1. To be a big deal
2. To be the big cheese
3. To be a big fish in a small pond
4. To be big hearted
5. To be a big shot
6. To make the big time
7. Play in the big leagues
8. Big break
9. To have bigger fish to fry
10. To give someone a big head
Let's first take a look at the idoms above. How many of them are familiar to you? How many of them are somewhat strange? It's a quiz(小测验). The full mark is 10, how many points did you get? If you got less than 6, then you need to take some notes. 低于6分的同学们,赶紧拿出笔记本啦!
1. To be a big deal
big deal 有两层意思
①Something that is considered important or consequential(重要的).
②Who cares? That's not impressive or important.
通常情况下,to be a big deal,指的是要成为大人物,即重要的人。
To be an important / successful person
If you want to be a big deal, never stop learning.
引申:If someone makes a big deal out of something, they make a fuss(小题大做) about it or treat it as if it were very important.
2. To be the big cheese
Very informal.
To be an important / influential person, especially in an area of work / company.
‘The big cheese’ is often used to talk about the boss or manager.
3. To be a big fish in a small pond
4. To be big hearted
5. To be a big shot
I haven’t seen you in a while. I heard you became a big shot in the city. I’m surprised you still have time for us. 最近一直没见你,听说你在城市里发达啦。你居然还有时间见我们啊。(讽刺意味十足)
6. To make the big time
To become successful in something you do – often earning a lot of money.
When he made the big time he took everyone to the most expensive restaurant in town to celebrate.
7. Play in the big leagues
to become involved in something of largeor important proportions
Often used in business(通常用在商务场合) when someone is promoted or starts doing work that has a bigger impact.
She’s been promoted to regional manager. She’s playing in the big leagues now! 她被提拔到区域经理啦。
8. Big break 重大的突破
An opportunity or turn of events that leads to success. A big break is often used for people involved in the arts (artists, actors etc.), to talk about one specific opportunity that led to their work being recognised and to them being successful.
9. To have bigger fish to fry 有更重要的事要忙
To be worried about more important or more urgent problems.
10. To give someone a big head 自大的
To be conceited or arrogant.
She’s not big headed, but she often comes across that way to new people she meets. 她并不是狂妄自大,但当她跟别人第一次见面时会显得很自大。
A little progress every day, you will make a big difference.