is only one of the possible meaning.

(3)The past tense form is also used to express something that is unlikely or imaginary, from the speaker's point of view.

(4)Here is an example:" He wishes he had a car."

(5)The fact is that de doesn't have a car, so the use of "had" indicates that it isn't real: it's imaginary.


(1)Blood pressure is easily measured, and there are lots of treatments.

(2) Lifestyle modifications to control it include increasing physical activity and reducing salt intake.

(3)The other lifestyle risk factors are modifiable as well.

(4)High intake of fish and fruits, for example, is associated with a lower risk of stroke.


(1)One thing Walter is considering is to sell his shares in the company.

(2)He could begun to sell a little at a time and reinvest the money somewhere else.

(3)But where would he invest.

(4) He doesn't know much about investing, and several of his friends have lost a lot by making bad investments.


(1) To survive, your first task will be to find water, a rare commodity in the desert.

(2) Animals such as ants and seed-eating birds are strong indicators of water

(3) You can also cut and suck moisture from the roots and leaves of plants.

(4)Trees like the desert oak have roots near the surface.

(5)But be careful, the branches of gum trees are a rich source of water, but the leaves are poisonous, so don't eat them.


(1)You want a lifestyle that you can't have in the city.

(2)If you really want those things, you could move back to the countryside.

(3)No,That's not an option.

(4) If I did that my wife would divorce me.


1. accelerating  speeding up ( degrading, collapsing, revolving)

2.desperate, depressed (amused, frightened, calm)


4.to be desperate: frantic(犹豫恐惧或担心)无法控制感情的,发狂似的,disappointed, 

5.Sketical, doubtful.

7. insane, crazy;

8.To be better than any competitors means: unsurpassed(卓绝的), notorious(臭名昭著的),unmotivated(动机不明的), unrivalled(无以伦比的),worthless(无价值的)

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