
2018-10-06  本文已影响0人  Tommmmm

integrate /'ɪntɪɡret/ 融入 使成为一体
integrity 正义

derive 源于 取自 获得
We derive many profit / benefit / satisfaction from this technology.

evolution 进化 演化

revolution 革命

evolve: it changes gradually over a long period of time
进化 逐渐形成 演化

permanent 长久的 永久的
perpetual 永久的 连续不断的
temporary 暂时的

temperature 温度

genetic trait 遗传特性

drawback 缺点 弊端 不利条件
controversial 有争议的

reluctant 不情愿的
She gave a reluctant smile.

except 除了……以外
exception 例外

expect 期望
live up to one's expectation

Apart from撇开…来说(表示除…以外尚有)
except 意为:“除...以外(没了)。” 排除 大家都交了作业,除了小明
except for 意为:“除...之外,其他都...”用来评价事物的美中不足

genetic 遗传的 基因的
genius 天才 天赋

His impulsive temperament regularly got him into difficulty.
impulsive 冲动的
陷入麻烦:be stuck in trouble

brochure /'brəʊʃə; brɒ'ʃʊə/ 小册子
travel brochure

folder 文件夹
fold 折叠 I fold the clothes up

delicate 精致的 微妙的 柔和的 精美的
diligent /'dɪlɪdʒ(ə)nt/ 勤勉的

democracy 民主
democratic 民主

demographic 人口的
The demographic trend is towards an older population.

enterprise 事业 企业 /'entəpraɪz/

derive 源于 取自
We derive many profit / benefit / satisfaction from this technology.

deprive of 剥夺 使丧失

without permission

infrastructure 基础设施
Some country lacks a suit economic infrastructure

The decision is based on the ignorance and prejudice,

Strict discipline was imposed on the recruits.

impose 利用;施加影响
impose their moral value on their children.道德观强加给孩子
impose an positive effect on

expose 曝光 暴露
Too much exposure to the screen can be detrimental to your eyes

deceptive 有欺骗性的
misleading and deceptive advertisement

enclose 装入 放入信封✉

procedure 程序 手续
What’s the procedure for applying for a visa? 申请签证需要怎样的手续?

enemy 敌人 注意拼写

polish 磨光,擦亮;

ladder 梯子 阶梯 /'lædə/

reluctant 不情愿的
redundant 多余的 过剩的

pupil 学生 未成年人

resemble 类似 像
He grew up to resemble his father.

assemble 集合 集中
A large crowd has assembled outside the American embassy

embassy /'embəsɪ/ 大使馆

duplicate 复制 复制品

assume 假定 承担
It seems reasonable to assume that this book was written around 1900
assume the responsibility for all financial matters

anticipate 动词 期望

underestimate 低估
We underestimated how long it would take to get there.

temple 寺庙 庙宇
imitate 模仿
mimic 模仿 也是动词

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