2017-10-16 星座星象每日运程

2020-05-08  本文已影响0人  WesleyNJ




by Rick Levine

For Everyone: Extra effort pays off today as the Sun forms a supportive sextile with karmic Saturn. We’re able to organize the various tasks that are involved in the completion of a complex project. We see the world through a realistic lens, inspiring us to create a plan and execute it in a timely manner. The detail-oriented Virgo Moon improves our concentration and our efficiency. We are unrelenting until we reach our goals while the Moon trines potent Pluto.

For You: Your responsibilities are clearly defined today and you can’t wait to get to work. Ironically, it doesn’t even matter whether you enjoy your job; you are simply excited about establishing priorities and completing tasks one at a time. You possess an uncanny level of concentration now that is boosted by a pragmatic Sun-Saturn sextile. Fortunately, there is a direct cause-and-effect relationship between your efforts and your accomplishments. Karma delivers in mysterious ways.



